Chapter 1: The Golden Paw

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(Y/n) Pov.

Friday the 13th - 08:00pm
4 hours before First Trial

I look at myself in the mirror of the makeshift dressing room and as always, I feel the pain of my past creep up my spine and spreading throughout my body. I feel my breath getting faster as I start panicking, now seeing the faces of my old family and hearing their sickening words, "You're nothing but a parasite. Just a burden to your father and I." my mother says as she stands above my crying 5-year-old form. Suddenly, I feel the sting of a belt buckle across my face as my father looks down on me, "Stop crying, you little bitch! I can't believe Martha gave birth to such a pathetic excuse for a human being." He says slurring his words as he takes a chug out of the large whiskey bottle in his hand.

Suddenly, I'm broken out of my panicked state by a meow and something soft rubbing against my hand which had a vice grip on the table. I look down and see Mr.Whiskers looking back up at me with a look of concern as he nudged my hand with his fuzzy head. I chuckle and give him a small smile, thankful he's always been there to snap me out of my breakdowns, "I'm alright, just some pre-performance jitters." I say jokingly as I scratch under the black cat's chin, getting a quiet purr in response.

Looking back into the mirror I suddenly notice that I've worn the same attire to nearly every one of performances. I take note of the needed apparel change and check the time, "5:27, nearly showtime." I say to myself as I move away from the mirror and to the door, nearly forgetting my phone on the way out. As I'm shutting the door, I hear another meow as Mr.Whiskers attempts to follow me out of the room. I chuckle at his failed attempt at sneaking out and gently push him back into the room, "Sorry buddy but you can't come upstage with me." I say to the now pouting cat. I give him another smile and give him a scratch before leaving and shutting the door behind me.

When I walk out of the room, I'm greeted by a long hallway with a number of dressing rooms on each side. Because my room was at the end of the hallway, I had no choice but to go left towards the loud bass coming from the stage. As I walk by the rooms, I look at the nameplates of the different artists performing in the event. While I read each name in my head, I realize that they've been placed in the same order that they are performing, I guess that's why my room was at the very end.

Upon reaching the end of the hall, I start climbing the stairs to behind the curtains to the right side of the stage. Taking a peek out into the audience I see a sea of people all bouncing to the beat of the song, nearly knocking down the barricade which kept them away from the stage, "You know, most of them out there are only here for you." a familiar voice said from behind me. A large smile spreads across my face as I turn to see my greatest friend from my hometown.

"Stone! How have you been man?" I asked him using his old nickname from our early days and raising my arm. He smiles and takes it, bringing me in close and patting me on the back, "I've been doing pretty good Mr.Big Shot." he said jokingly, "So, what'll you be doing tonight? Other than the groupies upfront." He says pointing to the front of the barricade where two girls are wearing some shirts with a logo I had designed for dedicated fans. However, one of them seems to spot me as she points me out to her friends, including a pair of guys who had pushed to the front to be with them, before taking off her top revealing her decently large breasts with my name is written in red paint. I smile and move back behind the curtains with a chuckle, "Well, I'll be performing an older song." I said handing him a packet with all of the songs being performed tonight.

He flips through until he finds my section and looks at my song selection. Suddenly, his face contorts as he tries to hold back his laughter but eventually fails as the performance ends meaning my turn us next, "Really dude? You can't sing this, we wrote it back when we didn't even know how to keep a steady beat!" He says reminiscing the day we had decided to try and write our own rap. But, when he lifted his head to see if I was joking or not, I had already grabbed the mic and started moving onto the stage.

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