"no, but it's just about a bunch of teenagers getting drunk and high on their last day of school." i roll my eyes.

"that is not all it's about. it's about being a teenager and living. come on, actually watch it with me. please." i say giving him my puppy dog eyes. he stares at me a second before turning toward the tv again.

"fine." he says giving in. i do a little happy dance with a huge smile on my face before turning back to the tv and starting to watch the movie.

"um, do you guys maybe want to come in. we can leave the kid with my mom and i can show y'all around, if you aren't on a time crunch or anything?" i say motioning to the house.

"yeah, we got time." dean nods as sam goes to get the baby out of the backseat.

when we get into the house i hear my mom in the kitchen. "mom! we have visitors." i yell and she comes out of the kitchen into the living room.

"who are these lovely young men, el?" she says looking at the boys with questionable looks.

"these are the winchester's mom. that's sam." i point to san who was holding the baby in his arms. "and this is dean." i motion toward dean they both give her a smile. "guys, this is my mom antoinnette."

"hi, it's nice to finally meet you boys." mom says holding her hand out for dean to shake, before going over to sam, finally noticing the baby in his arms. "and who is this cutie."

"um, we're taking care of the little guy for a little bit for a friend." dean says obviously not sure whether or not my mom knew about my extracurricular activities.

"he's a shifter baby." i say and dean looks at me questionably.

"ah, i see." my mom says before holding out her arms motioning for sam to hand him to her. sam hands the baby over and my mom takes him in her arms.

"would you mind watching him while i show them around?" i ask my mom. she just nods not taking her eyes off the baby. i make my way toward the kitchen and the boys follow close behind. i open the back door showing part of our back yard.

"we live on ten acres. we used to have different animals but, now we just have two horses. they are in the last five." i say pointing toward the back of half of the field. we take the steps down off the back porch.

"wow. this is beautiful." dean says staring at the land in awe. "so is the house."

"yeah, i grew up here. i've been staying here per my mom's request. my dad and brother are out on a hunt. they should be back soon."

i give them the grand tour of the place before we head back around the front to see my dad's truck in the driveway and him and my brother around the back of it. we head over to them to see them putting some stuff away.

"hey dad." i say making our presence known.

"hey ellie." dad says holding his arms out for me to hug him. i run over to him giving him a big hug since i hadn't seen him in days. i pull away to see trey looking at the brothers behind me a weird stare.

"oh, um. trey, dad, these are the winchester's" i say motioning toward them. "this is my brother, trey. and this is my dad, daniel." my dad holds out a hand toward sam while my brother holds his own out to dean. they all shake hands.

"it's nice to meet you boys." my dad says, giving them the stare that dad gives to any boy i bring home. oh no, here it comes. "which one of you likes my daughter?"

"dad!" i yell. "neither, they are just friends."

"i highly doubt that. that one keeps giving me that scared look so i'm betting it's him." he says pointing to dean.

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