(2) Second objective, Daydream walk - phase 1

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First morning in Aerium, as i remember yesterday i arrive in Aerium at noon and hunt till evening. it's quite exhausting, long time since i fill my desire like that actually.

Usually i hold back in Moonforest to conceal any uproar in neighbor. In this world there are still many unreachable spot by people, so i can release and experiment my full power.

Huuaahh...hmm good exercise good sleep . Now I need a bit stretching, my muscle already healed but still tired.
I wonder when my breakfast brought here as i requested to the owner yesterday.

Dok dok dok...
"Mr. Yuki, are you awake? here's your breakfast~ Can i come in?"

"Please wait, i'm coming."

I see a mature lady, but i'm not sure whether a teen girl or a woman already? something is a bit off.

"Oh! Mr. Yuki isn't it? here's your breakfast"

"Yeah, thank you lady. Pardon me, but who might you be?"

"Oh my! sorry for late introduction. Me daughter of Inn owner here, Manna, 16 years old this year. Nice meeting you, mister" and she bows.

"Ah yeah, that's explained. But, how do you know it's me? I mean, i only met your mother yesterday"

"Hihi, Mom said Mister Yuki has pitch black yet beautiful hair, pale yet bright colored skin, and Beauty yet bold manly figure. It's really confusing, but i know as i look at mister now."

"Hmm? What's with that complicated description?" It's really confusing me.

"By the way, thank you Manna. Please take care of me from now on. See ya later." as i start to close my door, i hear her hesitated voice.

"Err..sorry mister for my rudeness. I heard from mom, but why don't you wanna join us in dinner room? I mean we have lots of guest with various stories. They behave well even help us occasionally when they have rest days." she tries to persuade me with those friendly offers, huh.

"I can't explain, but for now i have works that need solitude. And i'm still exhausted from long trip."
she looks disappointed. i'm obliged to cheer her up, i guess.

"Perhaps once my works done, i'll join your circle."
she begins to smile again.

"Oh before i forget, please call me Yuki, without mister. Our age not too far."

"Eeeh really?...how much?"
"...." i carefully answer it.

"so-sorry, if it's.."
"Around 2-3 years apart." i decide it.

"eh?...then i may call you brother then, teehee."

after i ensure she's brightful as before, Manna go back to the dinner room while i go back into my room.

While i'm eating my breakfast, i'm checking details in my stats plate:

Name: Yuzuki Yatoshu (Male)
Race: Human
Age: 18
Job: Warlord lv.1 >20
Rank: None
Title: None
Class: None
Currency: 40 gold, 30 silver
Storage: Medium bag, item pouch

Health 3000
Stamina 3400
Mana 1500
Strength 300 >363
Wisdom 200
Vitality 270
Agility 210
Dexterity 100
Stat points 1000

Unique magic: Void
Unique passive: Ultra learn, Soulmaker
Unique ability: Appraiser
Skill points 0

Magic: Space magic lv.1 >lv.5
Fire offense lv.1
Water offense lv.1
Wind offense lv.1
Earth offense lv.1
Wind creation lv.0 >lv.5
Earth creation lv.0 >lv.5

Power: Combat tech lv.5 >lv.10
Sword tech lv.5
Throwing tech lv.2
Stealth tech lv.2 >lv.7

Support: Presence detect lv.3 >lv.5
Magic detect lv.3 >lv.5
Auto heal lv.3

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