They play Mario Kart, and Tank-Tank she won both, of course. Saga also play claw crane. He didn't win anything though but he did tried —six times to be exact, until Kira decided it was enough. Saga protested about it, telling her he was so close but really he said that everytime and in Kira's defense, it was painful to watch him struggle and keep failing. So she asked him if they can play another shooting game instead because she quiet enjoyed it.

"Can I tell you something?" Saga asked, now that they're at the diner that was on the opposite of the arcade. They sat down near the window looking at the neon bright lights coming from the arcade.

"Sure," she took a bite of her fries. "What is it?"

"I was actually thirty minutes early today," He paused, looking at her cautiously. "Um...I was about to walk away from my car when I saw your father about to enter the shop."

Kira didn't know what to say, does that mean he listen their arguments? she asked herself. Not that he would understand it if he did, they were speaking Korean. As if he was reading her mind he continue,

"I didn't eavesdrop or anything, I stay near my car and waited before I decided I had enough waiting" he said still looking at her cautiously, afraid that it'll upset her. "but I mean, I could see your expression from the window. It just seems bad. I couldn't help but wonder what happened,"

Kira sigh, still not sure what to say to him. She could feel his eyes was watching her every small move. She look up to see his eyes and was greeted with such concern and warmth. There were so many emotions dancing in his eyes. She love it, yet it confused her.

Frowning, she look down. Breaking the eye contact.

She never felt so much emotions coming from a guy before. The guy she knew were always so composed that it makes them look rigid and cold. It's safe to say that Samuel Gale is different. She haven't decide if that was a good thing or a bad one.

"Kira," he called, making her look up to see those beautiful eyes again. He grabbed both of her hands and wrap it into his. "I wasn't asking you to talk about it, I was just letting you know that I'm here if you ever need a company."

"Are you really though?" The words came out before she could even stop it. She sound vulnerable and fragile. She doesn't like it.

"I'm always gonna be here for you, Kira." he replied slowly, kissing the back of her hand. The small gesture that make her heart burst in joy, "I'll always be here. I promise"

Kira hesitated, "Promises are made to be broken, Samuel."

"Alright then, it's not a promise but it's an oath." he replied, "I, Samuel Gael. Oath to always be there for you, Kira Cho. Whatever happens, I'll always be there for you. Just give me the time and place, and before you know it I'll be right next to you."


The drive back was silent. It wasn't awkward or anything, it just a comfortable silent with Kira who quietly hummed some of the song that was played on the radio and it made him smile. He love that she was comfortable enough to do that in front of him,

Everybody's Changing by Keane was playing when Kira suddenly jump on her seat, "No way! I love this song"

Saga chuckled and turn the radio up for her, she lean back on her seat and start singing along and he follow suit, not even trying to sound good and it made her laugh. They ended up singing their hearts out and it sounds terrible. He loved every moment of it, so does she.

They were still laughing when saga parked the car and Kira notice that her car is back. She look at the her unit patio when a certain movement catch her eyes. She could see their sliding door are wide open and she could see a familiar red hair pacing around the room. She didn't think much about it until she sees the person in front of Reena.

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