Chapter 11

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{Ice Cream Date!}

Chapter 11:

We held each other close for a while, only letting go when we realized it'd been a long time. "So.." I started, smiling weakly at him. "How about that ice cream?" I finished, and Envy grinned wide, grabbing my hand and pulling me as he started walking to the exit. "Hell yeah, but none of that one scoop bull shit. You'd better get me at least four scoops, and a bowl, got it?" he spoke, glaring at me as he finished. I laughed and nodded, squeezing his hand lightly.
When we left the tunnels, he transformed into the same central guard from before, but I smiled as he kept his own voice this time. I sighed with relief as we finally got to the ice cream parlor, the chilly and colorfully decorated interior was a welcome change from the prison cells and dark tunnels we'd been in all day. Not even to mention that laboratory, [God can Central not even afford one good light bulb?!] I laughed to myself, happily browsing the menu of flavors. I peeked over at Envy, feeling my heart flutter as he smiled wide, hands on the glass and almost child-like as he beamed at the ice cream. "So, what flavors do you want?" I asked, to which he turned to me, eyes almost wild looking. "Chocolate!" he said enthusiastically, and I had to hold back a laugh as he pointed to the bucket through the display case, making a miniscule crack appear where his finger was. "Haha! Okay Envy, go get us a table, and try not to break anything." I managed to say, through muffled giggles. He blinked and looked back at the glass, instantly retracting his hand and walking off, whistling as if he didn't do anything wrong. Luckily, no one seemed to notice the crack, thank god for that.
I got the treats and glanced around, trying to see where Envy was, and smiling as I saw him waving from a table near the window. It still felt weird, him having to transform into a soldier, but I knew it was still Envy in there, and that calmed me down a little. I sat down and plopped Envy's whopping five scoops in a cup in front of him. He quickly took the cone off the top, crunching down and eating it in a whole two bites. I stared in awe as he practically inhaled the ice cream, expression excited like a child and yet crazed like an insane person. I snorted out a chuckle as I started to eat mine as well, and he looked at me, his eyes radiating pure happiness. "I haven't had chocolate ice cream in years! This shit tastes awesome!" he gleamed, and I gave the parents in the shop apologetic looks as I nearly laughed my ass off. "And uh.. I guess thanks for this.." he mumbled, in between bites. I grinned and swept my hair up dramatically, "No need to thank me, I was just 'making us even'." I mocked his voice as I spoke, and he laughed, pausing from eating to reach his hand across the table and give my hair a ruffle. "You little brat." he joked, and I smiled as his hand touched my hair, loving the feeling of any physical interaction with him. I was really happy that he seemed generally okay with stuff like hand holding and hugging now. Maybe we could even do.. Other things soon. My face flushed at the thought of anything intimate happening, even just a kiss, and I quickly shoved my hands in my pockets from embarrassment. "Oh!" I squeaked as my fingers hit the bracelet I still hadn't given him.  He looked up to me, and muttered a quick "What?" and I smiled, pulling the bracelet from my pocket. "I must have the memory of a fucking potato, because I was going to give this to you earlier, but I kept forgetting." I laughed nervously, holding out my hand across the table with the bracelet between my fingers. He stared at it for a second, then slowly reached towards it, sliding his hand against mine as he took it from me. He brushed his fingers against the silver chain, then the Ouroboros with the rose in the middle. He smiled wistfully at it, as he put it on his wrist, tightening the chain so it stayed put. "Hm.. A decent offering." he mused, holding his hand out as if inspecting it. I chuckled and punched him lightly in the arm. "Awe, come on! I tried really hard.." I pouted, and he gave in. "Alright alright, I love it." he muttered, and I smiled wide. "Yay!"

After we finished our snack and talked a little, we made our way back to Central. I was almost surprised that he was willing to go back to isolation, despite the fact that he had his powers back. None the less though, I was glad. Maybe it was because he didn't want me to get in trouble. How sweet.
As soon as we went through the main gates though, we were met with chaos. Soldiers, running around and people frantically trying to calm everyone down. "What happened?" I asked one of the guys who passed by me. "You didn't hear? The homunculus broke out! The rumor is that he has a hostage because the guard is gone to!" he said, his voice panicked. My face went pale and I gulped, "O-oh, that's uh.. Bad." I managed to squeak out, and he nodded, while Envy stood stone still behind me, still transformed into a soldier. "You're telling me!" he said, and I frowned. "How long ago did this happen?" I asked, to which he shrugged, "We only just found out minutes ago. Apparently, Brigadier General Mustang and his men are going down there right now to investigate!" he said, and I looked to Envy, with wide eyes. "We have to get there before they do!" I said in a hushed voice, and he nodded. He quickly grabbed my hand, pulling me out of central and down a few streets. "Where are we going?" I asked, as he motioned to a sewer grate. "This is a short cut." he said firmly, and I quickly followed him in. We ran through the sewers, and when we got to a wall, he pointed to the center. "It's on the other side of this!" he said, quickly blasting a whole into the wall. As we went through, I was almost surprised as we ended up in his cell, he wasn't even off by a foot. I made a note to ask him about that later. As we went through, I heard the elevator down the hall fire up, and I quickly transmuted the wall back to its original state. Hastily, I grabbed my keys and ran outside the cell, quickly locking it and standing stone still in a normal guard stance as the elevator doors opened. I heaved heavy breaths as I saw Mustang and a few other men walk down the halls towards me. When they arrived, luckily, I'd gotten my bearings. Mustang looked in the cell, frowning when he saw Envy, just sitting on the cot casually. "What's the meaning of this soldier?" he asked, to which I raised a brow, courting a confused expression. "Excuse me sir?" I asked, and he scoffed. "Never mind, must've been bad Intel.. I swear these guys can't do anything right." he muttered as he motioned for his entourage to leave.
I huffed out a huge sigh of relief as they left, leaning against the bars behind me for support. We'd run here fast after all, and I was freaking exhausted. "Hah, is that all you got? That was a light jog for me!" Envy boasted, walking up to the bars and grinning through them. I chuckled, while still breathing a little harder than normal. "Yeah, well you've got special powers so I don't think it's a fair comparison." I said, turning to look at him. "No no, I don't need powers when I got a body like this!" he said, seductively moving his hands around his curves. I felt my cheeks flush bright red, and quickly looked away. He chuckled, snaking his hand through the bars and running a finger down my arm. I shivered at his touch, gulping and refusing to look at him. "Oh, you like that huh~" he purred, and I couldn't help the slight nod that I made. "Then how about..." he trialed off, reaching his other hand through the bars. "This!" he exclaimed, quickly tickling my arm pits and grinning wide. I burst out into laughter, trying to pull away from him as he held me there with one arm. "N-no hahaha, please!" I begged, eyes teary already. He laughed manically as he finally let me go, and I slumped into the chair, still giggling. "Haha! You should've seen your face! Hah! You're so cute when you blush~" he beamed, resting his hand against his palm and smiling. I huffed and turned the chair to him. "Ugh you're the worst!" I pouted, face still flushed pink. He grinned and stared into my eyes, "You like it." he purred, and I rolled my eyes, getting back up off the chair. "What? Do nooot." I said, unconvincingly. He faked a hurt look, then grinned again. "I'm glad we met." he said, reaching through the bars with one hand. I chuckled as he held out his hand to me, and I gently took it in mine, reveling in the warm feeling as our fingers intertwined. "Me too." I responded, looking up into his eyes with a smile.

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