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"Luck?! LUUUCK!!" The group had set out for the diamond kingdom earlier this morning, leaving all evidence they were magic knights at the hideout. They had come to this foreign land to find one thing, Luck.
"Should we really be searching in the kingdom? Why not search outside the kingdom..." Finral muttered, slightly nervous for what they might find.
"Huh? So your not a stupid as you look!" Yami snickered, "You, Asta, and Magna go and look, I'll search here with Noelle."
"Yes captain sir!" The 4 chanted in unison, "Sh! We're not magic knights remember?!"
"Yes captain sir...!" They whispered, hoping that they didn't draw attention to themselves.
"Let's go then! If we do find something, and it's bad Finral will teleport Asta and I to the hospital, then he'll come find you." Magna said, hoping that wouldn't be necessary.
"Alright, good luck you 3."

Luck P.O.V

Everything burned. Luck couldn't recall the events from the previous night, but he could remember an object. The pot. It was thrown over him, leaving parts of his skin a fleshy red.
Damn, I'm probably going to have these scars for the rest of my life. Luck thought to himself, hoping that he could live the rest of his life outside of his cage. The door was harshly pushed open, revealing the same man every time. He looked slightly panicked, and so did Luck as we walked closer to him.
"Well my playtime with you has come to an end, I'm afraid. Well I guess I'll let those sickos take you back now... blood magic, back to reality."
Luck felt the same burning sensation he felt his first day there, then suddenly it stopped. Luck was too tired to be surprised, but then, he could move his mouth again.

Magna P.O.V

"What's that...?" Magna put his hand out to feel the red thread in front of him.
"Huh..? I wonder where it's leading to?"

Vanessa P.O.V

Vanessa was sitting on the couch, lazily drinking away. She wanted to be there searching for her little brother.
"Hey Vanessa?"
"Yes Grey...?"
"I know you want to help find Luck right?" Vanessa nodded, "Well there is a way... y-you could use Rouge to trigger a fate where they find Luck!"
Vanessa looked at the frail girl in front of her with wide eyes. Holy shit she's right! How did I not think of that?!
Vanessa told rouge to help the other Black Bulls in their mission, and of corse she did just that.

This chapter was interesting to write


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