1 - Straight from New York

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"Sir, you paged?" Bin entered the office of the Chief of Surgery and sat on one of the chairs intended for visitors in front of his desk.

"Yes, Dr. Hyun!" Chief Han said, acknowledging his presence. He fixed the papers on top of his desk and turned to him, "How was your surgery?"

"It went smoothly, Chief." Bin said. To be honest, he was exhausted. He just wanted to relax in his office before his next scheduled surgery three hours from now.

"That's great!" the chief replied, "someone will contact you from the Seoul Cardio Thoracic Journal, they reached out to me hoping to interview you."

"What for?"

"Aigoo, of course they would want to interview the newly appointed head of cardio-thoracic surgery of Seoul Medical Hospital who received the most prestigious award for developing a new technique for heart valve replacement!" Chief Han was proud of his mentee, and an additional publicity will benefit the hospital big-time.

"Okay, Chief. I'll be waiting for their call," Bin got up from his seat, ready to make some excuse about how he is needed in the Emergency Room (ER) or whatnot, because he knew that the chief will only babble about his life stories.

"Wait! That's not really why I paged you," Bin sat down on his seat once again, waiting for his chief's instruction, "The head for pediatric surgery will arrive today. I want you to give her a tour of the hospital,"

"Why me? I have a surgery at 6:00 pm, Chief. Please have some of the residents do it," Bin plead to Chief Han, but the guy seemed persistent.

"She's a doctor from New York! She hasn't signed her contract just yet, and I don't want our residents to scare her off," the chief tapped his pen repeatedly on his glass table, "I heard that Gangnam Medical Center also offered her the same position— so I want you to personally meet her and make sure nothing will change her mind working here. Got it?"

It's not as if he has a choice. He nodded in response.

The click-clacking of high heeled shoes against the marble floor indicated the arrival of their awaited guest, "Oh, she's here!" He heard his superior welcoming her to the hospital.

Bin was facing against the door so he didn't see her enter. He immediately turned to where the Chief and the new doctor is, offering his hand to introduce himself.

She removed her large sunglasses and took his hand.

Bin could not believe what he's seeing. He was left paralyzed in that position, as if multiple scalpels were used to stab his spine.

He couldn't think.
He couldn't talk.
He couldn't move.

Chief Han took the initiative in introducing him, "This is Dr. Hyun Bin, the head of our cardio thoracic surgery department."

"Yes, Chief. I know him." She smiled at him like it was the most natural thing in the world, "We were classmates in the university,"

"Really? Then that's great! You already have one friend in here," He continued, "He will tour you around the hospital later."

"Thank you, Chief," Bin still can't believe his eyes. He wanted to get out of that office right now, but his feet are glued and frozen to the floor. She turned to him, still shaking his hand, "I don't think you remember me, I'm Dr. Son Ye Jin and I'm the new head of Pediatric Surgery. Nice meeting you again, Dr. Hyun Bin."

It's not that he doesn't remember her.
It's just that he doesn't want to.

But being the professional that he is, he grasped her hand back and shook it once again, returning that goddamned smile she gave him, "You're right, I can't seem to remember you. Nice meeting you again as well, Dr. Son."

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