jdg! | how you met!

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so if you don't know what advisory period is, it is basically homeroom. i will call it advisory and M period because that's what my school calls it. this imagine is also longer so enjoy bubs!

I walked to the bus stop with y/bf/n. "Y/n! Y/bf/n! Wait up!" Both of you turn around to see y/g/f/n and y/b/f/n. You all stood next to each other. "I can't wait for today to be over," y/b/f/n said. "Why? It's the first day! We're officially freshmen!" "Y/n, we're the underdogs now. Last year we were on top but now we'll be the youngest," y/bf/n said while y/g/f/n nodded. "Guys, we need to be optimistic about this. High school will be fun. Let's not think of it as being bad." The bus drove up to the stop. "This a new start and I already know it's going to be a good one," I said as we sat down in our seats. "Okay, why do you have to be so positive all the time. Let us be mad that summer's over." "Ugh. I hate summer!" "WHAT!?" they all said in unison. "Being stuck in my house with y/p/n gets old fast. Plus my parents are always working so I can't hang out with you guys. Oh, and on the weekends while you guys do sleepovers I have sleepovers with my annoying cousins." "Could be worse." "Yeah, you could be stuck with Jack." "Jack?" "Your neighbor who you have liked since you were eleven." "That's not true. Jack is nice but I don't know him." "Yeah but remember the first day you moved. You literally gushed over him." "Remember that love letter you wrote!" "Y/b/f/n! We agreed we wouldn't talk about that!" I pulled my hood from my hoodie over my head as my face turned red and my friend laughed at me. "That was little me. I haven't seen Jack in months. He's always busy and never home. Plus I don't think he even goes to school anymore." "Well he was filming all summer." "True. I wonder what school he's going to." "Probably the one that all of his friends from middle school are going to." I looked out the window. I saw a familiar boy. "Holy shit." "What y/n?" I pointed at him. "Jack. He's here. He goes to our school now." "What the fuck! Oh my God! Y/n!" Y/g/f/n was freaking out. "Chill dude," I said as I took my hoodie off. We walked into school and went straight to our lockers, all conveniently next to each other. We were all laughing at one of y/bf/n jokes and I wasn't paying attention and I tripped. "Oh my Gosh. I am so sorry!" "It's okay." I looked up to see the one and only, Jack Dylan Grazer. He held his hand out and helped me up. "Thanks." We smiled and then my friends and I continued walking. I shoved my hoodie in my locker and grabbed my books according to the classes I had before lunch. "I wonder how many classes we'll all have with him." "Well we're all bound to have at least one with him," I said. "What if he's one of our schedule buddies!?" "Schedule buddy? What the fuck is that?" I looked at y/b/f/n and shook my head while laughing. "Someone you share the same schedule with. I always get the best schedule buddy. Last year I had Luke." "I know! I was so jealous!" "You were so lucky! You got to see his gorgeous face all day." All three of us gushed over him as y/b/f/n rolled his eyes. "Let's compare schedules. Maybe we have each other as buddies?" I pulled out my schedule. "Yes!" I looked up and y/b/f/n and y/bf/n had the same schedule. "Y/g/f/n, where's your schedule?" "Oh my schedule buddy is some guy named Ruben." "How do you know?" I asked. They all looked at each other. "Is there something I don't know?" "We are all on this snapchat group chat with everyone in our grade," y/bf/n said. "No one added me." "We asked Ali if we could add you and she said no." I scoffed. I closed my locker and said, "Wow. Thanks." I walked to advisory. I sat down in my seat and laid my head on my desk. I saw Jack walk in. We locked eyes and he walked over. "Hey stranger. Haven't seen you in a while." I laughed and lifted my head up. "Hey. How are you?" He sat down next to me." "I'm good. I didn't know you went here. Well up until I accidentally tripped you." "Yeah. Sorry. I'm a klutz." "It's my fault. Anyway how long have you been going here?" "Since elementary." "Wow. Well, uh, I'm ridding the bus now so I guess you can show me where our bus is after school." "Of course." "So where are your friends?" he asked. "Late." "You guys were together before. Is everything alright?" "There not my real friends. They kept a secret from me." Jack's eyes went wide. He knew. "You know to, don't you." "I-" "It's fine. I get it. Nobody likes me." My friends walked in. "Y/n, that's not true. You have friends and I am your friend too." "Then why did nobody inform me that I was so unwanted." "I would've told you but I never got to see you. Plus, I was kicked from the chat." "Well my friends still didn't tell me anything." I looked behind me and they all sat next to each other while whispering. I rolled my eyes. "Now they're talking shit about me." The bell rang. "All right class. I will be calling roll and then you guys can just talk. You're only here for 15 minutes and then you go to first period. If I were you, I would try to find my schedule buddy so you have someone to look for your classes with." Our teacher called roll and then everyone started talking. "Do you have a schedule buddy yet?" I looked at Jack. "No, you?" "Nope." I showed him my schedule. "No way." "What?" I leaned over and looked at our schedules. "We're schedule buddies." We both smiled. "Cool." "And you're now my homework buddy." I laughed. "Okay, Jack." The bell rang. "Time for Chemistry!" Jack grabbed my hand and dragged me into the hallway. "Okay. I didn't know you liked Chemistry so much," I said while laughing. "I don't. I just want to talk to you." I blushed and we headed to our class. We walked in and Jack sat next to one of his friends and I sat across from Jack. Y/bf/n walked in and sat next to me. "Y/n, please can we talk?" "You can explain your side of the story but if I think it's bullshit, I won't talk to you." "Okay that's fair. The reason why I never told you was because Ali made that group chat to make fun of you and other students. There were five other kids from our grade that weren't put in on purpose. They all talked shit about you and the others and the only reason we stayed was to defend you. Jack then said that this was ridiculous and that if they continued he would report them to the school for bullying so then they kicked him out. They still talk shit and y/g/f/n, y/b/f/n, and I decided we're going to report it at lunch." My face went pale. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you." "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad and assumed you guys hated me. I'm so dumb." "It's okay. We left you alone during M so we could figure out when we needed to report it. Also because, ya know." She winked and rolled my eyes. "Thank you," I hugged her. "No problem. Oh, and uh, Jack. Would you take care of her during lunch today?" "Of course," Jack said while he smiled at me. I smiled back. "I'm not a baby but thanks for looking out for me guys."

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