Maybe More Than Best Friends Part 2

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Courtney POV

Me and Bridgette are at my house. My mind and dad left a note saying they'll be home in 2 days. I knew it was going to be more than just 2 days. It was 7:40 pm and we was getting dressed. "So, what happened with Duncan?" Bridgette said as we was going through my closet. I froze. I couldn't tell her what the problem was. She won't feel bad then I would feel bad. I know she's my best friend. I should tell.

"Family issues" I said. Why did I say that! We don't keep secrets! Oh my god! "Oh" She said. Once we found what we was going to wear we changed.

"I'll take makeup you'll take mirror" Bridgette said. She meant like she'll put her face on, which is lipstick and hair. And I would get my clothes fixed and shoes out. I nod and we walk out the closet. I go to the mirror and I was in a white dress that stopped above mid-thigh. I grabbed my black pumps and slide them on. Bridgette comes out in a blue dress that is just above her knee. She has lipstick on like i said. Her hair was straight and down. My eyes widened. She never wears her hair down.

"You look amazing" I said. She giggled

"thank you. Now go it's your turn" She said trying to hide her blush. I walk in the bathroom. I pull out my mascara and apply it. I put on my nature blush and lipstick. I curl my hair and put half in a ponytail and leave half down. I walk back in my room to see Bridgette on my bed. She was wearing white heels "You ready?" She asked. I smile and nod.


We pulled up to Geoff's house in my car. We was 30 minutes late, but didn't care. We walked up to his door and knocked. Geoff: answered with a beer in his hand.

"Babe! Mocha!" He said he pulled us in with one hand. He lead us to the living room, which was packed. We then walk to the dinning room where Duncan and DJ was.

"Oh, babe" Duncan said grin and looking me up and down. I blush and kiss him on the cheek. I turn to see Geoff helping Bridgette on the table. I felt Duncan pull me towards the table. He hops on the table and helps me up and DJ follows. Geoff pulls out a blow horn and blows. The whole party had their eyes on us.

"The reason of this party is because of our new president, COURTNEY!" He screamed. Everyone started cheering for me and clapping their hands. "Any words from the party girl?" He said looking at me.

I took a deep breath "Let's party bitches!" I said and the room went wild.


3rd person

After 3 hours everyone was completely drunk. People were making out, pasted out, or fuckin' in the bedrooms. It was 11:30 and there was still a lot of people. DJ was in the living room talking with a drunk Katie. Geoff, Duncan, Bridgette, and Courtney were all on the dance floor grinding on each other. "Courtneyyyyy" Bridgette said slurring her words. "Yeahh?" Courtney replied. "Come with me." Bridgette said pulling Courtney by her wrist. Before they could leave Courtney called back to the boys "We'll be riiiiight baaack" And with that they where fumbling up the stairs in to a bedroom.

2 hours later at 1:30

DJ and Katie were snuggled up in one of the bedrooms. Geoff and Duncan were taking shots. "Dude, what's taking princess and malibu so long?" Duncan asked Geoff. Both of they drunken to the core. "I don't know dude. Let's go check up on dem" Geoff said. They make their way up the stairs falling and tripping, as they go to the room their girlfriends are located. Geoff opens the door and the two step inside. They see a white dress on the floor, a blue dress by the closet, one black heel near the window, the other on the night stand, and a pair white heels at the end of the bed. Their eyes travel up to the bed where their girlfriends were. Courtney was on top of Bridgette in a straddle position. They were making out in the bed wearing no clothes and grinding on each while moaning. "What the hell?!" Duncan screamed. Courtney and Bridgette look to see who was at the door to see their boyfriends mouths wide open. Courtney rolls off of Bridgette and they cover their bodies with the blanket. "Courtney! Really?!" Duncan yelled coming farther in the room with Geoff following behind him while shutting the door. "Dude. You gotta admit. This is hot!" Geoff said. Duncan looked at him like he was crazy. He then looks at the girls. "It is. But that's not the point. The point is our girls cheated on us with each other." "Yeah, that's not cool. But it's like really hot." Geoff said. Courtney and Bridgette blush. Duncan noticed how Courtney was just grinding on another girl that was hot. He tried not to think that Geoff was right about it being hot. "That's not ok!" Duncan yelled again. "Well, that's not what he thinks about it" Courtney said smirking and pointing down to Duncan's pants. "Admit it, you think it's hot" Courtney said still smirking. She turned to Bridgette and pulled Bridgette's chin towards herself. Courtney was looking at Duncan out the corner of her eyes while leaning into Bridgette. She kissed Bridgette and slid her tongue into Bridgette's mouth still looks straight into Duncan's lustful eyes. Courtney then climbs on top of Bridgette's lap breaking her and Duncan's eye contact. They started grinding their hips together. Geoff and Duncan look at their girlfriends grinding against each other. They we're watching them like they watch porn on their phones. "Hey, dude" Geoff said quietly but loud enough for Duncan to hear, not breaking his contact on the girls. "Hm" Duncan replied also not breaking eye contact from their motion. At this point they were both moaning into each other's mouth. "Let's get in on this" Geoff said now looking at Duncan and his hand in a fist. Duncan looked at Geoff and nodded bumping their fist together. They joined the girls and had a foursome that night.

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