(16) Manan Flying to New York!

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Nandini's POV

"Princess... All set for tomorrow's flight?" Dad asked while looking up from his plate as we four r having dinner together at the dining table.

"Yes Dad! Packing done. Just need to check it once." I replied after engulfing the piece of panner with roti.

"I'm done! Excuse me" Alya said standing up pushing the chair in a hurry.

"Arey Alu. Have some more... u r not eating properly for a week." Mom complained as she just came to eat after we all started and now leaving before us.

"I'm busy mom. And I'm full" She ran to wash n hands n then directly to her room.

Mom sighed. "She's having one of the biggest Fashion shows in less than two weeks now. And being the experienced one she's more pressure on her shoulders, Mom." I tried explaining her to Mom. "Don't worry. She has lots of snacks in her selves that she must be munching all over. She' fine" I assured but I know, Mothers can never be assured by this. Mothers will be mothers!

After dinner, having done with the checking of my suitcase, I pulled it to the floor near the door and checked the time to be 11 pm. My flight tomorrow is at 9:45 am n have to reach at most an hour before for check-in. And with the journey of almost 16hours, we'll reach at NY airport at 1:30 am at night, if no delay!

I walked to Alya's room wanting to just check on her before hitting the bed. Knocking the door before opening it immediately like I always do, I entered her room only to see her closing her laptop in a hurry.

Locking the door behind, I sat at the edge of her bed while she's sitting on the study table and looked at me raising her brow. Her recent action seems suspicious as if she got caught!

"Are u watching porns?" I asked the first thing that crossed my mind.

"Hun?" she mutters almost inaudibly but let out a breath of relief n turn back at her files.

"Nonsense!" She spoke making me roll my eyes. Even if she'd been watching porn, she won't tell me. She never shared any detail of her intimate moments with any of her boyfriend.
I still remember when I first got to know that she'd her first kiss in class 7th. I asked for the detail as I was curious about how it feels, but she just said it's like that of in movies n I'd get to know myself.

But frankly speaking, when I had my first kiss in 12th with my one-week boyfriend, it doesn't feel anything like movies; no slow music, no stopping of surrounding, no guitar, no birds singing, no ringing of bells, and no rain, no romantic tip-tip sound, no cold breeze passing by, And as its day so No question of the full moon dancing n stars twinkling brighter at my first kiss...
All bullshit man!

 "As u say" I said not wanting to drag the matter. "So, it seems that u r way too busy for ur upcoming fashion show. Aren't u preparing for it for 2months?" I questioned while she sighed before turning to me from her files.

"We did. But some traitor in the company has been leaking out our designs n plans to our competitor, RK fashion house, who r also planning a show on the same date as us. Now the condition is of war & we r at loss at the moment." She told the exact scenario. That's hurtful when someone else uses ur work in his/her name.

"Oh God! That's bad! Now I know, Dhruv was very tensed when I called three days before n after that he's not picking upcalls n when I messaged he replied back saying he's busy." I said remembering the last time I called Dhruv to have a chat as we generally talk n meet in every 2-3 days but he's not called for 5days then.

"Hmm... He's very tensed n angry when he got to know that our plans r sold n our rivals r plotting against us. We have still no idea of how much they know n who exactly is the betrayer." She looked serious n worried.

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