"I can see that shukaku is giving you trouble." I said. They gave me confused looks.

"Shukaku is the name of your biju. Mine is Kurama. If you want, I can help you. I might be able to get him to be more submissive." The other two looked at gaara.

"Well, what would happen?" He asked.

"Me and Kurama will enter your mind and have a little talk with your him." Gaara hesitated, then nodded his head. The other two sand shinobi stood ready if I where to pull anything. As I walked towards him, I made a bunch of hand signs then placed two fingers on his forehead, entering his mindscape.

"Has my vessel finally come to see me! I am so tired of you calling me mothe-" Shukaku started, but the kyuubi cut him off.

"Can't you give your jinchuriki some sleep! Honestly. I will make your life a living hell if you don't treat him with more respect!" Kurama yelled. I didn't think he cared all that much. It's probably because I'm here.

"O-Ok! ok. Fine. But only if he stops calling me mother, it's weird." Kurama seemed content with that answer, so we exited his mind.

"Alright. Done." I told them when I opened my eyes. Gaara blinked a few times, and looked at me.

"I don't barely anymore bloodlust." He said, surprising Temari and Kankuro.

"Thank you." Gaara said bowing.

"Th-there's no need to bow! If your biju gets out of hand again, just ask for me, I'll be happy to help!" I said.

"There has to be a way to repay you." Gaara said bowing again. I wasn't used to the flattery, and felt a little uncomfotable. I also felt something else in my chest I couldn't quite place.

"I-It's fine! Also, you guys are here for the chunin exams, correct?" they nodded.

"Well, I'll see you there!"

-timeskip braught to you by saiki k being awesome-

I watched as a boy wearing to much green with black hair was kicked back from the door by two shinobi. I noticed the genjutsu right away.

"we can see through your illusion. We're going to the third floor." Sasuke said. I hit him on the back of the head.

"Idiot, the genjutsu was there to weed out a bunch of weaker candidates!" I scolded.

"Well well, you noticed toe illusion. Now let's see you deal with this!" One of the shinobi guarding the door as he went to kick Sasuke. Sasuke was about to strike back, but the weird bushy eyebrow kid caught their blows.

"What happened to the plan? I thought you were the one who said to keep a low profile and don't let anyone see our skill." Said someone I recognized as Hinata's cousin, Neji.

"I know, but-"

"Nevermind, it's over forget it." A girl with her hair in two buns said. I assumed those three are a team.

"Come on!" I said grabbing thier collars and dragging the up the stairs.

-timeskip brought to you by Gary and mooncake "Chookitypop!"-

After watching Sasuke get beaten up by rock lee, we made our way to room 301.

"Oh, it's you guys. I knew this was going to be a drag." Shikamaru said. Choji was behind him and Ino was latched onto sasuke. A second later, Hinata and her team arrived as well.

"It looks like the whole gang's back together again." Kiba said.

"Oh hi Naruto!" Hinata said, her eyes lighting up when she saw me.

"Man. Everyone's here for this stupid thing" Shikamaru said.

"Yup! All nine rookies are here!"

Hello! It's me, the author of this shitty book! Since Orochimaru is dead, the chunin exams won't go the same way they originally do, just going to tell you that now.

1180 words!

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