jb! | first kiss!

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"Okay, you two ready?" I nodded my head as I looked at Jacob. He was scared. It wasn't his first day but he was still scared. I held his hand and he looked at me. He lightly squeezed my hand and laid my head on his shoulder. We arrived at the courthouse. Jacob was on trial for the murder of Ben Rifkin and I would take the witness stand for Jacob. As soon as we walked out the car door, camera and microphones were everywhere. Jacob and I continued to hold hands but know we both felt scared. We walked inside and to the "break room". We sat down as we waited for Joanna. "Y/n, you okay dear?" I looked up and Mr. and Mrs. Barber. I nodded. "Just a little scared. I don't want to mess up." "You won't. You just have to answer the questions truthfully." Joanna walked in and smiled at us. "You guys prepared for the second day?" I just sat there. I didn't know what was to happen. Soon it all began to move fast as the Barbers were rushed into the court room and I had to wait outside. I waited for what felt like five seconds before I was asked to go into the court room. I took a deep breath and walked in an up to the stand. Joanna was called up and she started to ask me questions. "So on the morning of Ben's death, where were you?" "I was home. My mom had me stay home that day because I didn't feel well. I was going to go school after lunch but school was closed so I didn't get to go." "Does your mom normally bring you to school?" "No, only when she's off of work. Normally Jacob and I walked to school or Mrs. Barber drives us to school." "Did you see Jacob that morning?" "No." "Did you see him that day at all?" "I saw him for lunch. We ate at my house." "After that?" "I went to his house that night to play video games with him and Derek but I left early." "Did Jacob tell you about seeing Ben?" "Yes." "That same day?" "No. He told me the day before his arrest." "Did you tell anyone?" "I told my parents the day of his arrest." "What did he tell you?" "He said that he was walking and he saw Ben. He said he called to him but he didn't get a response so he went to go see if he was okay and he wasn't answering or loving so he lifted him up by his hoodie tag and he saw he had been murdered and he dropped him and ran." "Thank you, I have no further questions." I nodded. Neal walked up and started to ask me more questions. "Did you know Ben Rifkin?" "I knew of him. I only talked to him once." "How did that go?" "The conversation?" "Yes." "Um, he asked me to," I stopped and looked at Joanna. "Objection. Relevance." Neal sighed. "Did Ben bully you?" "No." "Did he bully the defendant?" "Yes." "What did he say when he bullied him?" "He called him names and embarrassed him in front of everyone." "What were the names he called him?" "Um," I loomed Joanna and she shook her head. I had to answer. "He would call Jacob gay and other slurs of that nature." "How did he react?" "He would just stand there and not say anything. He didn't want Ben to know it affected him." "Did he tell you how he felt?" "He would tel me that he didn't like it, nothing more, nothing less," I lied. I wasn't going to throw Jacob under the bus. "Are you sure?" "Yes." "You mentioned Derek earlier. Did Derek know anything?" "No. Jacob didn't tell him anything." "Did you?" "No." "Why?" "I don't-" "Objection. Relevance." "Granted." "So what exactly happened the day of his arrest, did he tell you anything else?" "Um no. His mom called my parents and I and we went down to the police station to try to see Jacob but they didn't let us. I wasn't able to see him until the day after he was released. Jacob only told me what happened the day before his arrest." "Okay. Thank you." I nodded and was released from the stand. I sat behind Jacob, next to his mom. "You did good," she whispered. I nodded and smiled. We listened to the other witnesses and people and then we had a break. We walked to the break room and as soon as Jacob walked in I hugged him. He held me tightly. "Thank you." "For what Jake?" "For helping me." I smiled at him. "Of course." He smiled and kissed me. I kissed back. Our first kiss. We pulled away and sat down. "The next witness is Derek. Our we ready?" "Yeah. We prepared for weeks. We got this." I looked at Mr. Barber. His enthusiasm helped. But little did we know, what was to happen next would wreck up everything.

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