Back to face the 2nd Generation

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Jasper pov

The problem looked ya right in the front us stood monsters from our parent's past.Drakon,The titan krios,and a cyclops. What was happening.Was the past coming to bite us in the butt. I pulled the needle out of my watch. We all ran towards our opponents. I slid under the titans leg slicing his knee while under him. I ran back up behind him and jumped on his back. I stabbed him in his shoulder before he grabbed me and threw me. I landed on my feet. Years of practice was paying off. I ran back. I said, "STOP."Everyone stopped except for him and the titan.

Krios simply laughed before he said, "That little trick you inherited from your mother won't work on me.¨ I kept charging forward. I threw my dagger at him to have him deflect it. He fell for it,I ran my fastest and when up close Sliced him on the stomach. HE took it and grabbed me by my arm and sliced with his sword. HE was playing with me. He then threw me again. I landed on my back. I looked at my arm.There was no way I was going to beat this guy...what was I thinking. I was the son of Jason and Piper Grace. I grabbed my sword at the same time. I ran toward him,my heart pumping and adrenaline taking course through my veins. I jumped stabbing his arm in the process. Then while behind him,I stabbed him in the neck.. I could tell he was tired of playing. He slapped me with one hand. Making me fall to the ground. He swung his sword but something deflected it. Lily. She raised one hand summoning the moisture in the air to make a huge wave. I took this as my chance. I grabbed my sword and Dagger. I ran towards the titan who was dazed from the wave. "I am Jasper Grace son of Piper and Jason Grace You will die before my hands. I jumped on him before stabbing him in the crook of his neck. He stood there for a bit before puffing into golden dust. I saw Jayla finish her battle just then.I fell to the ground. I was exhausted. My body ached and I felt the injuries, especially the slash on my arm. I looked at it. It was deep and leaking out blood. I would need some ambrosia for that.Everything went black and I thought I needed help,because I wasn't strong enough.

Lily pov

The drakon ran after me while hissing. Well is this just a great way to start off my day, i thought to myself. I quickly pulled the cap off of Riptide, jumped over the drakon, and slashed downward into its back. It hissed even more at me and slithered quickly over to me and tried to slash at me with its sharp talons but I quickly dodged and stabbed the drakon. With a face of surprise, the drakon dissolved into dust. I looked behind me to see Jasper laying down on the ground without moving. At the same time Jayla finished fighting the cyclops and ran over to Jasper with me. I quickly fished the ambrosia out of my bookbag and force-fed it to him. After a while, he woke up and tried to sit up. Me and Jayla tended to his injuries. ¨We have to be quick with this. We have to go to Chicago pronto to warn the gods.¨ We all agreed that we would walk to the nearest bus stop to be able to reach the Willis Tower. We walked mostly in silence. We paid for the bus stop and rested for a bit because it would be a long ride.

When we finally got to the tower, there was a mob of tourists. We made our way through and got inside. We went to the man who was at the front desk and I asked, "We have a special request." I think he got the hint because he immediately took us to a hidden elevator and told us, "This will take you to them." We thanked him and waited as the elevator took us up the tower. At least the elevator music helped calm down my nerves a little. When we finally heard the sound telling us that we arrived, we stepped out and were amazed. There were large pillars lining the inside. All around, there were gods and goddesses walking around and chatting. When they saw us they all started whispering and gossiping. I felt self conscious but continued anyway. It was pretty easy to find out where the main room was. All the pillars led to the center corridor which led into a grand room. There were 12 huge thrones and 12 huge gods sitting in their respective places. When we entered there was a large thud signaling that the door had closed. Me and my friends all immediately kneeled down to show our respect. "What do you look for here." said a loud voice. I assumed it was Zeus because there was a loud boom in the background like thunder. "We have come here to warn you." I responded. When I looked up, I saw Zeus' amused face. "You cross through my territory like your father once did so long ago just to "warn us"?" I thought back to a distant memory of my dad telling me how he was almost blasted out of the sky but I shook that memory away. "We are here to warn you of the coming of Tarturus, Nyx, and Prometheus." I saw all the gods look at each other with a mixture of surprise and anger. I feared that he might yell at us and kick us out of the sky for us to painfully die but he just shouted "Silence!" and looked back down at us. "What exactly do you know of his coming?" Jasper spoke up and said, "I had a dream telling me that they were planning on coming here to destroy you guys. Prometheus would hold the sky for atlas so that he could also get his revenge. We also suspect that there might be an army of monsters that will also come with them, gra- I mean Lord Zeus." He seemed to mull this over. He started to quickly speak with the other gods in greek. Even though I understand greek, they were speaking much too quickly for me to understand. I only understood a few words like monsters, plan, and a few curses were also mentioned. "Thank you for your warning. We will now devise a plan to try and stop this. You may now make your way back to camp and we will handle everything." Me and my friends looked at each other with confused faces. Weren't we supposed to go and defeat them? I looked at Athena in confusion and saw her looking straight back at me. I understood what she was trying to tell me by looking at her face so clearly that it was like she was whispering it in my ear. You have to go and defeat them. There is no waiting for Zeus to try and solve this problem. That might take centuries. Go and don't wait for help. This is your quest that you need to complete. I nodded my head and announced, "We will take our leave now, Lord Zeus." I looked at Poseidon and saw that he was looking at me proudly which gave me the faith that the two gods that hate each other the most might even be giving me the strength to do what needs to be done. With that thought in mind, we left and made our way to, basically, our death.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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