Chapter Eighteen

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Two months have passed since she last heard from Ya Al'amin as she went back to her usual routine of working five days a week and going to islamic school during the weekends. She wanted to call him or text him but she didn't know what to do or where to start from. If only Reedah is alive she would've told her what to do. Hajar and Zuby are not reliable as they will just make fun of her. Ummi is busy with her studies and Yaya Shams, well Yaya Shams will give her a good advice but then he's her brother on one hand and Al'amin's Besty. She cried out her frustration  into her pillow, closed her eyes, took a deep breath and dialled Al'amin's line before she could change her mind. He picked at the second ring as if he has been waiting for her call all his life.

"Assalamu alaikum Noor" his cool voice hit her ears.

"Wa'alaikassalam, how are you?" She cringed at how casually she sounded. It is an impromptu call and she hasn't planned on what to tell him, she just know that she wanted to hear his voice to keep her sanity in check and a part of her want to know if he has given up on her after hanging him to dry for too long.

"I wasn't fine but I am now Alhamdulillah. How are you? Your health and everything ?" He replied after a few beats. She replied in the affirmative and the conversation flowed from there without any of them making it awkward. They talked about everything and nothing, he told her some funny jokes that got her in tears and she told him about the movies she had watched and their visit to an Almajiri school, how her heart went out for all of them especially the very young boys and what not.

"Aunty Rufy Mommy is back " Ummi came in panting from excitement or running the stairs. Rufaidah's heartbeat stopped for a second before it started beating rapidly. She had forgotten about the impending doom awaiting her when her parents get back. She is finally getting her life  back on track, she might have fallen in love even but they have to come back and put her back to the same misery they created with their own hands in her life. She nodded at Ummi who is expecting her to bolt out of the door to welcome her parents.

"Can I call you back later please? Mommy and daddy are back" she said in a sad tone.

"Okay Noor. Just take care okay? Don't stress yourself over anything, have sabr and treat them kindly. I love you" he consoled before clicking off the call.

Rufaidah wrapped her veil around her head after typing a quick text to Yaya Shams informing  him of their parent's arrival before heading to mommy's room who is busy barking orders at the maids. She looked on edge but her skin is glowing.

"Good afternoon mommy, how was your trip?" Rufaidah greeted her mother who is oblivious of her presence.

As if she has been thorned by a prick, Hajiya Aisha turned towards her daughter whom she have hurt so much and don't even know where to begin mending.

"Rufaidah!!! I didn't know you are at home. How are you? Where is Shams? Guess what? We visited your other brothers and they promised to come here soon" she rambled excitedly. Rufaidah shook her head, gave her mother a sad smile and asked if she can help with anything.

"No my dear, the maids will take care of everything, just make sure you come down for dinner, am happy to see you looking good"

She went to her Father's wing from mommy's room. He looked shocked as if he has seen a ghost. She plastered a fake smile, sat beside his legs and pay her respects.

"My baby! Look how big you've become. How have you been?" He asked patting her head with something akin to pride in his eyes.

"Alhamdulillah daddy, how was your trip?"

"It was fine but you weren't there to make it lively. Why didn't you come dear?" He asked sounding disappointed.

"We felt it's better if we go to the holy land instead. And alhamdulillah it was the best trip of my life" she replied with gritted teeth. He didn't even acknowledge the fact that she was sick and hospitalized.

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