Chapter 7

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{ A Day Out!}

Chapter 7:

Readers POV-

"Oh yeah, and tomorrow's Saturday. They're my days off." I reminded Envy, who groaned in annoyance at my statement. "Whaaaat? But who will I have to annoy all day?" he responded, pouting in his usual relaxed stance on the cot. I chuckled, letting myself lean against the bars, mocking the way he usually slouched against them. "I dunno, but I guarantee that they aren't as awesome as me." I said, dramatically posing. He laughed, kicking his feet up in the air as he did. "Haha!! I wouldn't be so sure about that (Y/n), You're the lamest person I know!" he cackled, and I feigned a shock face, slapping a hand over my chest in fake shock. "Oh, how you slay me!" I laughed back, and he deviously grinned. "You better bring me back something extra cool, or I'll have to kill you." he grinned, his manic side apparently taking over. I didn't mind though, I found it kind of adorable.. And maybe a bit attractive, although I would never admit it. "Oh darn, I'm so scared." I rolled my eyes, and his grin faded. I knew it annoyed him that I mocked him when he was like this, but I also knew he would gladly rise to the challenge. In the blink of an eye, he jumped up from the cot, slamming into the bars as he gripped them tightly with both hands. Our faces were mere centimeters apart as his hands clenched the metal between his palms. I knew he would do something like this, and I didn't flinch, my face still holding a small grin, while his was massive and his expression wild. His smile faltered slightly at my lack of a reaction, but he quickly regained his confidence, slowly snaking one hand through the bars. "Oh just you wait you little brat, I'll scare you shitless soon enough. And when I do..." He paused, reaching his hand further through the bars, his fingers mere inches from my shirt. My face flushed at such close contact, I had to hold down a gulp. [What is he doing?!] "The look on your face will be so-" he stopped, grin widening ten fold. And, in an instant, his hand gripped my shirt tight, and he yanked me forward, slamming my forehead into the bars, "Priceless!!!" he shouted, as I instantly screamed and stumbled away. "Ow! what was that for?!" I yelled, holding my head in anger as it throbbed in pain. His face faltered slightly, but he grinned once again. "Oh, I just wanted to wipe that smug look off your face." he responded, and soon burst out in laughter, having to hold his stomach to stop himself from keeling over. "HAH!! You should've seen yourself!! You-you looked so stupid! Haha- like- hah! Like you thought I was going to kiss you!!" My breathing hitched at that, and his laugher instantly died out, seeming to realize what he said at the same time I did.
"I-i meant uh-! You just-your face was all read!! L-like a tomato!" he stumbled out, regretting every word an instant later. I almost laughed at his embarrassment, but I was all too shocked with what he'd insinuated. Was he right? Did I really think that? Just then, it seemed as if all the puzzle pieces connected in my mind. The way I felt when he was so close, how I had the burning desire to earn his trust, and how I got a tingly feeling whenever he laughed. [Wait.. Do I like him?!]
My eyes widened as the thought crossed my mind, and I stared at him in confusion and panic. [Wait, no I- do I? Do I really think of him like that?!] Thoughts buzzed through my brain, my mind in a panic as I tried to sort through them all. Envy simply stood there, half slouched and looking up at me with a worried expression. He obviously didn't know how I'd react, and that scared him. I tried to calm my nerves, realizing that there had been an uncomfortable amount of silence between us. I opened my mouth to speak, but as I did, I realized that I had no idea what I was going to say. I closed my mouth, then frowned, trying desperately to string together a sentence that would fix the awkwardness in the air. Just then, footsteps rang out from down the hallway, and I turned to see the night guard walking towards us. I thanked my stars that he came on time, and grabbed my bag, nervously glancing at him as I did. "I-i uh, I'll see you on Sunday!" I stifled out, waving a quick goodbye and making my getaway as the guard took up his position. Envy didn't say anything, but instead just stared at me curiously.
As I drove home, I felt a little bad that I just up and left like that.. But at the same time I knew we couldn't talk about anything like that in front of a random person. This.. Conversation would be much better after some rest and a day to think. God I was dreading going back there.. The awkward stares, and it didn't help matters that we both had zero experience with this kind of thing.
[Does he even like me?] I thought to myself, as I remembered that he'd only recently come to accept positive things, and wasn't sure he was anywhere near ready to feel attraction towards another person. But then again.. He looked at me as if he were scared I would reject him.. [Shit..] I thought to myself. He definitely could've interpreted me leaving so suddenly as a rejection.. [God I really hope he didn't.]
I sighed eventually, realizing that beating myself up over it wouldn't do any good now. I couldn't go back there until my next shift even if I wanted to. So I resigned myself to just enjoy the time off. That's the best I could do after all. [Let's just hope it does some good.]

The next day, I was out with my friend, (F/n), who I hadn't seen in a while, due to my sudden change in shift times. I used to work when needed as a negotiator, but now I worked from 9-9 as a guard. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss my old job.. Although, I did like spending time with Envy. It never really felt like work when I was with him.
"So..." I was brought back to reality by the voice of (F/n), staring at me expectantly as we drank our coffee. "I've heard the gossip around, and word is... You got demoted?" she said, frowning dramatically. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, but it's not what you think." I started, continuing to explain most of what happened, with lack of details for the most part. "OH MY GOSH, REALLY?! You saved a HOMUNCULUS, and now you have to guard him so he doesn't escape?!" she asked, her reaction wild and expression exasperated. I chuckled and nodded. "You really amaze me (Y/n)! You literally risked your life for him! You're crazy!" she said, and yet a smile was on her face. I knew she was proud of me. "Hah, thanks." I responded, and her expression darkened slightly. "On the radio, the military were saying that he'd killed people.. Is that true?" she asked, and I hesitantly nodded. "Doesn't that bother you?" she asked, and I shook my head. "But what if he tries to hurt you? Isn't he mean? He sounds like a real jerk.." she said, smile faded. I sighed, softening my expression a bit. "He just doesn't know how to deal with emotions really.. He was raised to think humans are beneath him, it's expected that he'd be hesitant to show any kindness." I paused, thinking of my next words carefully. "But he's changing! He's nicer than he was before, and I think.. We're friends or something now. I think he likes talking to me and... I like talking to him too...." I trailed off, looking away as an involuntary flush creeped up my cheeks. She stared at me dumbfounded, her expression turning to a mixture of confusion and worry. "You like him?!" she whisper yelled in a hushed voice. I shook my head, then shyly nodded. "I-i dunno, I think so? And I think maybe he might possibly kinda like me too..." I paused, looking up at her. "He said something weird yesterday. He said I looked like I thought he was going to kiss me.. After that.. I dunno I just kinda left.. I don't know how to deal with these kinds of things! I've never really.. Had a crush before." I admitted, and she nodded. "I know.. But I wouldn't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure he has no idea what he's doing either." she said, and I laughed a little. "Couldn't agree more."
Her face looked worried as she spoke, "(Y/n).. Be careful around him... He's known for being manipulative isn't he? He could just be using you to escape." She said gently, and I simply stared down at my cup. I didn't know what to say, I mean she could be right. I hadn't known Envy for that long, it was completely possible that he was faking it all. Although.. I found it hard to believe. I'd seen him in his most vulnerable state, I'd seem his raw fear, and he'd confided in me. He'd trusted me. I doubted he was faking it. But she was right, I should still be careful.

On the way home that night, I stopped by a few stores, trying to find something to get for Envy as a "sorry for being gone the whole day" gift. To my delight, I found a small jewelry shop near my apartment. It was affordable, but still had nice things. I looked for a while, smiling wide when something finally caught my eye. It was a bracelet with a strong silver chain, and resting in the middle was an Ouroboros. The emblem was slightly different from his tattoo, as a Rose was in the middle, but it still had the snake eating itself and I thought it looked rather pretty. [This is perfect!] I thought to myself as I grabbed the bracelet. [Jewelry are things that people get for their crushes.. And maybe giving it to him will say it for me. "I like you Envy" yeah, it's practically written all over it! He'll get it for sure.]

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