Part 4

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"Your Highness," One helper tipped his head at you before glancing at Harry who was in awe by the surroundings.
"I'm taking Noir on a walk, can you please get her ready?"" You asked him.
"Of course, your highness. I'll get her ready this instant."
"Rudolf, don't tell granny about this unless she asks." You said, watching as he glanced at yours and Harry's intertwined fingers.
"Of course, your highness." By nodding at him, he was off to get the white horse ready.
"Are you sure this is okay?" Harry asked, looking down at you.
You looked up at him and a smile instantly was drawn on your face, "I'm not."
He chuckled, shaking his head at you. "Your grandmother hates me, doesn't she?"
You sigh, stepping closer and facing him, letting his hand fall from yours as you place your hands on his chest. "She doesn't know you to hate you. She just had," You paused, feeling uneasy to tell him about the Prince you were planned to marry ever since you were a child. It was too early to let it slip like that. "She had some plans and dreams for me. But she'll come along when it's the right time." 
"You know I don't want to be the reason to start issues with your family, right? I mean, it doesn't need a rocket scientist to know that I'm not the person your family wanted you to be associated with." He was gentle. The emerald green color that you loved so much was beautifully almost painted in his eyes that pooled with care and genuineness.
But despite that, the smile on your lips faltered a little. "Are you having second thoughts?"
Instantly, Harry replied. "No," He shook his head, "Told you I'm not scared, didn't I?"
You hummed, waiting impatiently as he leaned down, pressing his ever so kissable lips to your in a soft kiss.
"Your Hi-Oh," You pulled away, looking at Rudolf who blushed, diverting his eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry, your highness."
Yours and Harry's cheeks were tinted red as you stepped beside him instead, a small bashful smile on your faces. "It's okay, Rudolf."
"Noir is ready, your highness."
You grinned excitedly, holding Harry's hand and dragging him behind you inside the stable, letting a "Thank you!" over your shoulder. "Noir is the most gentle horse ever, you'll love her!"
"I haven't ridden a horse since I was so young." Harry chuckled, letting you drag him behind you.
"Don't worry, she's friendly when I'm around."
You led him towards a place where you kept the costumes and other safety equipment. "Here," You handed him a brown helmet. "I'm sure there are boots your size."
After helping Harry with the equipment and wearing your own, the both of you walked out of the other end of the stable where you found one of grooms standing beside Noir.
"Good morning, Ken."
"Good morning, your highness." He smiled, tipping his head.
"This is Harry." You smiled, watching as they greeted each other. "Do you need help getting on?"
Harry shook his head before watching you gracefully get on the beautiful white horse's back, holding the reins. Almost as if he remembered his mother taking him and his sister horse riding when he was younger, Harry was thankful that he remembered how to simply get on a horse. He got on Noir's back who fidgeted in her place, only calming when you stroked her hair assuringly, "Easy now."
Harry was sitting behind you, his chest to your back which was enough to have you feeling flustered and blushing but nevertheless, you slowly began riding your horse down the greenery. "And this, is Noir."
Harry smiled to himself, his hand stroking the white horse softly. "She's beautiful. Has she been yours for long?"
"Ever since I was 4. She was only a filly of one year when Papa, my grandfather, got her for me. This babe is 17 years old." You proudly stated, patting her head.
Amused, Harry let out a small whistle. "She's old."
"Papa has one who's 26 years old." You giggled, glancing behind your shoulder at him.
"So the entire family is into horses?" He asked.
You nodded, "Pretty much. Will, Harry and I were trained when we were only 3. Although we don't ride horses now except for friendly polo matches but Noir here, is someone I frequently take a walk with. Has a special place in my heart." You smiled. "Enough about me, what's something you used to do back home in Cheshire? It's quiet there, isn't it?"
"It is. Quite peaceful. I actually used to work in a bakery." He sounded so happy about it, almost as if he was reminiscing.
Deciding against telling him that you've been a fan for long and knew about the fact, you let him continue. "Barbara, who still works there, would always just pinch my bum. She's the sweetest old, child at heart, woman you can ever meet."
You laughed, throwing your head back a little. "You know quite the cheeky people, huh? Even in your shows, your fans can be quite cheeky."
Harry laughed, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Very true."

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