A Sky Returns (a kiss before dying)

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3rd person view

The Mayor's Jubilee was supposed to change everything. Be a new start. But when we woke up the next morning, Riverdale was still, at its heart, a haunted town. Meanwhile, Archie Andrews, who doesn't even have a driver's license yet, is at this very moment careening down the streets of Riverdale, trying to outrace death.

"Hold on, Dad, hold on. Hold on, Dad. We're almost there. We're almost there. They're gonna fix you up. Stay with me, Dad, stay with me."

Now, I don't believe in miracles, usually, but it was a miracle that Archie got his dad to Riverdale General without wrecking the truck.

"Help, please. Help, hey! Someone help me and my dad."


"What happened to him?"

"He was... He was shot."

"Sir, can you hear me? Can you tell me your name?"

"His name's Fred Andrews."

"He's not responding."

"Massive blood loss, it looks..."

"Let's go."

"He's in shock."

"Sir, I'm sorry, I need you to step away."

"One, two, three!"

"I'm right here, Dad, I'm right here. Okay. I'm right here. I'm right here." In a dream memory

"Dad? What gives? Take the picture"

"The ceremony starts in the gym in ten minutes."

"Yeah, Dad, what's taking so long?"

"I... Just can't believe we're here, Archie. We're at your graduation. I... I didn't think I'd live to see this day."

"Yeah, except you didn't, Mr. A."


"You didn't live to see this day."

"Don't you remember? At Pop's?"

"Everybody down!"

"Good morning, sweetheart. So, what did you and your friends do after the Jubilee?"

"Oh Heaven and Evan didn't go but the rest off us went to Pop's. And then, Jughead and I went back to FP's trailer."

"Oh, Betty. If that beanie-wearing cad defiled you, at least please tell me that you were safe."

"What? No, Mom, we didn't. I mean... We almost did, but then we were interrupted..."

"Well, thank God."

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