Chapter Twenty Nine

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I have no excuse for not updating. I've just been lazy, blocked and every bad thing in between. Hope you're all fine and staying indoors? May Allah bring an end to this pandemic, grant the afflicted shifaa and protect the health workers selfless enough to take care of the sick. Ameen.


Mommy's condition is deteriorating everyday. They have nothing left to do than pray she gets better. She refused to be flown abroad for advanced medical care.

"I think you should reconsider Aisha. Look how lean you've become in a matter of days, you can't even eat solids. We all care for you and want you to get better even if it's not what you want" Mama complained after knowing about Mommy's decision to stay put in the hospital she has been admitted in.

"I know that I am going to die, please take care of Shams and Mas'ud for me as you've always been doing with Rufaidah. Help them find a good and pious wife with a heart of gold like yours. Don't abandon them like I did. I am truly sorry for all the things I've done to you since childhood. I don't deserve your empathy but the goodness in your heart will make it easier for you to forgive me"

"Haba Aisha! Stop saying rubbish please. Being sick doesn't mean you've been condemned to die. You will get well, choose a spouse for your guys, watch your grandkids grow in shaa Allah. As for my forgiveness, you have nothing to worry about my dear. Let bygones stay in the past where they belong. Just get well soon" 

"I know how I feel. Just be good to them when am gone. Be the mother they never have in me. May Allah bless you and your kin with a huge mansion in jannah. May tears never flow in your eyes, may you remain happily blessed till the day you breathe your last and your good deeds accompany you to the world beyond" she wiped a tear and turned to sleep.

Mama stayed with her until her breathing becomes even before she left mulling over the things mommy said. She knows a person who's dying  after seeing her precious Fareedah die right in front of her eyes. She is in a dilemma whether to tell Rufaidah and her brothers to come say and their  goodbyes.

Mama called them on her way home. She didn't tell them their mother might not survive the day. Just that they should go and see her together. Shams and Rufaidah left work early to pick Mas'ud and Daddy at home before proceeding to the hospital. It has become a tradition for them to visit her in the evening together.

She was sleeping when they arrived so they speak in hush tone until she finally woke up forty five minutes after their arrival.

"Sannu mommy, how are you feeling? What will you like to drink?" Rufaidah asked.

Mommy weakly nodded indicating she doesn't need anything. She motioned for them to come closer.

"I know that I've not been the best wife to you Sa'ad neither the best mother to you three and I am sorry. If am to turn back the hands of time, maybe I might have been but what is done is done. I am proud of all of you, of the people you have become despite being so damaged by us, for sticking together to make this family whole again, for your undeserving love, support and forgiveness. I love you all so very much and I wish I can have more time to show you how much and make amends.

Take care of your father for me, don't let him go back to his old ways, pray for me to find repose in my grave, don't cry because I was never there, you won't even miss me"

"You're just sick ma, not dying. Please stop it" Rufaidah interrupted her mother with a cracked voice.

"I regret a lot of things but not having you guys, you're the light illuminating my darkness. You complete me and I'm thankful to Allah for having you guys, you're better than I am, the best part of me. Allah ya muku albarka, na yafe muku duniya da lahira please forgive me too"

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