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Beaming through the thin material curtains , the light shone brightly as it hit the groaning volleyball players causing them to wake up .

Suga was the first to rise , Daichi following right after , then the disaster duo , king and spice , and lastly ennoshita . Who had to pull a trembling Asahi from under his covers because he was haunted by the Huge spider he had seen yesterday during practice . The rest of the second years followed after him . Leaving the poor ginger in bed .

Tossing in her sheets , the Ginger suddenly sprung from her previous position . Her chest rapidly rising and falling as beads of sweat slid down her face .

Clenching her shirt , she looked ahead . Slowly spacing out .

What was that about ?

Why would she dream of such a thing ?

"W-was it my fault ? " she questioned , her heart drowning in guilt .

Hearing the door slam open , the ginger flinched turned . Meeting the eyes of the one responsible for the noise .

Sighing in relief, the Ginger smiled looking relived to see the familiar blue eyes that stared back in concern .

" Hinata are you okay " the setter questioned .

Hinata nodded .

" yeah I'm good " .

" oh , ok . Well hurry up , breakfast is ready and I need my partner for later " .

Hinata nodded again before smiling determinedly.

" got it . I just gotta change " .

" oh ok , well hurry . See ya " he dismissed , closing the door behind him and leaving Hinata alone .


Yamaguchi squinted , observing the blonde as he ate with a dull look .

" what up with you " he spoke , still chewing on his rice .

Yamaguchi hummed , tilting his head . Still looking at the blonde who held a suspicious look .

" mmmmm . You know " he started , being interrupted by the salty blonde .

" tadashi whenever you start a conversation with " you know " it ends up with me apologizing " he spoke , never meeting yamaguchis eyes .

Yamaguchi gasped dramatically.

" meeee , neverrrrr " .

Tsukiishima chuckled at his best friends dramatic behavior.

He really did love Yamaguchi. Not that way though , never that way . The last time he had romantic feelings for Yamaguchi was in middle school . After that Tsukiishima moved on ... or more like onto someone new .

" but no . It's not that . I just think , if I'm not wrong that is , that you have a little thing for Hinata " .

Tsukiishima froze , his jaw dropping and releasing the small carrot piece back into the bowl of rice .

" Don't be an idiot Yamaguchi " he threatened slamming his hands on the table .

The pinch server smirked , even if Tsukiishima hadn't reacted like that he still would've known .

" you know what I'm done" the blonde spoke , slamming his hands one the table .

" wasn't even that hungry " he muttered , making his way out of the cafeteria .

How could he ask that ?

Is he on drugs ?

Tsukiishima kei , crushing on a human tangerine ? Oh please .

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