Chapter Four

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Rufaidah slid down on the rug,  her heart beating so fast it feels like it's going to split into two.

"I was at the hospital daddy, Faridah is in coma" she finally replied her fuming father after regaining her balance.

"Who did you inform before going out?" He seethed,  glaring at her.

"No one" she mumbled. As if pricked by needle, she abruptly got up looking at her father dead in the eyes, with no trace of fear in them.

"It is not like anyone cares about my well being daddy, not you, not mommy,  not my so called brothers that aren't even here  and definitely not yaya Shams who's always making my life miserable.  You are hardly ever here daddy!  When you're around you just spoil me with money and gifts which aren't the things I want,  it's always 'whenever you need something baby talk to my secretary,  I'll credit your account with a little something so that you won't need anything'" she mimicked his voice,  tears blurring her vision.

If she's to be honest,  daddy's secretary is more like her real father than her biological father ever is. She has known him all her life as the one who see to her every need right from necessities up to school fees and cars she change every time she please.

"What do you want from me Rufaidah?  Haven't I provided enough for you?  How can you accuse me of being absent despite the fact that I've been toiling day and night to give you the best of everything?" He meekly asked.

"What about your presence huh? What about you asking about my day, about school,  about my friends,  you don't even know Faridah that much do you?  She is my best friend dad! We have been friends since childhood yet you didn't even care when I told you she's in coma, she is the one keeping me sane when this house,  this family,  this empty shell is driving me crazy".

"Have you ever for once sat me down and tell me about your family?  Have you ever taught me something about life,  about the deen or anything that will prepare me for the worst?  Don't you think that I know about everything that made this family fall apart?  The reason why my brothers left you guys, the reason why mommy is miserable? How can I even respect you after what you did, the hurtful things you said about me? Daddy tell me how?" She wailed,  flailing her arms exasperated.

"Calm down Rufaidah, we will talk tomorrow, I can't even comprehend most of the things you are saying. Good night" with that he left the room, closing the door with a loud bang as her heart shattered into more pieces.

If it were a normal Muslim girl,  Rufaidah would've uttered some duas,  ask Allah to heal her,  to make things easy for her,  to mend her family but she doesn't know the importance of all those making it hard for her to seek help from One who control everything in her life.  She lay awake till dawn, thinking of her Besty,  thinking of how miserable she's going to be if God forbid she didn't wake up.

The next day,  she didn't leave her room neither holler at the maids to do her bidding. She ate the junk food she has in stock in her room the whole day. She called mama asking after Faridah and made some research about diseases that leads to medically induced coma since she has no idea what Faridah is suffering from.

At noon, she heard some faint noises coming from mommy's side of the house but she didn't even bother to peek. After all it might be Yaya Shams making a ruckus as he always do.

"Control freak" she scoffed.

"I don't think she knows, there is no way she will know" mommy's voice sounded frantic,  she was at Rufaidah's door.

"Let's go in and find out"daddy insisted.

"She isn't at home" countered mommy.  Tired of listening to their not so discreet voices Rufaidah opened the door for her parents but instead of letting them in,  she burst out " I know about my siblings that you aborted,  were they three? Six? Only Allah knows,  I know about your regrets of bringing me into this world and all the other dirty secrets you think you're hiding" that being said, she slammed the door at  her parent's opened mouthed , slacked jawed faces.

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