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Assalamuvalikum warahamtullahi wa barkatu hu.

How's everyone celebrated eid.?

Kindness is a mark of faith and whoever has not kindness has not faith
  __prophet Mohammed S.W.S



"As I opened the Rack shelf, I found the old metal box belonging to my Abbu(father). A box looks messy with old finite papers. Unfolding a paper one of them".

"oh my Dunya,

Let the world hurt you

They devastated you thinking you are wrong

You are wrong because you are right 

You are right, you believe in Almighty 

Almighty the one who guide you

Who guide you through the gloom

The gloom sometimes collapse your shimmering smile 

The smile I love the most in the world

The world will hurt you beyond imaginations but 

Believe that almighty with you 

You are my little star

My little star I'm always with you 

Oh my Dunya 

The world of love".

"Abbu I gasped tears rolled down. I heard the most beautiful voice, the call of Azan". 

I rushed to offer the salah, I united my two hands in front my almighty Allah. "ya Allah i miss Abbu so much, please protect him in every aspect and bless me with the strength to take the responsibilities of my family and my dream".

"I pin the scarf, and head to the front yard of my house. Oh my dream, the cafe.My shattered dream. Which feeds my family's hunger". 

Oh my pretty eyes, what an amazing view subhanallah. My eyes witnessed the beauty of shimla. "You just imagine a spring season in a hilly area surrounded by beautiful nature, with a cup of black coffee doesn't sound awww". well it's quite annoying right but believe me I love this way. I smiled at myself. 

"I made my black coffee,My love. Without my coffee I wouldn't survive all day". I took a sip, really enjoying this view. Allah blessed me to see a beautiful view. 

"When we migrated to Shimla, I hated being here. My love was" Kashmir". The heavenly land in the world. The nature of Kashmir will steal your mind and heart. But now look at me, I'm literally in love with shimla. 

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