"I didn't ask for a book review, nerd," the blond grumbled and Midoriya snapped his mouth shut with an audible clack of his teeth. Mina could imagine the boy letting out a sheepish grin and his face turning red in embarrassment of being caught in one of his rambling sessions. Mina always thought it was cute but she also found it really intriguing as it somewhat gave an inkling to how Midoriya's mind worked. She never doubted the boy's intelligence but it was at times like these that she was simply reminded of it.

Another pause of awkward silence filled the air as she snapped out of her thoughts; the silence soon breaking as the blond scoffed, seemingly just as done with the silence. "Macbeth's definitely better than that stupid Hansel and Gretel shit, nerd-"

"It's Romeo and Juliet, Kacchan-"

"-Macbeth has witches and shit. Murder too."

"But Romeo and Juliet had murder as well."

"Yeah, which sorta made it tolerable, I guess. It's just-"

Bakugo let out a sigh, and the girls continued to strain their ears as the silence returned.

"Someone desperately wanting to be number one or a King, in this case, and getting blinded by his ambitions and greed, only to fuck up everything he had because he was too focused on becoming number one."


"Shit- he killed his best fucking friend, a good king, he fucking killed children and he thought he was in the right. He did so much wrong and expected to live a happy ending; he's a fucking idiot."

Both girls held their breath as the silence ringed in their ears. What was going on? There was some underlying meaning behind those words, as if the blond was talking about...himself? But that didn't make sense- Bakugo didn't kill anyone, although he did say he would do anything to be the number one hero. Ahhh, this is why English isn't my strong suit. If things weren't so serious, Mina would've been writing all this down in hopes of helping her on the test tomorrow.

As if realizing the implication of his words, the blond spoke in a much louder voice, almost as to get rid of the silence. "It just reminded of a kid I met or whatever- nothing important."

Another moment of tense silence passed before Midoriya spoke up, startling the two girls as they had temporarily forgotten about the other in the kitchen. "He reminds me of a kid I met too, although the difference I've seen between the two is- well, first of all, this boy didn't kill anyone."

An amused huff came from the blond in response. "Well, no shit, Deku. What kind of fucking kids do you associate with? Bet it's fucking Karen Bitch's son."

"Okay, one- his name is Ryan-"

"Fuck off-"

"And two- you're the one who said the play reminded you of a kid first! For all I know, you could be the one hanging out with a bunch of Macbeth Juniors!"

"Macbeth Juniors? The fuck? It sounds like something you'd get in a happy meal."

Mina began to feel relieved at the sound of Midoriya letting out a snort before it dwelled into soft giggles, and if she focused on the sounds hard enough, she could make out the faint chuckles from the blond. Things were getting a bit too serious and she was concerned about Bakugo, still is. She was in awe of how Midoriya was able to cheer up Bakugo so quickly; it often took hours or sometimes even days for the Bakusquad to get their leader out of one of his moods, but Midoriya's just able to do it so easily. They seemed to be doing that a lot lately, ever since their 'mysterious' battle at Ground Beta, they've been building each other up. What a perfect couple, indeed. Now if only they could just get over themselves and kiss.

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