Chapter 3: The First Trial

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(Y/n) Pov.

I sit on the log in shock, "Wait, so we are in another dimension ruled by an unknown deity?" I asked Kate who was sitting on a log across from me in our private clearing. She nods, "Yep, and don't forget, we're forced to play a sick game where we run from killers for its enjoyment." She said, tuning her guitar and strumming a few strings. I sigh and hold my head in frustration. But then I think of a concerning question, "Where are the killers right now?!" I asked, realizing they could be in their own camp nearby.

Kate stopped and looked up towards the direction away from the survivor camp, "...They're over there." She said, getting off the log and walking towards where the killers supposedly are. I jump up in shock, "What do you mean they're over there!?" I asked her, my concern growing. But, as she gets to the middle of the clearing, large metal rods, and smoke shoot out of the ground, blocking her path, "The entity keeps us separated from each other. But, it's placed this clearing here where the two camps meet. No one really knows about it, not even the killers." She said, moving away from the blockade and back to me.

However, her statement only seems partially correct as I see a figure emerge from the treeline on the other side of the clearing. But, they are anything but human. Their skin is a sickly grey with dark spots near their shoulders as if they were freckles. They were crawling around on all fours with massive clawed hands and feet kicking up dirt as they trudged around. While most of their body seems monstrous, they still had human-like features, their most notable being their large breasts and hips, implying that whatever it was is a female.

 While most of their body seems monstrous, they still had human-like features, their most notable being their large breasts and hips, implying that whatever it was is a female

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"Uh, Kate? I don't think this place as secretive as you thought." I said to her, pointing at the figure who had just noticed our presence. The monster stops in its tracks and looks at us, opening its strange face mouth thing, and revealing tons of razor-sharp teeth. I hear it hiss as it stands straight up, focusing on me for a moment before changing targets to Kate. Then, it suddenly lunges at her, only to be stopped by the entity's nightmare blockade. Kate moves closer to the enraged creature and analysis it, "This is the new killer!? W-what is it?" She asked, turning to me as if I would know. I hold up my hands in defense and take a step back, "How the fuck would I know?" I said, taking my turn to observe the creature as it begins to calm down. She gives me an apologetic glance, "Sorry, it's just that most of the survivors that arrive here with a killer have interacted with them before..." She said taking a step back and grabbing her guitar, "C'mon, let's go back to the others." She suggests as I nod in agreement.

But, my attention is drawn away as I hear Mr.Whiskers' meowing once again. I look around and notice him next to the log I used to be sitting on. I grin as I quickly scoop him up, "Holy shit! Me.Whiskers, you're here?!" I said both in shock and joy as I cradled the adorable feline in my arms. However, Kate looks at me confused, "Umm... (Y/n), who is Mr.Whiskers?" She asked confused. I smile and hold out the black cat, "My cat that I had before I was sucked into... where ever we are." I stated, my smiling growing as Mr.Whiskers begins to purr.

However, Late still seems confused, "(Y/n)... There is no cat." She said as she stepped towards me. I look at her dumbfounded, how couldn't she see or hear the obviously real cat in my hands? I look back down at Mr.Whiskers, thinking of what was happening. Was I going crazy? "No, there's no way I'd go crazy this quickly..." Thought to myself as Mr.Whiskers looked back at me. Then, I hear a faint whisper, "Gift... Others no see..." the unidentifiable voice said, echoing all around me.

I try to hide my reaction as an attempt not to seem intimidated by the voice, but, it seems like whatever was speaking to me was in my head as it began to laugh. I nod and put Mr.Whiskers on the ground, confused as all hell, and followed Kate back to the camp leaving the monster in the clearing. Then just as quickly as we arrived at the clearing, we were back in the camp.

When we arrived at the camp, a majority of the other survivors had returned to whatever they were doing before my arrival. I assumed that they've been here the longest and that the shock of new people emerging from the mist has simply faded away. The others around the campfire seemed interested in my arrival, probably with how I would do in the trials Late has told me about. However, there were three people who stood out the most to me, a girl dressed in what looked like a videogame team uniform was watching me with interest while attempting to seem preoccupied with something else. The other two were much easier to notice as they have been the only two, other than Kate and David, who's approached me.

"Hello!" The man in what looked like a lab coat said politely, offering his hand for a handshake, albeit less aggressively than David did earlier. I smile and take it, "What's up guys?" I asked the two. The guy with scraggly black hair and dark-colored vest spoke next, "Oh, you know, just trapped in this nightmare with a bunch of murderers..." He said awkwardly. I kinda give him a side glance, slightly weirded out by his behavior. He seems to notice this as he lets out a large sigh, "Sorry, I've become somewhat of an insomniac because of Freddy and I don't know what I'm saying some of the time." He apologizes as I take a closer look at him, and sure enough, he looks like he hasn't slept for days.

I nod, giving him a smile, "No problem. Now it's my turn to be awkward, who are you two?" I asked as Kate giggled from behind me. The man in the lab coat smiles again and begins his introduction, "My name is Adam Francis-" Suddenly, my attention is brought to the scraggly haired boy as he seems to become more alert, "And I'm Quentin Smith..." He jumped in, introducing himself before Adam could, rather loudly I might add.

However, our introductions are unfortunately cut short as the campfire nearly doubles in size and intensity. I look on in shock as everyone else practically ignores the roaring flames as if it were a normal occurrence. Then, just as suddenly as it happened, the fire subsides. Then, I hear it, screaming, "Holy fuck! What the fuck just happened?!" I hear someone shout from the fog, the voice getting closer. It doesn't take long for a person to emerge from the fog, putting a face to the screams, and it just so happens to be a face that I know.

"Jeff?!" I asked shocked, a smile forming on my face as he comes running at me with no signs of stopping. Luckily, he noticed that me standing in front of him, skidding to a stop and practically collapsing to the ground, "Holy shit man, what happened to you and the girl?!" He asked me between short breaths. I try to ask him what he meant but he starts rambling, "T-there was this guy with a knife and he tried to f-fucking kill us, man! He was wearing this weirdo mask and was c-covered in blood- and then there was another d-dude with a metal arm- he fuckin' killed him! Hung him up on a meat hook and these-!" I grab Jeff by the shoulders and shake him, breaking him out of whatever kind of trance he put himself in, "What happened to Susie?!" I asked him, worried about our missing third member that was lost in the fog.

But, Jeff doesn't answer me as he only looks down sadly. I stand to my feet and grip my head in anger. If it weren't for my stupid after-party, if it weren't for my sudden interest in Susie, neither Jeff nor Susie would have gone into these woods. It's my fault Jeff is stuck in this hell while Susie is God knows where...

(Sorry if it seems rushed at the end and for any grammar mistakes, I'm very tired and I've already taken a long ass time to update.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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