Chapter 2

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Nebula's POV 

Walking along the hard, rocky ground, Nebula stalked, sword in hand, towards where the emergency signal had come from.

She couldn't believe that someone could ever defeat Carol, but she had never thought that she could beat her adopted sister, Gamora, in combat and she'd done that pretty well, hadn't she?

What made her feel worse about the whole situation is that Carol had become determined to help Nebula to find Gamora after she had disappeared. She had originally thought that she'd let go after a few months, but when Carol decided to do something, she had decided to do something.

And now she had gone missing looking for a sister who didn't want to be found. 

Usually, when most people looked for someone, they brought along their friends or a search party. Nebula never bothered with that. The Guardians were okay, she supposed, and the Avengers were nice, but hard to get along with. She always found herself sitting in a corner somewhere, just listening in on the conversation that continued ever so easily without her. 


Nebula could hear someone stumble across the crumbly terrain.

"Hello?" She spoke out loud, praying that it wasn't a Ravanger, "Who's there?"

Footsteps veered to the right. Glaring, at the direction she heard the sound, she realized it was too dark, foggy and far to see who had made the noise.

Nebula walked faster, if someone was running away from this area, someone else could be in danger. Or dead.

Almost running, Nebula came across a large door way. She didn't even hesitate to throw the thick sheets of iron open. Letting in what little light the planet had pour into the chamber, she immediately saw signs of a fight. Blasts in the wall, broken glass, blue blood splattered on the floor. 

Please don't let it be anyone I know, she thought to herself in panic, fighting to keep a neutral expression on her face. 

The second after that, she stepped on something that was definitely not rock. Heart in throat, it took all her willpower to look down for the fear of what she'd find. A corpse was lying there, almost laughing at her very hopes.

The body was a woman's, so burnt Nebula felt vomit surge in her throat, and was lying in a small pool-

-with a golden Hala star adorning her red and blue armour. 

Trust Me, I Know (Universe 3,608,661)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora