She tries to work whenever she can to help pay off at least her ballet shoes which gets exchanged every few weeks, and partly of her tuition.

"Ne~ I'll be heading out now!" Jisoo bows before she left.

The sun has now set and the street grew dimmer. The only source of lights were from the street lamp that was present only every few blocks.

Jisoo being the fearless she was, was never afraid of walking alone at night after shifts. Her logic was that her house was only a few minutes away and that she knew enough self-defense moves to help when danger does come her way.

She proceeded to make her way home, her earphones in and listening to classical music. Her fingers sway to the beat.

After a while, Jisoo felt chilling presence behind her. When she turned her head around, she was only greeted by silence.

She shrugged it off and continued to walk, but this time slightly faster.

Before Jisoo could react, a cold pair of hands wrapped tightly around her body, pulling her in one of a back alley.

"Shhhh don't scream or else... I'm not going to hurt you Jisoo." the man in black said covering Jisoo's mouth.

Quickly Jisoo's eyes wavered from fear. For a second she felt her life flash before her eyes. Was this really how I'm going to die she thought.

Jisoo nodded and eyed the man letting him know she wasn't going to scream. She took a few steps back to get a clear view of the man. He had a full on black attire, black mask, black hat, black long sleeves and pants.

"Wh—why are you doing this?" Jisoo stutters in fear.

"Listen to me Jisoo-ssi..." he spoke so casually towards Jisoo as if they were close friends.

"Ever since I first I first laid my eyes on you... I knew I had to have you. Can't you see?! We're meant to be together!" His eyes gleamed with evil.

Jisoo flinched. This voice sounded quite familiar. 

"Jinyoung is that you?" Jisoo asks the man in black. 

The unknown man laughed crazily and removed his mask. "See I knew you would recognize me. How could you not when you and I are meant to be." 

Jisoo's breathing became heavier and heavier. Her thoughts became clouded. What would this psycho want with her.  She wanted to move, but her fear overcame her and was frozen on the spot.

Jinyoung was a regular customer at the café. His calm and handsome features convinced Jisoo he was just a nice warm customer who often made small talks with her. 

"Please just let me go—I promise we can talk about this tomorrow when it's bright..." Jisoo tries to bargain.

"You really think I'd let you go when I finally got you?" Jinyoung chuckled and began walking closer to Jisoo.

 Jisoo knew being afraid and doing nothing won't get her anywhere. She began to look around and tried to get a grasp of the situation she was in and tried to plan an escape.

The self-defense she was so confident of, she knew it would come handy one day.

Jisoo yelled loudly causing  Jinyoung to quickly cover her mouth in response. 

She bit the finger of the sinister man which made him scream in pain.

Jisoo knew that was not enough, she had to impair his mobility somehow so that it'll give her more time to run.

Jisoo hastily kicked Jinyoung's precious region, causing him to crouch down. She took the opportunity to grab his free arm and dislocated it's attachment.

Speedily Jisoo made a run for it.

After what seemed like a good distance to stop running, Jisoo slowed down and looked around thinking she was now safe.

"Do you really think you can get away that easily sweetheart? I've been watching you for months and I've planning for this day... I've made countless outcomes of how you would react and to my surprise you ended up reacting the way I least expected... AND that is why I love you, you're different." Jinyoung whispers into her ear and swiftly moves his disgusting hands around Jisoo's cheeks.

"I've been waiting to taste you. You know how much I had to control myself in front of you? You know how hard it's been?" Jinyoung yells in frustration, his eyes filled with lust.

"YOU'RE CRAZY!" Jisoo yelled spitting at his face.

Jinyoung smirked and wiped the saliva off his face and proceeded to lick it.

"Mhhmm" he moaned.

He slowly closes the gaps between them. He first sniffs Jisoo's scent in and start kissing her neck.

"PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!!!!" Jisoo desperately yells but was covered by his hand once again. Jisoo closes her eyes hoping this was all a dream.

"What the-" Jinyoung yells as he was kicked off Jisoo.

Jisoo dared to open her eyes and found V fighting the man off. She reacted quickly and moved furthest away from the man in black.

"Don't you ever dare show your filthy face in front of Jisoo again if you still want to live. AND mark my words when I say that you won't be off the hook next time." V yells full of rage. His hands covered in blood was still shaking from all the impact of the punches he threw.

Jinyoung quickly stumbled as he rushes out running for his life.

V heard a loud sigh behind him and remembered the person he was protecting.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" V asked full of worries, as he touched her body hurriedly.

Jisoo flinched. She fixed herself and walked away emotionless, still in shock of everything that has happened.


I know this chapter is a little violence heavy but don't worry the story will not revolve around that. Maybe one day I'll write a story like that hehe. But thanks for the reads everyone! Don't forget to comment and vote ❤️❤️


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