Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Envy had transformed into one of centrals guards as we left the lab, so no one would question us. "Hey, let's go to.. Wherever we were before, you know that place way under central?" I offered, and he looked at me, expression confused. "Why?" he asked, and I almost laughed as his voice had changed to the random officers. "So I can see your other form, remember?" I said cheerily, to which he stared blankly at me. "Oh.. You were serious about that." he said simply, and I nodded. "Of course! I'm not gonna just let you keep thinking that I wouldn't like you if I saw you like that!" I explained, and he sighed. "Tch... Can't we just, not?" he asked, and I frowned. "Awe... Come on, please?" I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. He laughed and punched me playfully in the arm. "Maybe if you beg a bit more." he said, and I smiled. "Oh please, please please?! With chocolate ice cream and a cherry on top!" I whined, putting my hands together in a mock begging stance. He chuckled and nodded, "Fine. But on one condition." he said, and I stared at him seriously. "Hm?" I asked, and he smiled wide, "We get ice cream after?" He said, his expression feigning pure innocence. I giggled, "Awe, of course. But no other errands! After that we go straight back to Central!" I said firmly, and he rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, fine."

Once we arrived near Central, we decided to go from a separate entrance, so we wouldn't get caught or anything. As we descended the staircase, I kept glancing at Envy, and each time he seemed to get a little more nervous. I reached my hand towards his carefully, gently touching his pinky with mine. He instinctively flinched back, but before I could move, he grabbed my hand in his. My eyes widened slightly, and I looked up at him, smiling as I saw a faint flush on his face. As we walked, I couldn't help but Marvel at the thought that his hand was in mine. It was so warm and soft to the touch.. I didn't know it, but I'd wanted this for a while now, and finally having him like this.. Trusting me enough for this, was amazing.
When we reached the bottom, we stood in the middle of a large room. The walls were grey, and the room was rather dark. We stayed there, in a mix between comfortable and uncomfortable silence for a few minutes. Envy kept his hand in mine as he shifted worriedly in his stance. The only sound besides our breathing was the light pitter of water dripping somewhere within this dank tunnel. This room was large, very large in fact. It was much bigger than the tunnels we'd been in before. Was his true form really that huge?
Finally, I piped up. "We're here." I said, and he took a minute to respond. "Yeah.." he spoke awkwardly, and I gave him a small smile, squeezing his hand in mine. "It's okay." I offered, to which he sighed wistfully, pulling his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, yeah I get it, I'm doin' it." he retorted, and I let a slight chuckle leave my lips. Envy hesitantly let go of my hand, and let it fall to his side. He backed up at least 20 feet, and I blinked, starting to understand why he mentioned that his "beast" form was as tall as a building. I'd thought he was exaggerating but.. I guess he wasn't. He looked at me once last time, his expression somewhat sorrowful with hope somewhere in the mix. I nodded reassuringly, and he took a breath. Suddenly, the ground began to shake, lightly, and not enough that anyone more than 30 feet away would notice. I stared up at Envy as his body began bubbling and morphing, his hands gaining substantial claw like appendages as his skin turned dark green. My eyes widened as his body grew and grew, all the while changing his form into one of a giant creature, who's shape resembled that of his tiny salamander like form. My head had to adjust more after each second, looking further up until I couldn't anymore. I stared in shock as he finally reached the ceiling, his giant canine like head held up, as long black hair fell to cover his face on one side. I stayed quiet as I stared, and when his transformation was over, an eerie silence seemed to hold the room. Finally, I couldn't hold it in anymore, and muttered a quiet "Whoa." he bowed his head down, so I wouldn't have to crane my neck so hard. And, as his giant eyes opened, I marveled at the difference between them. One had a combination of bright red iris's, and the other retained his purple eyes but had a pitch black backdrop, instead of the normal white. I gulped as his head inched down, getting closer to me. I couldn't help the inkling of instinctual fear that I felt creeping up my spine. After all, the amalgamation of fleshy Green heads all over his body were.. At the least very unsettling. Even I had to admit, he was a spectacle to behold. I shook my head, quickly pushing that fear away and forcing myself to see the positive traits. This was still Envy, he'd shown me his truest form, his raw self. I had to see him for what I believed him to be. I took another minute to stare in awe at him, realizing that these people in him weren't scary anymore in my eyes. They embodied the souls of those that Envy was created from. His body was a living cycle of death and rebirth, right in front of me. I felt a small smile perk up my lips as I reached out to stroke his long black hair. "It's actually.. Poetic." I said, entranced by each body, moving of seemingly their own will. He raised a brow, but stayed quiet. "How you have all these souls inside you, and how they make up your body." I spoke softly, reaching my hand closer to him, and delicately running my fingers over his skin. From beside me, a green hand reached out to me, it was small.. The realization hit me a second later. This was a child. I felt tears brimming at my eyes, and I let the small hand take hold of mine, allowing myself to cry as this small soul latched onto me. Envy didn't dare move, but stared down at me in a mix of shock and curiosity. I looked up at him, smile on my face despite the tears falling down my face. "All your forms.. They each bewitch me in different ways." I started, moving my free hand to touch his face. He let me hold his jaw gently as I sniffled a bit. "Your small form.. It's humblingly beautiful. You're preferred form is humanly. graceful and stunning. And this form... It's tragically magnificent." I spoke, sighing at the end and letting myself lay against his neck, still stroking his jaw with one hand and holding the small child's hand in the other. I lay there for a while, neither of us moving. I truly was happy that he showed me this side of himself. And I meant every word of what I said, he was amazing in each of his forms, and I had feelings for him regardless of that. I wanted him to know that. "Envy I-" I paused, opening my eyes as my body stopped me from finishing my sentence. He looked me in the eyes, chuckling as he realized what I was trying to say. "Even now, you can't say it." he said, his voice low and calm, different in this form yet still retaining his original tone somewhere in the mix. I sighed, moving my hands and crossing my arms as I did. "I know... I want to say it so badly! But I'm so scared of what will happen after.." I said, saddened by my own cowardice. I'd never had feelings for anyone before.. And even though I knew Envy felt it back, I was scared. "What are you afraid of?" he asked, and I blinked in surprise as I thought for sure he was going to insult me. I shrugged, eyes darting up to his. "I.. Don't know. My whole life I've been distant from people.. Caring for them but never letting anyone care for me. On a deeper level that is." I paused, frowning as I felt my eyes wet with tears. "After my parents.. I didn't want anyone to love me again.. I thought that maybe if they did, they'd end up like my parents did." I laughed at the notion, shaking my head. "It's childish, I know." I spoke, but he gently wrapped an arm around my body, his hand gingerly touching my skin. "It's not childish.. I can understand not wanting to let people in for one reason or another." he said, and I nuzzled my face against his palm lovingly. I closed my eyes and let myself fall against him, and he cupped my body gently in his hand. "(Y/n)." he said, and I opened my eyes again, glancing up to him. I hummed a quick "Hm?" and he smiled. "I won't leave you." His voice made my heart skip a beat, and more tears flowed down my cheeks at what he said. Although these weren't the tears of sadness- no, these were the tears of relief, of hopefulness that I could finally trust someone so fully with my heart. "Envy..." I managed to say, through crumbled sobs. Suddenly, my legs felt weak, so I let myself collapse against him, crying and holding him tightly. I didn't open my eyes as I felt his body shift, and I didn't pull away as I felt two normal sized hands grab me and hold me tightly against him. He hummed softly in my ear, his voice back to its usual pitch. Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around his -now human again- body, my hands gripping his shirt as if I would fall if I didn't. His fingers weaved through my hair, gently stroking as his other hand rubbed comforting circles against my back. I smiled as I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, "Thank you." I whispered into his ear, and I knew then that I was really, truly, happy.

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