16; 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙘𝙖𝙨𝙚

Start from the beginning

"but how did you know?" jeonghan asked. wonwoo took this chance to show his wittiness.

"fukuro is owl in japanese. 'o' stands for owl, or maybe owl's eyes." wonwoo stood up. "it might be really simple logic for a big mafia, but it seems like they're doing that on purpose so they gain a name in the media, to make an impression on their rivals."

"wonwoo's so smart.." joshua muttered. "that's correct. we're the ones responsible for these kinds of crime. we should do something about the families and fukuro mafia."

"we saw the report!" junhui exclaimed, being the first one to step out of the elevator. "i don't have an idea."

"you always don't." minghao shoved junhu out of the way, entering the scene like a celebrity. "should we send a group, a duo or do all of us need to be involved?"

"i think, on this one, we need to split our duties. like, for consoling and explaining to the families, we should let calm members talk to them. for fukuro mafia's capture..." mingyu spoke.

"i think all of us are needed." seungkwan added—and then he continued, "wait, confronting fukuro mafia?! didn't we like, lose 3 times? and 1 time to pledis?"

jeonghan subconsciously looked at seungcheol—he remembered what he heard last night. this pledis mafia is dangerous, and jeonghan's pretty sure that anyone involved with pledis mafia is dangerous too. i mean, i know fukuro mafia well, and i know some of their weak points—but fighting against them? really?

"i think we have to face them head on this time." seungcheol said. "the new members might not be ready for this, but we're here to guide them and back them up, right? plus, with them, we're stronger."

"that's good and all, but what's the plan?" minghao impatiently asked. vernon nodded along, wanting to go back to bed and sleep.

"whatever that may be, i need to be with joshuji!" jeonghan gushed. all of the other members sighed in unison, surprising jeonghan. "hey, did you guys really have to do in synchronised? is that for emphasis or..? honestly, it's scary how you sighed all at the same time coincidentally."

"this plan is stupid." jihoon raised a hand, before slamming it on the table. the table in the meeting room was pretty hard, so chan could only imagine how hurtful that have been. "why do i get to make the first move?! in horror movies people who're baited usually sacrifice!"

"wonwoo's with you, he can move any bullets away from you." junhui replied.

"i don't know, but if i die, i want you guys to sprinkle my ashes on every meal you eat."

"you don't—!" seungcheol facepalmed. some of the members chuckled. "okay, this mission might be too big, this plan might be too scary for you, jihoon, but trust us—we're going to win this time."

"oh yeah. damn right we are." seungkwan said, smiling and glaring at jihoon. jihoon's face crinkled, before seungkwan wriggled his eyebrows at jihoon. jihoon decides to look at other things instead.

"okay, no more objections? meeting is finished."

"jeonghan-hyung?" the door creaked, revealing chan. "what is it?"

"let me in first!" jeonghan exclaimed, getting in himself. "okay, chan, you might not like this but..."

"get to the point, hyung." chan jerked his thumb to his new phone. seems like he was busy before jeonghan came. "what is it?"

"well, i heard your conversation with seungcheol. i think we should leave seventeen."




"hyung, not that i don't trust you..." chan sighed, sounding like he's tired. "but, hyung, this whole thing might be full of bloodshed and injuries, it's still a good place to stay for me."

"it's just....i don't want you to get hurt, or the others to get hurt. my ability could help, but i'm not a doctor. what if you get a bad injury, and i make it worse—but what if that instantly kills you? i can't heal people whose hearts have stopped beating." jeonghan ruffled chan's hair, giving him a smile full of worry.

"i'll be careful for you, hyung!" chan reassures, making jeonghan feel a little less stressed. "you should be careful too, okay?"

"okay." jeonghan said.

a/n: updates will be delayed for a week! :(( but when i get back, i'll post several chapters to make up to it! also, i may post another short jihan ff soon \\\٩('^')۶////

𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now