Dr. Conners: I have some news.

Moon Knight grabbed him by his collar.

Moon Knight: It better be good news or I will cut off your tail and feed it to Venom.

Venom: I'm not eating that.

Moon Knight: I wasn't asking.

Dr. Conners broke free from the lunatics grasp and straightened out his shirt.

Dr. Conners: It is good news. He's on his way.

Elise: My husband?

Dr. Conners nodded. He had been away on a mission which meant Moon Knight or Venom had to step up to help Elise.

Creator: Then we'll leave. Meet him somewhere safe.

Moon Knight looked at you and decided that he was going to do everything in his power to protect you. Venom swore his loyalty already to your father and mother. Suddenly, there was a blast which shook the entire compound.

Dr. Conners: They're already here?!

Elise: No.

Moon Knight pulled out his staff and moved in front of Elise.

Moon Knight: Stay back. I'LL TEAR THEIR HEADS OFF!

Venom: They can't get to the boy no matter the cossst.

Moon Knight watched as men in yellow uniforms stormed the compound. Dr. Conners and Venom leaped into action while Creator and Moon Knight lead Elise out of the room. As they raced down the halls, Moon Knight spotted soldiers rounding the corner. He quickly pulled out a stack of knives and threw them which all landed. The three of them then rushed to the helipad. All they needed to do was get Elise and you on the helicopter.

They reached the roof but stopped when Venom was thrown through the roof. He landed as a grapple shot out. From the hole emwrged Taskmaster. Moon Knight pulled out his staff and prepared for battle. He may know some of his moves but Moon Knight was more than one person.

Taskmaster: Quite the group you got here. I'm so glad I get to kill you all.

He pulled out his bow and took aim. He fired off an explosive arrow and Moon Knight moved infront of the others to shield them. It was actually Venom who took the hit. The fire burnt him causing him to fall down.

Taskmaster: A symbiote?

Moon Knight threw his staff at Taskmaster who caught it. He then spun it back around and threw it towards Elise. Moon Knight jumped in front of her and took the spear. He fell over in pain but pulled it out and stood back up. His white armor was now stained red.

Creator: We refuse to give you the child!

Taskmaster: I don't want that thing. Neither does Doom. He hates loose ends.

Taskmaster pulled out a blade and dashed towards Elise. Moon Knight blocked his blow and tried to hold him off. Elise kneeled down next to Venom.

Elise: Venom? If you can hear me than please, please protect my son.

Venom growled as he tried to gather himself. Taskemaster broke the hold and kicked Moon Knight away before throwing his sword towards Elise. It landed. Elise fell over with you in her arms.

Moon Knight: ELISE!

He turned back around but an explosion knocked him off his feet. Taskemaster stared at them through the flames before dissappearing. Moon Knight was about to purse him but stopped when Creator called out to him.

Creator: Moon! Get over here!

Moon Knight hesitated but rushed back to the old man.

Creator: Y/N is still alive. Take him and Venom. Hide him away somewhere safe. I'll regroup with you all once I find Conners.

Moon Knight nodded and picked up the child. He then looked down at Elise. She slowly reached for him. He grabbed her hand.

Elise: P-rotect him.

She took off her ring and handed it to Moon Knight.

Elise: Please.

Moon Knight watched as her hand fell. She was gone. He picked up the child and Venom before rushing off.

He endes up in a random New York alleyway where he set you down. He then looked over to Venom who was mostly put back together.

Moon Knight: You better look out for him or so Gods help me I will tear you up until you're nothing left.

Venom slowly moved to you and covered your body.

Venom: On my word.

The three beings sat there in that alleyway as the sun began to set.
You clenched the rin in your hand as Moon Knight finished his story.

Venom: I can remember bitsss and piecessss.

Y/N: My mom died protecting me.

Moon Knight: She loved ye kid. A WHOLE BUNCH.

You stared at the ring for a second before putting the necklace on. You tucked it into your shirt.

Y/N: So now, only three Strikers are left?

Moon Knight: Four! Me, Venom, Conners, and Big and Hairy.

Y/N: My dad?

Moon Knight nodded.

Y/N: Who is he?

Moon Knight looked at you for a moment before shrugging.

Moon Knight: I can't seem to remember. Probably a bastard.

You looked back into the sky and sighed. At least your father was alive. That's all that mattered. Maybe one day, you'll get to meet him.

Suddenly, your phone went off. You answered it.

Y/N: Hello?

Widow: St-y aw-- f-o- t-e to-er!

The line went dead and you stood up.

Moon Knight: Haha. You looked like a meerkat.

Y/N: I think thr tower is being attacked!

You ignited your feet as Moon Knight hopped up and got on the bike. You blasted off and headed towards the tower.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now