Chapter 9

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{Philosophers Stone}

Chapter 9:

I had newfound determination as I spoke, clenching my hands into fists and walking down the hallway with purpose. Envy looked up at me, eye widening with confusion. "What? How? The only way is if we get a-" "Philosophers Stone." I finished for him, eyes glued to the elevator at the end of the hall. His breathing hitched and he asked, "Y-you know where one is?" his voice was full of hope, and yet he also retained some amount of hesitation. I nodded, "Actually, I know where two are."
As we boarded the elevator, he spoke again. "Are.. Are you sure you want to steal one for me?" he asked, and I looked down at him in shock. "I'm surprised you care." I laughed a little. He quickly looked away, face feigning anger. "I don't! I just don't want you to get cold feet at the last second, that's all!" he shot back, and I laughed again. "Yes, I'm sure. But I'm not going to steal it." I said, resolute in my words. He tilted his head to the side slightly, "Huh? Then how are you going to get it?" he asked, and I sighed. "I'm going to ask for it." I explained, and he frowned instantly. "Huh?! They're never going to let you have it! Especially not if it's for me!" he yelled, and I rolled my eyes. "Well of course I'm not going to say it's for you! I'm not an idiot." I retorted, and he chuckled. "I beg to differ" he mumbled quietly. I shook my head slightly, smile still in my face as we spoke. It felt good to be back to normal.. Well, relatively speaking. "So, what are you going to say?" he asked, and I thought for a second. "I'm gonna say.. That the Brigadier-General Mustang wanted me to retrieve it for him." I said, laughing at the notion. Envy scoffed, "Oh? And what would he need it for?" he asked, putting one of his many little hands on his hips.. Or where I guessed his hips were. I blinked a few times, trying to think of a good response. "Hm.. He needs it because.... One of his men Havoc is injured and he wants to help him! I remember in a report, they said he'd gotten paralyzed from the waste down. Dr. Marcoh will be sure to believe that." I explained, and Envy gasped. "Marcoh?!" he exclaimed, and I winced in pain as his tiny voice had practically shrieked into my ear. "Yeah.. You know him?" I asked, and he gulped. "We uh.. Have history." he said, his voice almost seeming scared. "Let's just say.. We don't want him to know I'm part of it." he finished, and I nodded. "Got it."
As we arrived on our floor, after a long elevator ride, -we were at least 10 levels down.- I quickly moved my hair in front of Envy, so he was well hidden within my locks. "Okay now stay quiet." I muttered as the doors opened, and he nodded. I took a deep breath as I walked, trying my best to remain calm as I saw eyes on me. Finally, after about 30 minutes, we made it to the lab across town. When we got to the door labeled -Dr. Marcoh- I felt my heart practically beating out of my chest. I reached for the door knob, but paused as I felt Envy's small hand touch my neck. "You got this." he said comfortingly, and I smiled, a newfound courage washing through me. I entered in stride, a firm look on my face now instead of the nervous one I had seconds before. "Dr. Marcoh, I'm (Y/n)-" I said as I saw him hunched over a work station. He turned to me and smiled. "Oh, yes I've met you before haven't I?" he asked, and I quickly nodded. "Yes sir, we met at the gala last year, am I correct?" I asked, and he quickly waved his hand in dismissal. "Oh please, stop it with the formalities. And yes, I remember. You brought your friend.. What's her name again? Sorry my memory isn't as good as it used to be." he explained, and I chuckled. "Her name's (F/n),  and it's alright." I responded, and he nodded. "Now, what do you need (Y/n)?" he asked, and I took a second to calm my breathing, focusing all my energy on making this lie sound convincing. "Brigadier-General Roy Mustang sent me to collect one of your philosophers stones." I said, face reading business only. He frowned, obviously unhappy with the subject of the stone. "What does he want it for?" he asked. "His friend Jean Havoc lost the use of his legs not too long ago, and Mustang was hoping that the stone could restore his capabilities." I explained, trying hard to keep my composure. Luckily, I was relatively good at keeping a straight face, and managed to do so as I spoke. His frown lessened, and straightened his back a little. "I see." he said simply, then motioned for me to follow him. I did so, and he lead me to a small lock box near the back of the lab. He unlocked the box, and I tried to hold back the urge to grab the stone then and there. He reached in, but hesitated halfway between him and the stone. "Do you have anyone guarding you? If the stone is taken.. It could mean serious trouble for the entire city." he asked, and I shook my head, "No, but this is.. Somewhat of a secret mission. So no one except Mustang knows I'm doing this. If the word got out, I'd be surprised." I answered, and he nodded, grabbing the stone and locking up the box once again. "It's a very strong stone, one made by the homunculi themselves. The very one Kimbley used. It should have more than enough power to help his friend, and I expect to get it back afterwords." he spoke, as if a warning, and I nodded quickly. "Of course, sir." Marcoh outstretched his hand, but paused barely an inch from mine. I looked at his face, gulping when I saw his eyes wide, and directed to slightly above my left shoulder. He quickly retracted his hand, looking back up to me in shock. "That's Envy you're hiding, isn't it?!" he asked, backing up a few steps. [Shit!] I thought to myself, my plan was falling apart. "H-he's taken over your body hasn't he?! He's making you do this?!" Marcoh said, fear clear in his voice. I quickly shook my head, trying hard to think of a good excuse.. Anything that could solve this gaping whole in our plan. "N-no, he's not! I- um, I just!" I tried, cutting myself off when I couldn't think of what to say. "Jeez (Y/n), you're really not good at thinking on the spot are you?" Envy piped up, brushing the hair gently away from my shoulder to reveal himself. I sighed, realizing that there was no way out of this. "No.. I guess I'm not." I responded, looking to Marcoh with a worried expression. "And he's not controlling me." I said, to which Marcoh furrowed his brows in fear and confusion. "What? Then why on earth would you possibly..." he trailed off, looking between Envy and I. "Oh." he said finally, glancing back to me. "I heard what you did. That you saved him, and that your punishment is to guard him for the rest of your enlistment. You're doing it again aren't you? Saving him a second time." he asked, and I nodded. "Yes." I said simply, and he sighed. "I know you're a good person (Y/n).. So I'd have to think that you want to give him a stone because you believe he won't hurt anyone." he explained, and I glanced down to where Envy was perching on my shoulders, his expression blank. "Yes. I believe that." I said, looking back to him with a fierce expression. "I know he won't hurt anyone, because if he does, it'd never talk to him again." I looked down at Envy, my eyes flashing warning as I did. He stared at me, dumbfounded. "And you wouldn't want that would you?" I smiled, and he laughed. "Stupid human! You think that would make me pass up the chance of a life time?" he asked, mocking me almost. I knew he was testing me, so I simply nodded. "I do." I said, voice calm and firm in my stance. He turned away, crossing his arms, "Pft, no.... Maybe." he muttered the last part, and I chuckled, looking back to Marcoh. His face looked tired, many bags under his eyes that I'd just seemed to notice. "Look. I know it's hard for you to believe but-" I started, but stopped as he put a hand up. "I believe you. I see that you've grown close to him, as he has to you." he started, and my eyes widened in hope. "But I simply can't allow you to give him this stone. I hope you'll understand." he finished, and my expression dropped. "Oh.." I said, and he thought for a second, putting a finger up like he had an idea. "But, I can give you something else!" he said, almost cheerfully, and I blinked in surprise. He put the stone back and lead us to a door on the other side of the room. "In here." he motioned, and we followed as he entered. My eyes widened as I entered, looking on in shock as I saw multiple holding cells, filled with stark white skinned.. People, if you can even call them that. They similar markings as Envy around their body, and each one had a singular eye on their foreheads. "Who are they?" I asked, to which Marcoh replied, "They're people without souls. Humans manufactured by the military to become mindless soldiers." he explained, and I frowned. "How horrible.. I feel so bad for them." I said, and Marcoh shook his head. "Don't, they have no souls, emotions, feel no pain and don't die. They also are made of the same materials Envy is." he spoke, and my eyes shot to his. "You mean they're made of.." I trailed off, and he nodded. "Yes, they've been injected with liquid philosophers stones. And one should be enough to restore Envy back to his preferred form." He told, and I nodded, smile returning to my face. "Really? Thank you! I'm so great full!" I said, enveloping Marcoh in a small hug. I quickly turned to Envy, a mischievous grin on my face. He seemed to notice my expression, his turning sour. "Say thank you, Envy." I demanded, my voice sickly sweet. He instantly shook his head. "What?! No way!" he spat, and I put my hands on my hips. "Well then you won't be getting your body back." I said, and he pouted. "Augh, No fair!" he yelled, but soon gave in, muttering a quick, "Thanks..." under his breath. I laughed and looked to Marcoh, his shocked expression making me feel happy. "Wow.. He really has changed." he said, laughing as well a second later.
We waited for a few minutes, as Dr. Marcoh  managed to corral one of the zombie like people into the center of the room, tying it down to make sure it wouldn't kill anyone. I set Envy down near it, and he looked up at me, his expression radiating happiness. I smiled at the sight and motioned for him to go on. He quickly leaped onto the creature, biting and latching onto its skin, burying himself within the thing. The zombie stopped its thrashing almost instantly, and it replaced with screaming. My eyes widened, but I couldn't look away. Soon, its body began to bubble violently, and its screams faded as it's skin turned green. Envy took control over the creature, and red sparks erupted from its now grotesque body as Envy's form began to appear under the sparks. Finally, they reached the top of his head, his hair whooshing as Envy was now back in his own body.. Well, as original as it's going to get. "Damn it feels good to be back!" he grinned, laughing and stretching out his bones like he hadn't in a week. I smiled at the sight of him back to normal, but his sinister glance at Marcoh made me think twice. Suddenly, he reached up, his arm extending and turning green as it flew into the cage behind him. My eyes widened as he stabbed into four or five of the zombies, quickly pulling them in and absorbing them into his body. "Oops." He mocked and grinned at Marcoh. I gaped at Envy, almost angry at him, but also understanding why he did it.. But as much as I tried to ignore the feeling, I couldn't help but worry about what Envy would do next.. A sudden thought hit me, [Has he really changed?] And I gulped. Envy's eyes darted to mine, his expression faltering as he must've seen my fear. He almost looked hurt. But he quickly grinned again, walking over to me and linking his arm in mine. "Come on, Let's go." He said, and I caught a small smile that seemed sincere. The fear I felt immediately washed away, and I nodded. "Right." I said, but looked back to Marcoh, who had a worried expression on his face. Envy did the same, and rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, I only took a few of 'em! Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt anyone or whatever." he paused, turning slightly and stepping closer to him. "Buuut, of course that could change rather quickly if you tell anyone about what just happened. Got it?" Envy warned, his voice icy. Marcoh's eyes widened, and he quickly nodded, and despite his obvious fear, I could still see a hint of curiosity in his gaze. He was no doubt wondering if Envy was really telling the truth.

I mouthed a quick "Thank you" to Marcoh as we left the lab, and he nodded back at me. I turned around and looked to Envy, smiling as I saw the calm, almost loving look on his face as he gazed down at me. Although, as soon as he saw me looking, he quickly glanced away, a small blush on his face.

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