I would think you were Italian.

Start from the beginning

"Oh," my voice raised in a panic, "nothing, it's nothing, nevermind."

He was about to speak when the appearance of that same guard from Venice stopped him. Giovanni looked back to the man who came to him speaking in hushed Italian. Giovanni nodded his head, "Well, maybe Chance would like to join us?"

"But-" the guard for the first time spoke in english. Bastard, all this time he could speak english. I could kick his ass for making me feel out of the loop.

"Join where," I asked, more than happy to change the subject from my cry for help.

Giovanni dismissed the guard before giving me his full attention once more. "I am attending a charity today in Milan for women against violence. I know it is not very touristy, but I can assure-"

"I would love to," I admitted. Although a charity was far from touristy, I could not ignore an invitation for good. I had never attended a charity I assumed would be of high caliber if the King of Italy would be in attendance. I had always dreamt of running a charity of my own. I figured that would never happen, so why not take this opportunity now. "Will what I'm wearing be okay for the event?"

He smiled warmly, "It's perfect. It won't be for a couple of hours, so there is no sense to rush."

Once we got comfortable, I unleashed myself...rather accidentally. Giovanni listened as I described my decision on traveling to Italy all by myself, of course with the help of two Aperol Spritzer's inside of me. "Ever since I was a child the idea of becoming the ubiquitous woman who lives in a private villa that everyone gossips about was my dream. I watched the movie Under the Tuscan Sun, have you heard of it?"

"I believe my little cugina adores that movie. It is based on a book, no?"

"Yes, in fact, the house is on my list of places to go. Anyway, I loved Katherine. The woman who lives carefree and does what she likes. She loves ice cream and feathers and so she wears feathers and eats ice cream, whenever she wants to. She just carries on with life as he chooses, no matter the opinions of her others." That woman is like a dream. "And all I want is to have my own home somewhere deep in Italy with nothing to do than walk amongst Italians and eat gelatos day and night. A simple life, with no qualms and definitely no room for disappointment."


"Nobody knows me here or the dreams I may have conjured up in my ridiculous strive towards impressing my family. I came to Italy because it is one dream that cannot be tarnished and it brings me happiness. My family expects things of me, and as much as I want to accomplish everything, I also want to live a simple life in a simple manner with simple things." You know that feeling when your mouth is moving faster than your better judgement. That very thing was happening right now, in front of a handsome man far too superior to hear my decorated plaque of concerns. "There is nothing more appealing than starting over without the expectations, but I suppose you wouldn't have those thoughts."

"And why not," he was now pressing his index finger and middle finger against his temple, with his thumb resting against the bottom of his lip giving me his full attention, as always.

"Well, because you are the epitome of confidence and self assurance, and well, a King." Did he not know this? Is he becoming even more charming by the second?

"What makes you think I'm confident?" He frowned at my declaration. He doesn't know. He really doesn't know!

"Gio. Are you trying to fish for compliments right now," I placed my second, now empty glass of what was once Aperol Spritzer. He looked impressed, before signalling to the waiter for some water for me. "You really don't know you're confident?"

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