16 - Everything in Between

Start from the beginning

She let out a squeal into the kiss when she felt that she was being carried by his strong arms, bridal style.

"Yejin-ah, you need to attend this first before you can have your way on me." He winked.

Her pregnant ass can't wait for the awards night to be over.


To be honest, she didn't even expect winning this. Being nominated is already a huge thing for her, considering she's up against such big names in the industry.

So when they called her name as the recipient of the Haukland Award for Outstanding Service because of her work in Spina Bifida, she didn't know what to do in front of the screen. She knew that her face was being shown in the gigantic screens in the event center but she remained there, motionless and still shocked.

Bin just gave her a very proud look and raised his first in the air as if saying 'you can do it!', he mouthed "speech, love!" and Yejin was shaken because she didn't prepare one.

She looked at the screen as the emcee stared back at her, waiting for what she was about to say.

In English, she started on her impromptu speech, "I am very grateful for this award you have given me. Above all else, I am grateful for having the opportunity to save little humans from the threat of Spina Bifida,"

Yejin remembered spending a year of her life being a Pediatric Attending while studying Neonatal, where she took interest in specifically studying this disease. She offered her services pro-bono to further her research, and now her work led the academe one step towards a prevention for this disease.

She continued, ".. and that was one year ago. Today, the little humans I operated on are living their best lives, just as I am living mine."

Yejin looked at the screen, and then at her family. She caressed her tummy, and stared at Bin who's now cradling a still sleepy Ae-Rin who had just gotten down from her room. Both of them smiled at her, looking so proud.

"Again, thank you so much for this award."

She's indeed living her best life.

Their best life.

As doctors, as lovers, and as parents to two wonderful little children.


Second trimester; Week 18

"Omo! Ae-Rin, come on, come on!" Ae-Rin was playing in their living room with Yejin when she felt her baby kicking. Ae-Rin softly put her hand in her mother's tummy.

Moments have passed but her little brother hasn't kicked again, so she softly put her head in her tummy. When Ae-Rin felt his kick, her eyes widened and she couldn't help but giggle.

"Appa! My brother's kicking!" She yelled, and in an instant they saw a running Bin in their living room. Two heads were pressed against Yejin's tummy as they waited for another kick of the baby.

The baby kicked again, and it made Bin the happiest man in the world.

Minutes later, Bin's face was still in her tummy, waiting for another movement.

"Baby, are you still there? Kick twice if yes, kick once if no."

Bin felt Yejin's tummy vibrate because of her reaction to what he just said. She hit him softly in the arm, as she could not contain her chuckles anymore, "What are you doing, Love?"

"I'm talking to our baby. He can already hear at 18 weeks, you know?"

"I know that, I'm a peds AND neonat surgeon, remember?"

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