13 - Transient Fatigue

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The ride home was awkwardly silent.

Her open palm lied on the top of her knees, still in the same position as 10 minutes ago when his hand left hers.

No one dared to speak. Yejin looked at Bin's face but she couldn't read it. Expressionless.

They arrived at their building and Bin immediately carried the sleeping Ae-Rin up to their apartment on the 24th. Bin laid their daughter on the bed and went to the living room to meet Yejin.

"I'll sleep at my place tonight," the slight coldness of his voice pierced through her heart. "I needed to pack my stuff anyway."

"Okay.." Yejin said, the worry in her eyes evident.

The news shocked the both of them. However, she cannot blame Bin for feeling the way he's feeling right now, because the position was practically as good as his, before all the complications happened.

Even if his face is expressionless, Bin closed their distance and gave her a soft peck on the lips, like how he does every night. She thought that Bin hadn't really changed after 7 years. Whenever they have a fight or misunderstanding, no matter how big, he would always kiss her before they part, as if assuring her that his love for her won't change no matter what happens.

"I'm sorry.." Yejin said. Grabbing his hand on the way out the door.

"Don't be, Yejin." He said, another kiss landed on her forehead before he went out of her place. He looked at his eyes, but it didn't met hers.

Yejin cleaned up and tried to sleep as well but couldn't. The bed that was originally designed for only two people felt gigantic even if there are already two of them in the bed. It hasn't been two hours yet but she misses him already. She wanted his presence by their side. She wanted his long arms to wrap her and their daughter in a warm embrace. She wanted to be cramped in this small bed as he is..

but he needed time, and she understands that.

Maybe it was the sadness or the exhaustion, but slumber has finally claimed her.

It was 3:00 in the morning, and a continuous ring from her phone woke her up.

5 missed calls from Dr. Ahn, the resident doctor on duty for tonight. She called her back, and her panicked voice woke her up from her senses, "Dr. Son! We have a 119! The fetus is bradycardic- 100 bpm, Dr. Son! I'm afraid she'll go into cardiac failure!"

"I'm on my way," said Dr. Son. Being the only fetal surgeon in the hospital, she was the baby's only chance to survive. She hurriedly fixed herself up and banged at Bin's door—She didn't even use his doorbell out of panic.

Not a minute after and Bin opened his door, and Yejin could see the suitcases and the boxes inside his home. 'Is he still packing at this time of the night?' she thought to herself.

"Bin, I have a 119. My fetal surgery scheduled for Tuesday needed to be operated on. It's a sacrococcygeal teratoma." Yejin asks, "Could you look out for Ae-Rin?"

"Now?" He asks but answers anyway, "Of course."

"Yes, the tumor has become larger than the fetus and we're afraid she'd go into cardiac failure because it was too much for her heart."

Hearing that the case is also cardiac in nature, he asks, "Do you need help?"

"It's okay. Dr. Park is on board." She replied and nodded. Dr. Park is one of Dr. Hyun's doctors in the Cardio Department so he wasn't worried.

"I got Ae-Rin." Bin said while closing the door behind him, "Go."

Dr. Hyun watched Dr. Son ran towards the elevator. She stopped midway and asked him in a soft voice, "...Do you still want to move in with me?" she asked, her mind in overdrive as to what he'll reply.

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