Chapter Six Veronica's POV

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"Veronica," I tell him.
He smiles a half smile before disappearing right in front of my eyes. I stand there for a moment, shocked and baffled at the recent events. What the hell?
I stand there still, by the tree I had Aden pinned against only moments ago. What just happened seems so... unreal. When I threatened to stab him, he pushed the dagger into his chest. I was holding the dagger, but my hands were only wrapped around the hilt. The boy, he seemed so unafraid. I mean, he freaking stabbed himself. And he was unharmed. He wasn't scared when I had my dagger to his throat, perhaps because he can't bleed, and he seemed unafraid when I had my fire lit hand ready to burn him to ashes.
Though he seemed unafraid, when he saw the fire something sparked in his eyes. It wasn't exactly fear, but it was close to it. He could withstand a blade, but what about fire? Surely he is able to burn.
He would be dead if that other boy hasn't showed up with a crossbow. I remember last night, the same boy with the crossbow came to Aden's side when Frost knocked him out. That was another thing; Frosty beat the crap out of Aden last night, and today Aden had no marks. I saw him on the ground last night. Blood was smeared across his face and his nose looked like it was broken. Today, he seemed perfectly flawless.
The boy with the crossbow. He had this look in his eyes. A look like one a wolf or dog might have when it is about to attack. The girl, Victoria, I think she was called, well, it's obvious her and Aden are sweethearts. And then the girl behind Victoria. she seemed like she was just... I don't know... there. She just stood in the background, eyeing me carefully. She was assessing me, studying me, maybe to see how much of a fighter I would be.
I'll be honest, she looked so frail and thin. I doubt she could take down a stuffed animal.
My thoughts are interrupted by someone calling me from the house.
"Veronica?" It sounds like Gavin. "You okay?"
"Um... yeah!" I call. "I'm coming!"
I store my dagger in my boot and make my way back towards the cabin. Gavin is standing in the doorway, arms crossed.
"What took you so long?" he asks.
Tell him or don't tell him? Tell him or don't tell him? Don't tell him.
"I, uh, I just thought I heard rustling in the bushes, decided to follow after it for a while. But there was nothing."
"Nothing?" Gavin raised an eyebrow. He doesn't believe me.
"Nope," I say, popping the "p". "It was most likely just an animal. Nothing to worry about."
Before he can respond, I shoulder my way between him and the door and make my way to my room. Once I am inside, I plop down on my bed, staring at the ceiling.
I have so many questions.
But I will never know the answer to any of them. Νο matter how much I want them, I won't get them.
I sit straight up and run out the door upstairs. I go straight to Ali's room, and I am about to burst in when I notice-Ali and Cole are probably making out right now, with Kat and Frosty not here yelling at each other.
Damn, what's wrong with Kat and Frosty? I mean, it's so obvious they love each other, but Kat finds reason after reason to be mad at Frosty! Their relationship is so messed up.
I slowly raise my fist to the door and knock lightly. "Ali?"
I hear rustling and hushed whispers on the other side of the door. After a few seconds, Ali calls, "One second!"
I hear more rustling and about five minutes pass before Ali opens the door.
Her hair is slightly messy; it looks like she was trying to comb it with her fingers, she has a dazed smile on her face and her lips are swollen. From kissing Cole would be my guess.
"Yes?" asks Ali.
"I need to talk to you," I say in a hushed voice, knowing that Cole is in the room. "Alone."
She nods and turns around. She holds one finger up signalling she'll be a minute. She steps outside into the hallway and closes the door.
"Let's go for a drive," I say. "I will tell you everything."
She nods and we go outside and I hop into the drivers seat. Ali buckles in on the passenger's side.
"What do you want to talk about?" she asks.
"You know how I was gone this morning," I begin, "because I thought I saw something?"
"Well, I saw that kid, Aden, lurking around the cabin, watching us. I threatened to kill him, and he was totally fine with it," I say. "And I held the dagger over his heart, and he pushed it into his chest."
"But he pulled it out. He even bent the blade a little." I show her my dagger. "And then he said if I can't make him bleed I can't kill him, so I was about to burn him. And then the other guy from last night said not to do that and he was holding a crossbow straight at me. Aden backed away and then a zombie comes tearing out of the trees. It's going straight towards Aden, and he had a dagger in hand, but I killed it. He was looking at me in shock, and I asked if he's never seen a zombie before, and he said he's never seen someone who could also see them. Then he disappeared. Right in front of my eyes." I look over at her. "Don't tell anyone. Please? I only told you because when you know something you go off to investigate so I was thinking maybe you could help with finding out who they are."
Ali pauses and thinks for a minute. "Shouldn't we tell Cole? He could help us."
"No!" I say immediately. "If he finds out he'll have us all on lockdown for the whole trip because he'll consider them a threat."
"They are a threat."
"Maybe, but who knows? They could be good people."
"One of them held a crossbow pointed at you and one punched Frosty," says Ali. "They are dangerous."
"Aren't we, too?" I counter. "I mean, come on, we kill zombies for a living!"
"But who knows what they do? We don't kill people, but they might! Who knows? Anima could have hired them to take us out!"
"If they were with Anima, don't you think they would have tried to kill us by now?"
"You said a guy was holding a crossbow pointed at you!"
"But his finger wasn't on the trigger!"
"He still would've done it!"
"You don't know that!" I shout.
"You don't know he wouldn't pull the trigger!" shouts Ali.
I don't reply. I slowly pull the car over and stare into the woods. I see a wolf, with green eyes and dark fur. It sits on the side of the road, almost completely masked by the trees. If not for the eyes, I would've missed it entirely.
"What is it?" asks Ali.
I continue to stare at the animal. "Don't you see it?" I ask, turning to look at Ali. A confused look settles upon her face and when I look back, the wolf is gone, just as quickly as it came.
Hey, guys!
I kinda ended this chapter before I was going to but oh well sorry it took so long to update. I ended this chapter quickly because I have an announcement.
I have published a story, on the Darkest Minds series (who's read it?) and if you are part of that fandom I would love if you read it I would appreciate it. Also, please vote and comment it makes me happy. Also, thanks for so many reads! It's a lot for me, so I appreciate that.
Bye ✌️

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