6. Words

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Hello everyone, it's me. The writer, as I suppose I can call myself. This one that you are reading is not a poem. I thought I would write something today ( 28 th May,2020) that's been on my mind lately, like a diary entry. But I thought I would share these thoughts with you, cause these are important topics, atleast to me. This series,"ISSUES" is really close to me. 

I am in depression and by that I don't mean that I'm having temporary mood swings or any other teenage problems of that sort. This is genuine. From the April of 2019, this thing started very very slowly. I had changed my school, and hence was away from my friends and I was really very upset(NOT DEPRESSED) about the whole situation.But still, as we know it life moved on. Now in this school I made some accquaintances but none of them helped me to overcome my sadness. Now a lot of things happened in this new school and with the people I met there. But I won't waste our time , cause they are not important for you, but just know that these things, that happened had a negative effect on my sadness. The stone started to roll and the moss began to gather on its surface. My sadness was starting to develope into depression. Now although I was in contact with all of my old friends, I didn't tell them everything that was happening. It's because I wanted to gather happiness from them. My family is quite unstable, with the central conflicts occuring between my parents. For the sake of my privacy as well as theirs, I won't be going into details, because I'm not comfortable speaking about my personal life.....

I talked with my mom about how I was irritated sometimes, but honestly speaking I'm a dumbass, and myself wasn't sure what exactly was happening. I talked about this same topic with my bestfriend and she said that I was homesick, i was craving the attention and recognition that I had in my previous school. That was true to some extent, back in my old school I was always surrounded by people. Life was a party and I was it's life. But the same was not applicable in the new one. Now the scene is I tell my mom almost everything but we are at odds, most of the time. She's busy with our family and her work and I was lost in my world.

Now interestingly enough I had created a "MY WORLD". This new space created by me was only made for my use. But there wasn't much to do, so it just existed within me, unused most of the time. I am very bad in communicating. The only way that I knew to completely express myself was writing. Writing words. When I was younger, I used to have a small diary where I used to write everything that is here in Wattpad, till date.

The real reason why I am telling you all this to help you. There will be a link to a YouTube channel called 'PSYCH2GO' that you can checkout if you think that you or someone you know is suffering from within. Mental health is one one of the most avoided topics and also one of the most essential topics that needs to be understood. You know for those who are not having these kinds of problems can easily say that give things some time, it'll be okay; you're over reacting..... and other stuff. Sometimes it may be true, may be you're being paranoid and the problem's sorted. I mean what's the harm in checking out a video?

But what if you are right? There are a lot of other problems besides depression. PSYCH2GO helps people understand these things better. So that's it. That's all I wanted to say. If you guys think that you need someone to talk, then I'm always here for you.


THE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9B-wTp2PZH8

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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