kneel - Negan

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“Sit.” Negan commands as you tramped into the room behind him. You glanced at the chair next to him, the chair that’s usually occupied by Simon. He stands from his own as you sit and takes a tiny step towards you, your eyes perfectly positioned at crotch level.

“Now," Negan began with a low voice," you’re gonna tell me what in the name of fuck that was out there.”

You look up at him slowly, bottom lip sucked up between your teeth. Your heart races and your palms are sweaty; you wish with every fibre in your body that you were anywhere else at this moment, hell even stuck in the middle of a herd of walkers would be an improvement. Especially because Negan didn’t take kindly to being shown up in front of his men, and took even less to being embarrassed in front of the entire Sanctuary.

You hadn’t meant to create such a shit storm. It was a slip of the tongue, or quite a few for that matter. Negan wouldn’t see it as a mistake though, seeing as this was like, your tenth mistake since you got to the sanctuary. A reasonable person would understand your reasoning seeing as you were dragged here kicking and screaming after he murdered your friends with his stupid fucking baseball bat. But unfortunately, reasonable people were on short supply these days.

“I mean, would you ever talk to your prick of a daddy with that mouth?” Negan asks, his face screwed up tight. You wanted no more than to lunge out of the chair and headbutt him in the nuts for talking about Rick, but somehow you managed to stay still.

Negan was staring at you, awaiting your answer. You sighed. "Sometimes."

“Sometimes?” Your answer made Negan chuckle, and it confused you. "Alright, and what would he do when you did?"

Rick and you were like carbon copies of eachother which caused the both of you to lock heads more times than enough, so the arguments sort of just ended in an angry stare and the next day the two of you would be fine.

"Nothing." You say, teeth gritted together.

Again, Negan chuckled. "I always knew that Prick was a big ol' softie, but my old man wasn't." Negan's smile dropped and all seriousness had returned. " Do you know what my pops used to do to me when I ran my mouth?Wash it out with soap.”

“Your daddy sounds like a smart man.” You say, eyes now rising to meet his as the air of humour plays on your words.

Negan smirks down at you as he lifts his gloved hand under your chin. “I ain’t gonna waste my precious soap. No sir." He smiles, "I've got somethin’ better for you. Somethin’ that’ll really make you choke.”

You could see the playfulness in his eyes and it made you swallow hard. In other circumstances you would have jumped at the chance to get something like this from Negan, but now? Not so sure.

It was obvious to everyone that you and Negan had become relatively close. The flirtatious behaviour from the both of you wasn't exactly inconspicuous. So it was fair to say that you had developed feelings for the 'Big Bad Wolf.'

"Negan." Your voice cracked as you said his name, which caused his next word to come out very low.


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