"What is the correct answer?"

Hell! It seems like Seungyeon is indeed testing his patience.

Jonghyun chuckled in annoyance, increasingly burying his face spoiled. "You didn't say that you love him too, right?"

Seungyeon chuckled. So this is what made Jonghyun turn nag, spoiled and curious. The man must have been feeling uneasy uneasily.

Seungyeon intentionally grabbed Jonghyun's hair that was getting long. "Of course not. Why do you keep asking when you already know the answer?"

"I have to make sure Jungshin doesn't manage to take you away from me." He said in self-defense.

"What about Jisoo? Have you talked?"

Jonghyun sighed heavily. The name now always just makes his mood bad. Can people stop talking about her from now on?

"I did. I accidentally met at the police station. And that was my last conversation, don't ask me to talk to her again."

Unknowingly Seungyeon smiled cynically.  "Look who said that now, forgetting that you always met her willingly."

Jonghyun looked up, watching Seungyeon whose expression was even after saying that, but still-again-the guilt appeared.

"Forgive me." Jonghyun whispered. "Sorry for all the stupid things I've done to you."

Seungyeon didn't answer, even though her heart warmed at Jonghyun's sincere apology. It seems like he was truly sorry this time.

"I have already forgiven you."

"Is it true?"


"Then why do you still feel cold? I miss the usual you."

Seungyeon smiled, then looked down and without warning kissed Jonghyun's lips lightly.

But even though the kiss was mild it still managed to make Jonghyun smile broadly.  "Again." He said shamelessly.

Seungyeon chuckles instead. "No. Get up there, my feet ache."

"Ah but I'm comfortable like this."

"Wake up, sleep on a pillow." Seungyeon moving her legs showed that she really felt achy.

"Then let's move to the room." Jonghyun got up from his lying position.

"I'm not sleepy, I don't want to sleep yet."

"Who told you to go to bed for sleep?"

Seungyeon frowned. "And then?"

"Hey... You know what I mean."


Jonghyun answered by kissing her lips. "For that and more."

Seungyeon immediately understood what Jonghyun meant. Her cheeks immediately blushed and was wheezed. She lightly hit Jonghyun's shoulder and shook her head slowly.

Unfortunately, her attitude was very adorable in Jonghyun's eyes. Again, he touched Seungyeon's lips with his lips, this time while pulverizing slowly.

"How?" Jonghyun looked at Seungyeon with a pleading look.

Seungyeon still shook her head.

"Oh come on~" Jonghyun kisses Seungyeon's neck now, making her laugh amused.

"Not." Seungyeon said after Jonghyun pulled away from her neck.

Succumbing, Jonghyun sighed and flung himself back on the sofa, covering his face with a pillow. For that one thing, he would not force. It won't be fun if only he wants it while Seungyeon doesn't. Even though, the girl never knew the effect she had on his body every time they kissed.

Without feeling guilty Seungyeon looked back at the television screen. "It's late, aren't you afraid to go home too late?"

"Am I expelled? Again?" Jonghyun looked at Seungyeon in disbelief. "You said I was forgiven."

Before Seungyeon had a chance to respond, Jonghyun had pulled her into a hug. Bringing Seungyeon's small body collapsed with him, forcing the innocent sofa to accommodate both of their bodies.  Jonghyun's two hands hugged Seungyeon's body tightly, and his legs also wrapped around her legs, preventing her from escaping.

"Let me go!"

"No. You didn't let me hold you for a long time, so now you have to make up for it."

Seungyeon hit Jonghyun's chest slowly, her face slumped at the curve of his neck.

Oh my God, Jonghyun's masculine scent. The intoxicating combination of perfume and after shave always makes Seungyeon want to kiss him again and again.

"You have to get a haircut." Seungyeon said suddenly.



Jonghyun pushed his face back a little so he could see Seungyeon's face. "What? I'm ugly? Wow... Your taste has changed a lot huh?"

Seungyeon buried her face again, took a deep breath, and Jonghyun knew she was smiling.

"Yeah. Ugly. You has to get a haircut to look younger. I don't want to be mistaken for dating Ahjussi."

"You should be happy that I'm ugly, meaning that the girls out there won't like me. Your competition automatically decreases."

"No, no. You have to be handsome, but don't spread too much charm."

Jonghyun laughed amused. Gosh, why is Seungyeon like this?

But, he quite likes the outspoken Seungyeon. Or is it because they haven't spent time together for a long time, so now it feels warmer?

"Then you also have to play fair. You must stay beautiful but don't spread too much charm."

"I'm not just spreading charms, those men are crazy." Seungyeon said with confidence.

"Ya, ya. You even made Jungshin fall in love just because he stared into your eyes for three seconds."

This time Seungyeon who was staring at Jonghyun frowned. "Why are you like this, you said, you not expecting me to be with Jungshin oppa but you just continuing to discuss it."

Jonghyun chuckled and kissed her forehead, removing the wrinkles. "Who is looking better? Me or Jungshin? Answer honestly."

"Jungshin." Seungyeon answered without thinking.

The direct answer clearly made Jonghyun stared. "Answer honestly, I said."

"Yes, that's an honest answer."

"Alright, alright. Who has better style? Me or Jungshin?"

"Jungshin oppa, of course. Why does that still have to be asked."

Jonghyun closed his eyes, trying to gather patience. "Who is more fun to talk to?"


"Don't you have another answer?"

"The choices are only Jonghyun and Jungshin."

"And of all the questions, your answers are all Jungshin?"

Seungyeon kissed his cheek suddenly. "Is that a problem? In the end Jonghyun remains the winner."

Ah, Seungyeon is indeed good at changing his mood. The girl clearly knew what she had to do to make a man fall in love with her again and again.

"Say you love me and nothing else." Begged Jonghyun.

"I love you. And only you."

Jonghyun immediately kissed Seungyeon's lips, feeling very satisfied with what he just heard.

"Me too. Only you."

"I know." Seungyeon nodded. "So, can you let me go now? I'm sleepy."

Jonghyun laughed again, then brought Seungyeon up from their collapsed on the sofa. "Alright, let's sleep."

"Really sleep."

"Ya baby."


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