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Once the heart gets to heavy with pain. People don't cry they just turn silent complete silent.
I felt a knife around my throat. "Hello f/n I've missed you" the person said and I immediately knew who he was. "Hello John" I answered.

"Your no fun f/n well I guess you've all ways been serious" john said still holding the knife to my neck. "You know what I have to do right?" He said and I just nodded.

"LET HER GO!" A familiar voice screamed. Karma.why does this have to happen now. I saw Nagisa with him "how did y'all find me?" I asked.

"Why does it matter that guy is holding a knife to you!" Nagisa screamed. "Let her go!" Karma said.

"No can do the boss wants her dead" john told them. "John let me talk to them" i asked and he nodded. "You know him?" Karma asked but before I could answer John grabbed me by the wast. "She's my girlfriend." I hit him on the head "no I'm not and plus even if I was. I won't be alive soon!"

Karma looked relieved but then turn into worry "what do you mean you won't be alive soon!?" He asked. "Listen it would be best if you forgot I existed." I told them but they are stubborn.

"Why would we do that?!" Nagisa screamed "it's not up for debate ok" I said as clam as I can. "Listen kids she is dangerous a monster some would say even though to me she is my baby." He said smirking but I punched him in the stomach.

"Owwwe that hurt! Uggg fine anyway if she wanted to she could escape. If anything this is something she wants." he said rubbing his stomach. "What are you say she wants to die?!" Karma screamed and looked at me for confirmation.

"The truth is I'm tired of all this shit. You will probably forget about me anyway so it doesn't matter. I have no one or anything to live for so what's the point." I said like it was nothing.

Karma and Nagisa looked hurt. "You have us. We will never forget about you. We care for you and will help you. Please don't do this!" Nagisa had tears in his eyes. I wanted to go with them and John knew it.

I felt John's breath on my neck "if you go with them they will die." I looked at them and at the knife John was holding. "Who will kill me?" I asked John and he smiled "me of course. I love you too much to let anyone else do it."

I smiled at John and he instantly went cold. He knew what was going to happen. "F/n don't do this you will regret it. They will hunt everyone of  your friends down and kill them you know!" He looked scared like he saw a ghost.

Probably because he's seen me kill. I hit his hand and grabbed the knife with ease. "I know but I won't let your ugly self kill me. Your barely able to do anything." I said torturing him mentally. "Who would care about you a no good F boy. who cares for no one. You will die alone just like your parents."

He clutched his head "shut up you know nothing of my parents!" I laughed "I know everyone about how you killed them. How you tortured children because you were to weak to kill a adult." I finally got up to him and stabbed him in the heart. "How you were to weak to kill me"  he slowly died.

I got up and looked at Karma and Nagisa. The looked scared of me. "What do you think now. Do you still care? I've done worse to good people. I've killed men women and children. So tell me do you still care?" I asked hoping they would say they still care.

Unfortunately life isn't like that. "I don't know what to think." Karma admitted. "It's not that you kill I mean I've done stuff like that the truth is I didn't come here to stop you." Karma said.

Nagisa look at him "Karma stop she's been through enough. This explains why she does it." Nagisa said.

Karma kept on "I don't care I want know why she would play us. Are we just pawns to you!" I didn't know what to say.

"You think I played you?!" I screamed. "It makes no sense why else would you still be here?!" He said back.

"For you information I wanted you to leave me alone. Y'all helped me even when I tried to push y'all away. Unbelievable why would I play you anyway I don't find that fun!" I said a little hurt.

He looked into my eyes to see if I was lying. He nodded showing he believed me.

As we walked back to karma's house Nagisa asked me a question "were you really going to let yourself get killed?" "Yes, that or kill them" I answered. He looked worried but nodded.

I don't know what's wrong with me. That image of karma kissing her keeps replaying. It will leave soon I hope.

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