Episode/Chapter 1 Part 3

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As Cadence flew to the castle to retrieve Flurry Heart , Twilight flew to the stadium and found Rarity, AppleJack, and Pinkie Pie sitting in their seats and went down to talk to them."Hey Twilight! What're YOOOOUUU doing here", Pinkie Pie said excitedly. "Well Pinkie, We have 5 minutes before the games begin and I was hoping I could check up on you gu- "Twilight said as she was cut off by one of her royal guards. "Your highness", he said as he and another bowed to Twilight."yes", Twilight said. "We must escort you to your throne.The ceremony is about to begin", said the guard. "Oh ok then", Twilight said with a frown."It'll be alright darling", Rarity said reassuringly. "Don't worry sugarcube we'll find you after the games end", AppleJack said hoping to cheer Twilight up. "Bye Twilight!", Pinkie said."I guess see you girls later", Twilight said trying to sound cheerful. As Cadence flew back with Flurry Heart, Twilight made her way up the stairs and sat on the throne alongside Cadence and the other rulers of the distant regions of Equestria. Luckily, Cadence was to her left since Celestia and Luna retired which was great since  she was the only pony she felt comfortable with except for Mayor Mare of course. Twilight sighed to which Cadence asked,"Are you alright Twilight?". "Yeah I'm fine", Twilight lied. "If you say so", Cadence said unsure on whether Twilight was actually ok or not. Cadence gave Flurry Heart her Whammy so she wouldn't get fussy during the event.As the ceremony began,she saw her friends laughing and cheering without her which only made her sadder. Cadence noticed and put her hoof on Twilight's back."Twilight. I know that look. Are you sure you're alright?" "Yeah I'm totally fine", Twilight said reassuringly. Cadence still looked worried but Flurry Heart was keeping her busy so they ended the conversation.

As Spike got ready for the opening ceremony, he looked up at the thousands of ponies in the stadium. However this time he didn't feel nervous and put on a confident look.As soon as Ms. Harshwinny gave him the signal, Spike flew up to light the torch. He looked at the crowd once again, to Twilight, then To Ms.Harshwinny. Ms Harshwinny was about to speak but before she could, Spike took a deep breath and lit the torch without any hesitation which made the crowd cheer and made Twilight showcase a wide grin.She was extremely proud that Spike was able to light the torch without her magic.Spike happily flew away from the torch and towards his mini throne near Twilight . "Did you see that Twilight! I can't believe I actually did it!" "I'm proud of you Spike!", Twilight said smiling.

As Shining Armor announced the first few teams , a guard came and spoke to Cadence."Some Dragon Lord is roaming the Crystal Empire,"Cadence said."Oh no. I forgot to tell you. I invited Dragon Lord Ember",Spike said. "YOU WHAT!", Cadence exclaimed. "It's alright  Cadence. The dragons and ponies have mutual respect for each other now that Ember's in charge", Twilight explained. "That's reassuring. I have to bring her here before she gets the wrong idea. Can you watch Flurry Heart while I search for her?",Cadence asked."Of course", Twilight said as she took Flurry Heart in her hooves."Oh and Spike. I appreciate it but next time, let us know", Cadence said as she took off. "Hehe sorry Cadence",Spike said.As Cadence flew off to find Ember, Team Ponyville was announced.Twilight and Spike cheered on and even Flurry heart joined in on the cheering.

Twilight started getting nervous about Cadence ."Spike I'm gonna go check up on Cadence. Make sure Flurry has her Whammy and DON'T, let her out of your sight. Got it?", Twilight said. Spike wasn't really paying attention and said ,"Yeah sure Twilight", unaware of what she was saying. "Good", Twilight said as she handed Flurry Heart to Spike with her Whammy before teleporting off to find Cadence. "Huh. Twilight? Why do I have Flurry Heart?", Spike asked himself.  Flurry Heart started cooing as Spike flew to the backstage area looking for Shining Armor but as he flew down from the VIP section her Whammy fell but he didn't notice ."Shining Armor? Shining Arrmooor ?", Spike called. Spike flew through looking for Shining Armor. Flurry Heart enjoyed flying around with Spike until she couldn't find her Whammy. "Wha-my, Flurry said as she tugged on one of Spike's ears to get his attention but he didn't pay attention to what she was trying to say.  Flurry teleported away from Spike in search of her Whammy."Uh-Oh", Spike said as he was frantically searching for Shining Armor.

Meanwhile, Flurry picked up every pony out of their seats and looked on the seats. No Whammy. She looked in the backstage section where Shining Armor was. "Flurry?", Shining said confused. No Wammy.

Shining Armor ran following Flurry and Spike caught up. "Spike where's Cadence?", Shining Armor said still looking for Flurry. " She went off to find Dragon Lord Ember and Twilight went to find her", Spike said nervously." Then who's supposed to be watching Flurry?", "Well I am but she flew off", Spike said. "We've got to find her before she ruins the aerial relay race. And afterwards, you and I are going to have a little chat". Spike nervously laughed as they continued to look for Flurry. "Why did she look so upset anyways?", Shining asked. "I don't know I was looking for you and- ", a look of realization came across Spike's face." Her Whammy!", he said. "Ok you find the Whammy and I'll find Flurry", Shining Armor said. Spike nodded and flew off to find the Whammy. Spike flew towards one of the guards and asked if they had seen Flurry's Whammy. "Her what?", he said. "Nevermind Spike said as he flew off.

"Was that Flurry Heart?", AppleJack asked. "Flurry Heart where?", Pinkie said excitedly. "She's right there. And she's in the middle of the field!", Rarity exclaimed. "Well come on y'all. She's not safe down there,"AppleJack said as they rushed off, making their way down the bleachers . Apple Jack grabbed her lasso and ran on the ground trying to lasso her While Rarity tried to fly her way towards her using her magic and Pinkie Pie tried to bribe her with toys and Cupcakes she pulled out of her mane to fly down.

Fluttershy tagged Rainbow Dash with the horseshoe and she flew past Spitfire. She was sure she was going to win until Flurry held the racers in place with her magic, unable to move. "Flurry Heart?", Rainbow said.Flurry started crying extremely loudly when she couldn't find the whammy. Being Equestria's first Alicorn baby, the sonic waves from her crying made the crowd cover their ears and it  knocked over the obstacles.The crowd was starting to get annoyed and they started to leave."This is absurd", the duchess of maretonia said as she and her husband along with the other rulers left the arena. "Flurry!", yelled Shining as he levitated himself up to her. "SPIKE! Wheres the Whammy!", Shining Armor yelled. "I don't know,"Spike said.As soon as Shining picked up Flurry Heart she calmed down but was still lightly crying".  "Uh-Oh", Spike said as he looked towards the top of the arena walls."WHAT IN EQUESTRIA!", Cadence and Twilight both said as they flew in with Ember."So thiiiis is how ponies do sports", Ember said. Cadence rushed over to Flurry and calmed her down completely while Twilight cut off the spell ."What HAPPENED?", Twilight asked Spike as he gave off a nervous laugh.

    One explanation later

"So THAT'S what this is all about. A toy Snail?", Rainbow Dash said. "You mean thiiiiis toy snail?", Pinkie Pie said as she pulled the Whammy out of her mane. "Whammy!", Flurry said as she flew over to Pinkie Pie and hugged her then her Whammy. "Youu had it the WHOLE TIIME", Spike yelled. "Weeeelll not exactly the whoole time. It fell from the sky." Spike face palmed himself.  "I can't believe we had to postpone the relay race because of me", Spike frowned. "It's not your fault Spike. It's mine. I should've held on to Flurry Heart."Twilight said reassuringly. "regardless of whose fault it is we still have a lot of planning to do", Shining Armor said. "I also have to go check on the other leaders to make sure they're still staying,"Cadence said ."and I'll go check on Ember before she eats the castle", Twilight said. "Cadence's eyes widened as Twilight took off. "It's a dragon thing", Spike said as everyone laughed.

                                                                              END OF EP:1

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