Feelings I Thought I Never Had

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During World Tour.💙

3rd person

It was the day after Tyler had announced the affair of Gwen and Duncan. There was alot of hate towards the two. Some people call Duncan a 'Fuck boy', some people call Gwen 'The new Heather'.

Team Amazon was in first class. They had just finished episode 15 'Ex-files'. Courtney was sitting in a chair in first class with Heather rubbing her back as she cried. Sierra sat across from Courtney writing plans on how to destroy Gwen. Gwen was sitting on the other side of first class away from Courtney Heather, and Sierra.

The next challenge would be in a week. And believe it or not, Chris and Chef actually care about the contestants. Incase you were wondering they only wear the uniforms when they were filming. It was 10 o'clock and nobody on the plane was sleep. After the events of today everyone would be wide awake. The cameras were off and they were allowed to do and say anything. Courtney was wearing a pink sports bra and matching pink booty shorts. Gwen was in her black strapless bra and black short shorts. Heather was in red sweats and a red crop top. Sierra had on dark blue boy shorts and an over sized jersey.



"Hey, it'll be fine" Heather said trying to calm Courtney's tears. On the show Courtney would put up a don't-care-attitude, but in real life she was breaking down inside. Sure Heather was labeled as a 'queen bitch' on the show, but when the camera goes off it's a side nobody has seen or expected. The nice, caring, wise side. And the three girls did have a friendship. I mean of course they couldn't act like that on the show. "I-i loved h-h-him" Courtney said as she stuttered from crying.

Gwen gets out her seat and walks over to Courtney. "What do you want!" Sierra yelled at Gwen. Gwen rolls her eye's at Sierra and turns back to Courtney.

"Im sor-" Gwen started but Courtney cut her off. "I don't give a fuck. Save your sorry's for your next boyfriends girl!" Courtney said as she stood up and smacked Gwen in her face. Gwen then punches Courtney and Courtney tackled Gwen.

"Omg!" Heather said. Her and Sierra didn't know what to do.


They ran around the plane looking for someone strong enough to break the girls away. They soon found Chef and Chris talking with Duncan, Alejandro, Owen and Tyler. Chris was in a silk red button up night shirt and matching pajamas. Chef was wearing his boxers, which nobody wanted to see. Duncan was wearing black Nike basketball shorts and was shirtless. Alejandro was wearing a white beater and plaid pajama pants. Owen was wearing a yellow t-shirt that said 'Canada' and his boxers. Tyler was wearing gray sweats and a gray sweatshirt. The guys turn to look at Heather and Sierra, as they were out of breath. "What's up with you dudes?" Chris asked.

"Co-gw-fi" Sierra said.

"Courtney and Gwen are fighting!" Heather yelled in one breath.

"Shit" Chef muttered.


All eight of they ran back to first class. Once they enter they see Courtney and Gwen by the island pulling each other's hair. Courtney then takes the wine bottle off the counter and hit Gwen in the head with it. The bottle shattered on her head with liquid. Gwen fell on the floor rubbing her head. Courtney gets on top of her and started hitting her more. Everyone stood there in shock. Chef goes up to the two girls and tried to pull Gwen. Courtney then hits Gwen in her jaw and a tooth came flying out with blood. "Princess!" Duncan yelled as he went to help Chef. He tried pulling Courtney off. Chef then snatches Gwen away. Duncan has one of his arms around Courtney's waist. Heather looks at him and rolls her eyes.

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