Left behind

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The large gates slid open, Rick came walking down to meet Negan but stopped upon meeting you.

You looked entirely different; before you were a smaller girl with bangs over your eyes and could barely even hold a gun. Now you stood next to Negan, hair in ponytail and a hand on your hip.

The rest of the citizens from Alexandria came out of their homes to look at the Saviors, some of them noticed you, some didn’t.

You stood near Negan with a gun in your hand and a small sly grin on your lips. You trailed over the people of Alexandria before turning back to look at Negan.

“So, as per usual. I’m here to take your shit.” Rick breathed out and stepped forwards, “Oh my god. (Y/N)”

Your head snapped towards him, eyes opened in surprise. Negan’s hand pushed Rick’s chest back, “Don’t know what the hell you’re thinking here. You are not touching (Y/N).” Your head bowed down as Negan laid his heavy on your shoulder.

“Negan. She’s one of us.” Rick’s husky voice spoke out, Negan shook his head and laughed.

“You’re the fucking group? The group that left her in that- what the fuck was it Darling? The prison?” You bit your lip and nodded. “Well (Y/N) here told me that her last fuckers of a group left her, and in the midst of all chaos I found her. Took ‘er under MY wing. Now she’s my fucking little girl. Ain’t that right? (Y/N)? Who are you?” You were silent. “Hm?”
“Negan.” Negan chuckled darkly before nodding his head to his men. “You heard me boys. Take their shit.”

You watched Negan’s men begin to ravage the cabinets and every crevice of Alexandria. “I don’t give a shit! Let me fucking see her!” There were loud footsteps coming towards you, your hands moved swiftly and pulled out your gun. “Don’t touch me, dick bag.” You spat out. The stranger was masked in the shadows, you couldn’t tell who it was until they spoke out,

“(Y/N).” You would know that voice anywhere, you missed his voice. He stepped forwards with his hands out cautiously. His hair was longer, much longer; he still wore his large sheriff’s hat.
Your eyes scanned him up and down and he did the same. He noticed how you had cuts and bruises but your eyes were hardened, he saw that your little scar from running into the Jail Cell door was still there. You noticed he only had one eye.

He grabbed your arms and pulled him close to his chest, stroking your hair with his large fingers. “I.. I.” “We thought you died.” You hardened again and said, “You left me. Everyone left me to die. You left me to die! I was there, fighting to keep our people safe and you just. You let me there to rot.”

Carl leaned back, “We went to look for you. But it was too risky. Please.”

“Negan found me. Kept me safe. Kept me hidden. And I. I can’t even look at you.”

He shook his head and shuffled closer than he’d ever been before. “Negan killed us. He killed our group, Glenn? He’s gone.” Tears welled up in your eyes.
“Stay here. Stay here with me. I still. I still love you.” You missed him so much it almost hurt when he touched you.

“B-but I can’t leave. I owe him my life.” The two of you embraced tightly.

“Well ain’t this fucking beautiful?” The two of you broke apart to face Negan’s rough face. His clad leather glove was leaned up against his chin with a shit faced grin on his lips and a beer bottle was in his other.

“As much as I love a fairy tail ending, well. We have to got to get going now, can’t be missing supper can we, little bear?”
Negan taunted you. “I just crack myself up. (Y/N) we’re leaving.”

You tore yourself from Carl and began walking towards Negan. A hand gripped your wrist, “You’re not leaving me.” Carl hissed.

“Listen kid, as much as I like you I will not hesitate to destroy your fucking face with Lucille, (Y/N) we’re fucking leaving NOW.”

You jumped at Negan’s change of tone and immediately went to his side. “Say goodbye.” He ordered,

“Goodbye… Carl.” Negan patted your head and the two of you walked to the Trucks.

 “Negan. Negan please.” He chuckled at Rick’s attempts and yelled out the truck window, “Til next time.”

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