Lavender scented candles

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Kirby: "......oh my god, ah I'm sorry!" Kirby's face is turning red with embarrassment. This is not what she meant when she hoped of running into him.

Meta: "no no you're fine, I wasn't paying attention, sorry" Meta said lending a hand to Kirby who fell to the floor.

Kirby grabbed his hand and he pulled her up.

Kirby: "thanks.." She said moving a loose piece of hair from her face, she looked up at him. Wow what a perfect height ratio! I'm only like 4 inches shorter!

They both kinda stood there awkwardly until Kirby broke the silence

Kirby: "Tiff told me you came here a couple years ago, would you recommend that I stay?"

Meta: "Well I did didn't I?"

Kirby: "So should I?"

Meta: "Depends, can you live without modern technology?"

Kirby:"yeah what's with this place? The technology is of that of the middle ages, is this kingdom super poor or something?"

Meta: "I wouldn't say poor, it's just their lifestyle. This town just hasn't been introduced to the modern ages, now the reason for that is the king. Well he claims to be a king he's really just a dictator"

Kirby: "So why'd you stay then?" they both start walking in the same direction, Kirby having no idea where it leads.

Meta: "There's not many places that aren't over run by monsters, I saw that this place was practically free of them, so I stayed."

Kirby: "Not completely free" She said with a small laugh

Meta: "it's manageable"

Kirby: "I suppose so, besides, I'm tired of running"

Meta: "that too" He wanted to ask about where she came from but decided not to, he didn't like it when people asked of his so he wouldn't do the same. Respect.

Meta: "Have you made a decision?"

Kirby: "Even though the ruler of this place tried to kill me, there's no internet and a few monsters, I feel safe here. Plus the people here are very nice" She smiled at the last part

Meta: "I think you made a good choice" Kirby smiled again at his response

Kirby: "Is there anything I should know about living here?"

Meta: "Well, taxes are enormously high, governments corrupt, watermelons are the main form of agriculture, the towns people call themselves 'cappies' I don't know why, every castle worker has red hair and are mute I think, and lastly the population here is less than 100 not including the castle workers. Um... I think that's all"

Kirby: "noted"

They walk in silence for a moment until Kirby blurts out,

Kirby: "why do you wear a mask?" She couldn't help her curiosity

Meta was caught off guard by her random question

Meta: "Honestly I don't really have a reason" (what's his reason seriously idk)

Kirby: "ok then" take it off

Meta: "so what are you doing in the halls?"

Kirby "oh um just looking around, this castles huge"

Meta: "do you want me to show you the best places in the castle?" now we're getting somewhere

Kirby: "Yeahh" she said with an excited expression

Kirby x Meta Knight  -  human girl Kirby!! With lots of 𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu