Malik took a step forward and asked, "And what Mila..?"

Mila covered her face and start balling. Amari sat up and walked over to her sister. She wrapped her arms around her and held her. She recognized that type of cry. Mila was scared.

Malik walked up to his sisters and hugged them. He gave Amari a look and Amari stepped aside. He grabbed Mila's hands and looked her in her face. "Talk to me Mila. I know I'm not the best brother and I'm prolly nothing like a father to you, but I'm trying. You just gotta talk."

Amari sensed too much emotion in Mila's cry. She knew something was up, but she waited for Mila to confirm her prediction.

Mila continued to cry and finally let out, "I'm... I'm pregnant by him..."

Both Amari and Malik sat in shock while Mila stood with her face covered- crying.

*That explains her throwing up last night.* Amari thought to herself. When the girls got home, Mila threw up a few times. She felt sick, and Amari just thought it was from what she ate at the game. Because of that, she let Mila sleep with her in her room.

Amari waved her hand, drawing Malik's attention.

Hug her, she mouthed.

Malik did so and comforted Mila. He had so much going through his head. He was disappointed at her for not telling him about her and Jay... But then again, he knew he wasn't the easiest person to open up to since he was so uptight.

"It's okay. We gon' work things out on both ends and get through this. I'm here for you." Malik told his sister. He meant every word.


•Later that Evening•

"... Prayin' God forgive us for being sinners, help us out.  Sky is the limit and you know that you keep on.. Just keep on pressin' on..." Malik and the girls all sang along with Biggie as they cooked dinner together.

"Mila, you done wit them greens?" Amari asked Mila.

"Yeah, here." Mila passed Amari the greens she just cleaned and de-stemmed.

"I'm done cutting up these damn onions and garlic. That shit got my eyes watery and burning. 'Feel like my got damn eyes boutta fall out." Malik said.

Amari and Mila both looked at each other and laughed. They hate cutting onions so they set Malik up.

Malik caught on and said, "I'm glad y'all got a laugh out this shit. I'm finna go play the game now since y'all wanna pick wit me and shit."

"That's fine. You can wash these dishes when we done." Amari said.

"Nah, clean as you go." Malik responded.

"She talkin' bout after we eat." Mila explained.

"Guh, fuck them dishes. Use 'em papers and plastics." Malik said, speaking of paper plates and plastic utensils.

The girls just laughed and continued cooking.

As Malik walked off, he yelled, "Them neck-bones smell good Amari. Hurry up wit em. My stomach and back damn near holdin' hands!" He laughed and sat on the recliner in the living room.



"So I been thinkin'... Since you pregnant with my niece or nephew, and Jay the daddy, I wanna meet him. Invite him over for dinner tonight. 8:30 sharp. I wanna meet yo boyfriend too, Amari. Have him here at the same time." Malik told Mila over breakfast.

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