Chapter Thirty

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fiddy22 This chapter is for you dearest Yinmu🤗😍😘

It is funny how life goes on with or without you. It doesn't matter how loved you are or how great you've been. People will grieve over your loss and probably hurt forever but their lives go on, they keep doing what they've been doing when you were alive, they will eat, smile, laugh, cry and do it over and over again sometimes missing you, sometimes forgetting that you existed and there will come a time when you'll just be a memory, someone who was in their lives but not anymore and that's practically it.

If you're lucky, they remember you and include you in their duas, asking Allah to have mercy on you and grant you repose from the torments of grave, they may whisper it or say it in sujood. It doesn't matter how though, because that's the ultimate form of love; to be prayed for long after you're gone.

Rufaidah got over her grief weeks after Mommy's death and went back to work, she often visit her dad who no longer stays at home but travels round the world thinking it might make him forget or lessen the pain he feels. Al'amin got a job offer in one of his Father's friend's company and he's more than ecstatic to start because he has been dreaming about working there for ages. Most of the maids in the Sa'ad's mansion were dismissed leaving only a few behind since there's no one to take care of when daddy is around and Shams has packed out to Uncle Jibran's.

A year ago, if you tell the siblings that they will miss their mother, cry and grieve over her demise, they will deny vehemently and tell you they will not, that she means nothing to them but now they are regretting the years they spent apart, hating and blaming her for the mistakes she made. Realizing just how short life is. As easy as it is to forgive than forget, they've forced themselves to forget the past, to wear their scars like a crown and move on.

Mas'ud went back to the states to pack his belongings and finally come home. Saying he can't be happy anywhere but where he has his siblings and extended family around. He calls and texts Rufaidah and Shams everyday to catch up on lost time.

Al'amin came home to a far away looking Rufaidah with hands on chin.

"Hey babe! How was work?" A'amin brought Rufaidah out of reverie handing her a tube of ice cream he grabbed on his way back home from work. He had been saying the Salam for long which she didn't hear at all.

"Uhh! Hello. Alhamdulillah. When did you come in? Welcome back how was yours?" She asked, collecting the tube from him and avoiding his eyes.

Al'amin sat beside her drawing her close. "A while ago, what were you thinking of? You seemed loss" he enquired, kissing her forehead.

"Life in general I guess" she replied with a shrug taking a spoonful of her favorite flavor.

"You shouldn't be thinking all the time whenever you are alone okay? In shaa Allah mommy is in a better place. Allah loves her more than we do, she was a gift to us, we all are a gift to others which will be taken away someday, don't you think it is better if we pray for the ones we've lost and enjoy the time we have before we finally leave this world too? Thinking, grieving and crying won't bring her back but at least our duaas will in shaa Allah give her repose in grave and Allah may accept it and have mercy on her" he consoled tracing invisible circles on her palm.

"I know Malik, I do know that and am trying. I was even thinking about Yaya Mas'ud, how it will be good if he gets married. I don't want him to come back and stay in that house all alone with no one to take care of him but maids. Considering his past life, he might relapse"  She confessed her fears.

"You're right Noor, Mama was saying the same thing the last time I went to see her. Let him come home first, I'm sure he will love the idea but who are we going to marry him to? You know his past and it will be unfair to lie about it, the truth will come out one way or another"

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