Chapter 13

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-AN: minor warning for Envy being a tiny bit of a creep in this chapter.-

{Nights Spent With You}

Chapter 13:

Envy's POV-

During the next few nights, we did most of the same stuff we did the first. Although, as revenge for her, cheating in the picture, I jabbed her hard in the side as she was about to snap a pic, resulting in her face being absolutely hilarious! Of course, she thought otherwise. But I managed to convince her to let me keep it.
On the second night, after she'd fallen asleep on my shoulder, I moved her to lie down on the bed, positioning us just as the night before. The first time, I laid her down because I knew sleeping while sitting up would lead to a shitty backache. Although.. As she slept, I couldn't help the insanely strong urge I had to snuggle up next to her. At first, I laid down next to her, a good few inches in between us. But that quickly morphed into spooning. I wasn't sure why.. But being so close to her made me feel warm inside.. And happy. I craved that feeling.
And when she woke up, she didn't pull away, which I was assuming she'd do. Instead, she turned to me and nuzzled herself closer. I felt myself smile as she did, the warm feeling increasing tenfold as she looked at me.
The next night, I laid her down so she was facing me, our noses practically inches apart as she slept. I felt a bit awkward, just laying awake all night, looking at her as she was unconscious. It felt almost creepy. But, she knew I couldn't sleep and didn't complain, so I assumed she was okay with it. I'd tried to sleep a few times, closing my eyes and daydreaming for a while. Of course, nothing came from it. As I knew it wouldn't. As I opened my eyes, an almost buzzing sensation ran through me, my eyes drifting over her beautiful face. I felt the urge within me to touch her face. I wasn't sure why.. But I just went with it. I raised my hand, gently stroking her cheek, and pushing a strand of loose hair behind her ear. A smile perked up my lips as I felt her face, her skin so delicate and soft under my fingers. My gaze drifted down from her eyes, and I blinked as it landed on her lips. They looked so.. Beautiful. I'd never noticed it before, but her lips, slightly open as she exhaled sleeping breaths, they looked absolutely incredible. How had I never noticed it before? Maybe because we had never been this close.. The thought made me shiver, and a pleasant chill ran down my spine at my next though. [I want to kiss her.]
My eyes widened, and I stared in disbelief at her face, the thought that my own mind would be capable of rendering me so helpless to these feelings made me tremble. Never in my entire life, had I felt so incapable of controlling my own body, as my cheeks flushed pink and my hands shook. This girl.. She was making me feel all kinds of ways, and I wasn't sure I knew what any of them meant. And despite all that, it didn't feel all that bad to be this vulnerable. Just like before, when I showed her my true forms. When she said I was beautiful in all of them.. I felt so defenseless as she looked at me. But her eyes weren't scared, they weren't even judging. She looked at me like I as the most incredible thing she'd ever seen. And that'd felt great. In that moment, I'd let my guard down completely. And she didn't use it to hurt me. From then on, I relaxed completely with her, no sense of fear or anger that she'd reject me. Because she hadn't, and that meant everything to me.
As I stared at her sleeping form, I felt myself inch closer to her, to the point where I could feel her breath on my skin. I wasn't sure what I was doing.. But it just felt so nice, being so intimate and close like this. As gently as I could, I wrapped my arm around her, stroking her hair as my eyes wandered from her face down. I let out a jagged breath as my eyes landed on her lower body, the thoughts of even deeper intimacy invading my mind. I'd never done anything like that before, and wasn't even sure if I was capable of it.. And yet looking at her still sent a fire through me. I quickly averted my eyes, closing them tight, and trying to push those thoughts out of my mind. After a while I managed to calm myself down, but nearly jumped as I opened my eyes and saw her looking right at me. "Y-you're awake!" I stuttered, shuddering as a small smile graced her lips. I gulped, unable to look away as heat traveled to my cheeks. She sensed my nerves, and a second later she reached her hands around me, pulling me closer. I hadn't noticed until now that I'd been slowly inching away from her out of embarrassment. My breathing hitched as she stopped, our noses touching now. I felt something deep inside me begging to take over, and my eyes flicked down to her lips. Her eyes widened slightly, but she didn't seem to mind. As I looked back up to her eyes, she had dawned a new expression. Her lips curled up in a devious smile, her eyes lowered and nearly half lidded. Suddenly, her eyes traveled down to my mouth, and now it was my turn to be surprised. [Does she want to kiss me?] I asked myself, nerves skyrocketing at the thought. However, when her eyes locked with mine again, I felt calm. Most of my nervousness disappeared, replaced instead by lust, something I'd never thought I could feel.
Her face inched closer, and I sighed wistfully. This was really happening. I leaned in too, stopping when we were barely a centimeter apart. My mouth parted slightly, and as I stared into her eyes, she let them flutter closed. Within a second, she'd leaned up and pressed her lips against mine, and I nearly gasped at how truly amazing it felt. I closed my eyes as well, and kissed her back, all the negative feelings inside me drifting away as I did. Her lips were so soft as we kissed.. I slowly snaked my hands around her, one on landing on her waist and the other in her hair. She pressed deeper into the kiss as I did, and moved her own hands, her arms wrapping around my neck and pulling me closer. I felt a heavy breath escape my nose as she did, and tightened my grip on her waist, pulling her body flush against mine. She let out a small noise of satisfaction as our lips locked, and she moved her leg slowly, so her knee was in between my legs. I felt something spark inside me at this, and a small moan escaped my lips. My face flushed brightly, but I didn't want to stop, so I tangled my fingers in her hair and held her head tight against mine. This seemed to make her excited, as she breathed in heavily, reaching her hands up my back and under my top. "Mmf... (Y/n).." I heard myself involuntarily whimper, her hands on me being too much for me to handle. She rubbed her leg up against my crotch, and I inhaled sharply, so many unknown feelings shooting through me as she did. She noticed my inhale, and paused, slightly pulling back from the kiss, but keeping her face close to mine. As she looked up at me, I felt myself bite my lip, a blissful, yet worried sensation traveling through me. She smiled gently, moving her hand so she was cupping my cheek. "Hey." she said quietly, and I stared into her eyes, reveling in the feeling of her hand against my face. "Hey..." I spoke, cursing my voice for sounding nervous. "I'm new to this too." she said sweetly, moving her hand to my hair and softly pulling her fingers through.  I felt my eyes widen slightly at what she said, "Really? But you're so good at this." I teased, and she dawned a sly smile, leaning in slightly. "So are you." she said, averting her eyes to my lips, her (E/c) iris's glistening in the moon light. She chuckled at my seemingly awestruck expression, thumb caressing my cheek as she cupped my face in her hand. "I know you're knew to all this.. Human stuff." she said, pausing and looking up into my eyes. "We can take it slow, or you know- not do anything at all. I don't mind." she said, staring with a sort of genuine kindness I'd never seen directed at me by anyone else before. I felt a smile creep up my face, but glanced away for a second. "I'm not use to this stuff, at all.. I've um.. Never even kissed anyone before- I mean, at least not.. For real. In my real body." I said quietly, a soft dusting of pink on my face from embarrassment. She gently directed my gaze back go hers with her hand, and I let her. "Neither have I." she admitted, and I blinked at her a few times. "Really? Wow, I thought all humans loved this Lovey dovey crap." I muttered, and she laughed a little. "Well, I guess I'd never really met anyone I.. Wanted to kiss before." she explained, and I nuzzled slightly into her hand. "Hah, well I am pretty irresistible." I smirked, leaning in and pecking her lips gently with mine. She smiled into it, but I pulled back a few seconds later. "But I think you're right.. On the taking it slow part. I'm still not even used to being nice, let alone... Whatever the hell this is." I laughed, and she giggled with me. "Slow it is then." she resolved, and trailed her hand down my arm.

"Hey Envy?" she piped up, after minutes of caressing my skin gently with her index finger. "Hm?" I hummed, managing to peek my eyes open only slightly, as to not break the trance I was in. "I have feelings for you." she spoke softly, her words no longer retaining any nervousness that she once had. A fond smile graced my lips as the words left her mouth, and I knew that she was fully relaxed, completely open and happy with me. Like I was with her. "Took you long enough, princess."

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