Since Reena and Danny was already there to took care of everything. Reena asked Saga to check in on Mrs. Drew and pick Jess and Brian since they didn't have a ride. He was grabbing the clean napkins that Reena had requested while also grabbing extra silverware just in case they needed spare when he hear the door open and Mrs. Drew call after him, letting him know that the pair has arrived. He look around him to see if he missed anything and grab the container box with him. Five minutes later they were already on their way to the city. It took forty five minutes to an hour drive to get there.

"What's the building called again?" He asked Brian who was checking the text from Reena.

"Crown Construction Agency, It's...there, that one." Saga took a right turn and enter the building. He park the car near the catering fan with a frowning on his face.

He knew it now why Reena and Danny were already here. This is also one of Reena's important client and not to mention Mr. Cho favorite business partner. Deciding not to dwell on the thought that there's a possibility that Mr. Cho will be here, he quickly gather his thing and the three of them make their way inside.

To his surprised, he didn't see Mr. Cho around. He only notice Mr. and Mrs Crown who are obviously the host, and their son Mathias Crown who gave an inspirational bullshit speech about the company, and in his humble opinion it wasn't even that good.

It was not until they're about to serve the main course when he finally see another familiar face. Saga was on his knee grabbing the napkins from the container box that he had brought with him when he saw Billy entering the room.

He quickly get back on his feet and walk closer to Billy.

"He wanted to see you," Billy said as he got closer.

"I'm working." Saga replied, giving him a gesture that told him to look around.

"Now." Billy said again, almost sounding like a growl. Saga turn around to see Jess who was giving him a concern look. He notice the slight tremble on her fingers before he turn his eyes back to Billy and nodding,

"Alright," he said, giving Jess a reassuring smile. "Tell Brian to check all the silverware on each table and you go sort the napkins for me. I'll be back before you know it."

Jess gave him nod. Saga follow Billy out and headed to a secluded area of the builiding. Billy open the door and they was greeted by Mr. Cho's back. He was standing near the window, looking at the sight outside this building.

"Samuel." Mr. Cho turn around, lending his hand for him to shake. His infamous stern was clear to see despite his attempt to greet him nicely. Or maybe he wasn't even trying to greet him nicely.

"It's Saga, Sir." He replied, returning the gesture. "The only person that calls me Samuel is your daughter."

Mr. Cho purse his lips at a mention of his daughter, "Very well, Saga."

"Why am I here, Sir?" Saga asked.

"I think you know why you're here."

Saga clench his jaw, "Sir, if you're here to tell me I should stay away from your daughter then I can't. I gave her an oath that I will always be there for her."

Mr. Cho raised his eyebrow, "It's just silly words, surely it means nothing."

"No it is not just a silly words, Sir." Saga replied, looking up to face Mr. Cho better. "Even if I tried, I couldn't leave her."

"And why is that?"

"Because I am attracted to her." his answer sounded out of breath. "And I believe she is old enough to decided what she wants, or whom she wants in her life."

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