"I don't understand," Cas said. "Would the police hurt her in some way?" 

"No, well not intentionally. She'd be taken somewhere where there are other abandoned kids and they'd start a file on her, then give her to some people who may or may not be the most trustworthy around. If they can't find her family she'd be shipped around until they either found her real parents or someone adopted her. It's a rough life. I met a few foster kids growing up and most of them were not what you would call well cared for. " 

"You and Dean feel some sort of sense of responsiblity towards her and think you would do a better job." 

"Well, we did kill her mom," Sam reminded him, "I don't think we're exactly role models for foster parents or anything but at least with us she gets one on one time." 

"And?" Cas knew there was more but he wasn't sure quite what it was. 

Sam shook his head and looked away, "Nothing. Just..." 

"She reminds you of other things. The things you and Dean have walked away from." 

"Yeah. It's dumb, I know. We can't raise a kid." She started to fuss and Sam lifted her to his shoulder and softly patted her back. "We have to stay off the grid and she'd be a perfect target for Crowley or anyone that wanted to get to us." 

"That's true." Strategically Cas had to agree with Sam, but what he felt pouring from Sam's soul was something completely different. He'd felt it from Dean when he was caring for the child earlier. "However, you both already care deeply for her." 

Sam frowned, "Trying to deny that here Cas, you're not helping." 

"Oh, my mistake. I still get confused as to when you want to hear the truth and when you don't." 

"It's fine," Sam sighed, "We'll have to face up to it eventually. Just never gets easier." 

"What if she has no other family? That is possible you know." 

The amount of protective love that surged through him at Cas's words took him by surprise. He forced himself to shove it back down, "One thing at a time." Cas raised an eyebrow at him but made no further comment. 

Around an hour later Dean walked in carrying more bags then he'd have for just getting food, "Sorry it took so long. I figured she needed something other than towels to wear. By the time I'd made it to the diner it was the morning rush so they were slow." 

Sam just stared at him, "You got her clothes?"

Dean shrugged, "What? She's going to be with us a few days at least."

"Don't you think..." Sam started.

"I'm not getting too attached, relax," Dean interrupted, "If we find her family she goes back, I know, but I'm not going to do a half ass job of caring for her either. You agree with me and you know it." 

"I," Sam tried to argue but he couldn't, "Fine. Okay then. Well, she fell asleep after chowing down and she needs a bath. I changed her though." 

"I'll clean her up when we get home. Eat up." 

Sam laid her down in the center of a bed, covered her up and joined Dean at the table. Cas took the third chair and kept an eye on Spunky while they ate. As they were finishing up both their text alerts went off. Dean's phone was closer, "Jodi's getting in tomorrow night at five. Think you can make it back in time?" 

"Yeah, if I drive straight through," Sam answered with a sigh.

"I'll return here after I take Dean and the infant..."

"Spunky," Dean corrected. 

"I apologize," Cas said, "Dean and Spunky to the Bunker and help you make the trip. No need for you to do that drive alone Sam." 

Cas's offer took a rather large weight off him, as exhausted as he was already he hadn't been too sure he'd make it all the way without a break. "Thanks Cas." 

"We should probably get going then," Dean stated. He gathered up all the supplies they had bought into bags, handed them to Cas, picked up Spunky and stood next to Cas. "See you tomorrrow some time." 

"Sure thing."  

Cas placed his hand on Dean's shoulder and they disappeared. Sam looked around the empty hotel room and felt much more alone than he had in a long time. Even though she'd only been with them less than a day she'd added a whole other meaning to their world and he already missed it. They'd spent their lives dealing in death and being around life in it's rawest form, that of a child that needed to be cared for, had revealed a side  that he'd long since forgotten or maybe hadn't even be aware he had. 

Cas reappeared in front of him, "They are safe." 

Sam forced himself to his feet, "Let me get a shower and pack, then we'll hit the road." 

"If it's all right with you," Cas said, "I think I should drive first. You're exhausted." 

"Thanks. I appreciate that." 

"You're welcome," Cas sat down and watched him pull fresh clothes from his bag, "I must say I was surprised Dean chose to go with Spunky and not drive." 

"I'm not. Baby's family and all, but Spunky needs him far more than Baby does. Deep down, Dean's always had a thing for kids. He's just never had a chance to show it much. If..." Sam paused, "Never mind. I'll be back in a few."  Sam headed into the bathroom while battling with the fact that as much as he wanted to find her family, there was a growing part of him that wouldn't mind too much if they didn't.

A New Legacy (Book One of New Legacy SPN Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin