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I'm not continuing this story, as said before. But I am writing another one! It's kinda an AU, but still has zombies and stuff. So, it's called The Road of Survival. That's what it's called until I get a better name. So, here's the only thing I've written for it! Read it if you want. I'll be publishing the actual book in a few day.
They were fine. They were in hardly any danger at all as they snuck past the feeding zombies. As long as the meat eaters stayed focused on their meals, then all would be just fine. No lives lost, not bloodshed, no bullets wasted. Everything would be just fine.
But no. That's just to convenient. No, they couldn't have made it past the zombies. So what could they do? Trip and run and fall and die.
Needless to say, everything went to hell quite quickly. Twenty zombies, along with more that were attracted to the loud sounds of gunshots. So that makes thirty zombies against ten humans.
What was the best thing to do? Shoot? Nope. Run? Certainly there was no time to answer that. Because they were already running.
Cole often wondered why the zombies had come to eat humans. Of course, he knew why they had been coming after people before civilization was wiped out, but now there were so many. And what was worse-they couldn't be killed by the fire. Trina had died trying to do that. The group soon discovered the only way to kill these walking corpses was to smash their brains in, or shoot them in the head. Cutting them in half wasn't enough, slicing their head off wasn't either. Ripping out their intestines didn't work either. That really sucked.
This really sucked, too. Running from zombies, shooting what was in front of him, not being able to look back to see if everyone else was okay. Ali could be dead right now, but he would have no way of knowing because he couldn't look back. Then he would be risking his own life.
Seeing a small shop, Cole sprinted towards it. He had his gun out in front of him as he entered, ready to shoot any zombies to come his way. His back against the wall, he spared a quick glance at the door. One after another of his team came in until there were nine in all.
Justin, Veronica, Bronx, Reeve, Kat, Frosty, Gavin, Lucas, and himself. Where was Ali? Cole started towards the door, but Bronx grabbed his shoulder, stopping him. The black haired male snarled at his friend, and started to go towards the door again. When his hand was on the knob, banging came from the other side. With a quick look through the border up window, he saw at least fifteen zombies piled against the door.
"Cole!" he heard. Cole looked around outside, trying to pin point Ali's location. He saw her, and she wasn't in a pleasant situation. She ran into another building, slamming the door in a few zombies faces. They pounded on the door.
Out of everyone, it was always her. She was always the one to get lost and separated. Cole hated it, but he loved her to death, so he couldn't hate her.
"What are we going to do?" Kat demanded. "We're stuck in a building with zombies outside, limited ammo, limited food and water, a door that's breaking, and we're down one person!"
"Calm down, Kat," Frosty said. "Cole knows what to do. Right, Cole?"
For once, Cole really had no idea. He didn't trust himself in this situation. He was desperate to get to Ali, no matter the cost. What he wanted to do was rush out there, get to Ali, and that would result in a death. Cole looked away and said, "I don't trust myself to make a decision. I think you would be better suited to lead in this situation."
Cole couldn't see the others reactions, for he was still staring at the building, hoping Ali could handle herself.

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