•《Chapter IX》•

Comenzar desde el principio

"I'm so excited for this weekend! We are going to have so much fun!" Alice squealed as they followed Ari up to her front door. "We are gonna go shopping, have makeovers, and of course a movie night. And we're gonna-"

"Alright Alice, lets not overwhelm the poor girl." Rosalie interrupts the babbling pixie-like vampire. Arianna lets out a small laugh as she opens the front door and guides the two into her house. Setting her keys down on the table and she leads them up the stairs to her room.

"My rooms right up here," she says, the two follow her into her room and look around quietly. "So what do you think?"

"I like it very simple, chic and modern. You have great style, might I say." Alice compliments and Rosalie gives a nod in agreement.

"Thank You."

"Alright, so what do you need to grab?" Rosalie asked.

"Umm just some clothes, makeup and some shower stuff." Arianna replies as she grabs a duffle bag and rummages through her closet.

About twenty minutes later the three girls exit Ariannas' room bags in hand and make their way down the stairs. Arianna walks into the kitchen and grabs a notepad and pen and quickly writes a note to her father and then grabs a water bottle from the fridge before leading the others out of the house, locking the door behind her. She makes her way to her car and throws everything into her trunk. After a few minutes of talking, the girls are on their way to the Cullens house, ready to start their sleepover weekend.
As Arianna walks into the well lit house she is met by a warm hug from Esme. She laughs as Emmett then comes rushing over and gives her a huge bear hug lifting her high off the ground.

"What took you so long, I missed you!" He exclaimed, setting her down gently.

"You just saw me like an hour ago?"

"Uh yea that's too long." He says in a joking tone, yet only he knew he actually meant it.

"Ari if you want I can show you up to my room so you can put your things down." Alice suggests, "us girls are gonna be up there for the weekend. The spare room is under renovation right now so you can sleep in mine and Jaspers room this weekend if you don't mind; it's not like we sleep anyways."

"Yeah that's fine as long as you don't mind it." Arianna says quietly, she didn't want to intrude at all.

"Of course not, follow me!" Arianna follows after the short woman as she leads her up the long stairwell. Arianna examines the art work along the wall as they walk through the hallway. Alice stops at the second door on the right and opens it quickly. She stands to the side and lets Arianna walk in first before walking over to the large king sized bed and sitting down on top of the white fluffy comforter.

"You can set your stuff down next to the vanity." Alice says pointing over to the Light brown vanity in the corner closest to the door. "So what do you think?"

Alice and Jaspers' room was spacious to say the least, one wall was completely glass facing the forest, it had a large balcony you could reach from the sliding glass door. The room itself had hardwood floors with a large door leading to a walk-in closet just as large as the couples bedroom. To the right was a large bookshelf filled with books, most of them history related, and a small section of it being romance novels and fashion magazines. Along the right wall was a large vanity equipped with a mirror hanging on the wall and organizers along it filled with makeup, hair products, nail polish, and more. Across from the large bed there was a flat screen television featuring a documentary that was currently muted. And lastly there was a small coffee table by the glass wall with three matching chairs around it.

"It's amazing, I can tell you were the one that designed it." Arianna says letting out a laugh in amazement. 

"Of course, well Jasper picked out the color scheme and Esme helped me, she's very good at home design, she as actually designed all of the houses we've owned, with the help of us girls though." Alice watches as Arianna explores her room looking through their wide variety of books. "Here come look in my closet maybe we can start out with a fashion show!" She exclaimed.

Arianna lets out a musical laugh and follows after the small whimsical vampire, excited for the days ahead.

Arianna lets out a musical laugh and follows after the small whimsical vampire, excited for the days ahead

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