Blurb 9 - Princess Y/N's Birthday

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"Got the flowers?" Harry instantly asked once you answered the call, the smile noticeable in his tone.
"I did," You giggled, applying the mascara on your lashes, "I think people caught on to it online. They managed to catch a glimpse of the card."
"Eh," Harry breathed out, "It is what it is, innit?" Taking your chuckle as a response, Harry continued, "Are you ready for your dinner?"
"Almost. I'm one scent spray away from being done." You replied, "Ready for tomorrow's show?"
"I'm more ready to come back and make tonight up for you," He instantly replied, "I'm really sorry f-"
"Would you please stop apologising?" You straightened your posture, standing in the middle of your room with your phone pressed to your ear, "I told you I understand. It's no problem, baby. I promise."
"You've managed to make my birthday one of the best and I'm not with you to kiss you even." He sighed.
"But you will once you come back for a break. It's just a birthd-"
"Don't you dare finish that, Y/N," He interrupted, making you laugh as you stuffed your clutch with your small wallet and portable power bank. "Birthdays are fucking great."
"Eh," You shrugged as you turned and looked at yourself over your shoulder, "They're alright."
Of course they were fucking great. Birthdays meant the world to you and you'd be lying if you said that you weren't disappointed that Harry couldn't be with you for your first birthday in your relationship together.
"I-Okay, I'll be there in a minute," You heard Harry say and you knew it wasn't addressed to you, "Gorgeous, I have to go but send me pictures, will you?"
You smiled, "I will."
"Happy birthday, sweetheart."

"Wel-Oh God, I'm so sorry," The waiter at the front stammered once you entered, bowing his head before looking at you, "I didn't know it was you, your highness. I apolo-"
"Hey, hey, relax," You smiled and talked slowly, putting your hand up, "Nothing even happened."
He gulped and nodded, "I should've bowed and waited for you to talk. It's just, I'm new here and I don't come from the UK, have noticed the accent? And I really need this job and- I'm stopping now."
You giggled and nodded, "I have noticed the accent. Are you American?"
"Canadian." He corrected, looking down at the reservation agenda for a second.
"Oh, I love Canada!" You beamed, "And you didn't do anything wrong. You're absolutely fine."
The boy eased up, smiling a bit before nodding, "I'm guessing you're under the reservation of Mr. Styles."
Your eyebrows furrowed, smile faltering, "I think it was Monds?"
The boy gave you a confused look, taking a double take at the agenda before looking at you, "Why don't I lead you to their table instead?"
You nodded, laughing when he cursed himself when he began walking in front of you and walked beside you instead, going past tables and people and making your way upstairs towards the private area.
Catching sight of Trevor, you nodded and turned to thank the boy, "Thank you."
"No problem, your highness and by the way," He smiled, taking one of the two empty seats back for you and helping you sit, "It's reservation for Mr. Styles." With that, he took your coat and left.

"There's our birthday girl!" Everyone around the table cheered once you were seated with a grin, finally noticing the shinning helium balloons hanging around and the table behind you with wrapped boxes.
You hugged Eddie beside you, laughing when he squeezed you tightly, "Look at you! 24 and all."
"Don't go treating me like a baby now." You poked his stomach, turning to look at Freddie who released a groan.
"I'm dying of hunger."
"You're such a cry baby," Nia rolled her eyes, "We literally ate a huge bowl of salad before coming here."
"You said it," Freddie spoke in disbelief as he looked at his girlfriend, "A salad!"
Everyone laughed at the banter, you reaching forward to place your hand on Gemma's to compliment her lipstick. "She has the same shade, different brands. I don't get it." Michal said, his arm on the back of Gemma's chair.
"It's not the same shade." Gemma shook her head, "I gave you a full course about a month ago."
"I'm still confused." He shrugged with a smile, leaning down to peck her lips.
"Y/N, have you seen the balcony? I know you love them." Farrah said, pointing behind her at closed doors, catching sight of the fairy lights behind it.
"Hey, before we go outside, why is the reservation under Mr. Styles?" You stressed on the name, pushing your chair back a little and standing up, smoothening down your dress and tucking a stray locket of hair behind your ear.
Everyone at the table glancing at each other and avoiding your eyes made you raise an eyebrow, waiting for someone to speak. "They accidentally wrote my name as Mr." Gemma spoke suddenly, the rest breathing out.
"Come! I want you to take a picture of me outside." Emma let out a tiny squeal that made you smile, letting her hold your wrist and drag you behind her towards the balcony doors, unaware of the rest standing up behind you.
Emma opened the doors and the first thought that ran through your head was "why is a man standing alone here?"
It wasn't any man. In a pretty blue suit and hair that was styled by none other than the wind and the running of fingers through it, stood Harry with a dimpled grin and arms wide open, the dimmed light making him look dreamy — more dreamy,
"Happy birthday, love."
"No!" You said in disbelief, a grin making its way on your face before you tackled him in a hug, feeling his arms wrapping around you tight enough to have your bodies so pressed together, you taking in his scent and wrapping your arms around his neck, "I can't believe that you're here."
"Yeah?" Harry giggled, pulling away a little to look at you, leaning down to press a couple of pecks to your lips, "I can't miss my girl's birthday, first one with us together, might I add." With that said, he leaned down to press a kiss to your lips.
"Reservation for Mr. Styles." Emma cleared her throat behind you, making you and Harry giggle as you turned to look at her, Harry's arms wrapped around you from behind.
"You all are sneaky!" You laughed as you pointed at the table, watching as they stood to each give you a hug.
"I can't believe you fell for it." Freddie said as he gave you a hug, "We all thought you'd catch on."
"I didn't, really!" You laughed, wrapping an arm around Harry's waist while your other palm rested on his chest, "Because I know Harry has a show tomorrow and he had one yesterday. I didn't think he'd squeeze tonight in."
You're underestimating me," Harry nudged your head with his, helping you sit before sitting beside you with his hand on your thigh, "The rest couldn't come though."

"I might be just a liiiittle bit tipsy," You giggled, watching Harry open your flat's door, "But you're staying, right? Are you staying the night?"
"I am, love. Let's just get you to bed." Harry almost literally carried you to your bedroom. He watched you stumble and fall on the bed, closing your eyes instantly and moving your limbs as to make a snow angel.
"Is it snowing?"
Harry couldn't help the laugh that left his lips, walking towards your vanity chair to hold the pyjama you left on, "It's not."
"Aw, bummer," You huffed, looking beside you at him before the glimmering gold wrapping paper caught your attention, an excited expression making its way to your face before you pointed at it, "What's that?"
"That," Harry began, taking off your shoes and handing you your sleepwear, "Is your gift. A-"
"Can I see i-"
"...nd you'll be seeing it tomorrow when you aren't absolutely hammered."
"No Harold," He shook his head, helping you stand, "You won't even remember it by morning."
You huffed, holding the hem of your dress before pulling it over your head without a warning, Harry's eyes widening before he clears his throat, looking the other way. You giggled, slipping your legs into the pyjama shorts, "Do you find that hot?"
"Find what hot?"
"Me," You replied, standing in the little lace bra you got yourself a week ago as a treat, resting your palms against his chest, "Look at me."
And he did. Green eyes carrying a lustful yet timid look as they stared into your own.
"I don't have anything to hide," You whispered, leaning closer to press a kiss to his jaw and holding hands, putting them on your bare waist, "I'm not hiding my body. I got nothing to hide," You repeated, letting his hands roam, "So do you find that hot?"
Harry gulped, leaning his forehead on yours and closing his eyes, "You're drunk."
"And you're turned on. Goodnight."

Harry's bare chest was what greeted you in the morning and it didn't take long to feel the cover against your bare skin, making you check your body to find yourself in your bra and Harry in some shorts he left at your place the last time he stayed over.
The alarm on the bedside table read "8:24" and you almost groaned at how early you woke up, despite the thumping in your head and your sleepy state.
You pecked Harry's jaw and stood up, aiming for the bathroom before halting. There rested the gold shinning box, almost screaming at you to open it. Debating whether or not you should wait for Harry, you decided against it and approached it, slowly beginning to unwrap it.
"Eager, aren't we?" Harry's raspy voice had you flinch and gasp, putting your hand on your heart before looking at him.
"You scared me."
Harry hummed and stretched before standing up, dragging his lanky body to yours to wrap his arms around you from behind and planting a kiss to your shoulder, "Sorry."
You scrunched your face when he kissed your cheek, smiling we you continued unwrapping the gift. "Is it a-oh God, you got me an Alex and Ani bracelet?" You grinned, opening the black box to take out the bracelet, your heart fluttering once you saw the charm.
Harry leaned his head on your shoulder, his temple against yours before he nudged your cheek with his nose, "I know how much your mum means to you so I thought this should be the first charm." He spoke softly, giving your cheek a soft kiss when he was done.
You looked at the letter "D" in the bangle, your mouth slightly agape as you wore it around your wrist, looking down at it. "You have no idea how much this means to me."

Harry smiled, resting his temple on yours, "Look in the box again."
And so, you looked at the bigger box, finding two papers at the bottom. You'd recognise plane tickets anywhere so when you let out a tiny squeal that Harry couldn't not laugh at, you held them in your hands.
"Jamaica! We're going to Jamaica in July!" You turned in Harry's arms, wrapping your arms around him, "Thank you!"
"I know we have a lot of months to go but it'll be worth it, hm?"
"You're absolutely fucking worth it."

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