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Ask: How did Harry tell Princess Y/N about the Met Gala. I imagine the princess playing Gaga's music at her flat and harry just dropping it like it's something casual

Okay so first thing, when he was offered the chance, they were cuddling with some classic vinyl playing, Harry shirtless, Princess Y/N in his sweater with her head on his chest and they're enjoying each other's company so quietly when he just says it:

"They offered me to co-chair the Met Gala next year."
And she sat up quickly, a wide grin on her face and her hair falling like curtains around it, "Are you serious?"
Harry smiled softly and sososo lovingly at her reaction, reaching up to brush her hair and tuck it behind her ear before caressing her cheeks and humming in confirmation.
"Well? What did you say?" And she was so excited about it, the grin not leaving her face before she lowered herself to rest her upper half on his.
"Said I'll think about it. I don't know, honey, this is really, really big." He shrugged.
"Yeah? And?" She raised an eyebrow at him, "So are you," and of course he smirked, wiggling both eyebrows at her which had her groaning and laughing, rolling her eyes at him, "Not like that, you donut!"
Harry laughed before he sighed and shrugged, resting both hands on her head as he began playing with her hair; something that has always soothed Y/N. "I don't know, baby."
"I do," She spoke gently and softly this time, leaning her chin and resting her arms on his chest, "You got the hang of the solo life, love. This opportunity is so enormous and I know that you can do it. They wouldn't have picked you if they didn't feel like you'd be right for it, yeah?" And she reached her hand out, brushing her knuckles gently against the stubble on his chin.
Harry smiled, tilting his head a little, "C'mere, please." And she did. She lied on her side, smiling as Harry rested his ring-less hand on her cheek before locking his lips with hers, "Thank you."
"No problem, rockstar," She whispered, "Call them or email them. Tell them you'll take it."
He hummed, throwing his leg over hers and nuzzling his head in her neck, smiling as he heard her giggling, "I'll do it tomorrow. Can't bring myself to get up and leave you like that."

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